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2005-01-09 | plant
I bought these cyclamens at a shop of the open air in Inari Shrine.

The price was half as much as usual and was 500 Yen a pot.
If I take good care of them, they will keep blooming till May.

Both red and white are beautifull!!


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2 コメント

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I prefer (Minatsuki)
2005-01-11 20:09:50
I prefer white one. I feel white one looks pure. Last month my families' acquaintance gave us a pot of red one. Now it's put on a shoe cupboard of the entrance, but... my mother also prefer white one and I've never seen her taking care of it.
Hello!! (ya421)
2005-01-12 13:44:41
I like both of them but the white one looks purer, doesn't it?

Please take care the red one too!!

