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Lion dance

2010-05-09 | diary

I heard the sound of pipe, drum, bell and gong from somewhere this morning.
It was the sound of Lion dance called Shi-shi-ma-i .
They come from Izumo in Shimane prefecture  around this time of the year and they go to house to house to dance.  It will bring us good luck , good health and so on.
It came to my house before noon and danced for a few minutes after giving me three kinds of notes.
By the way, this dance called I-se Da-i-ka-gu-ra is   specified  as an important intangible cultural heritage and formless folk customs cultural asset.
We should value cultures like this.

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Unknown (okadasakura)
2010-05-10 11:27:54
The group of Ise Daikagura came to my house also yesterday.
Do you know why they come from Simane prefecture ?
I think that the word Ise of Ise Daikagura means Mie prefecture.
To okadasakura san (yaya)
2010-05-10 18:29:42
I saw they were dancing in your front yard.

Perhaps the reason why they come from Shimane prefecture is because the branch of Ise Daikagura is there.

