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Bon Festival

2010-08-14 | diary

A praying mantis and a zinnia

Bon Festival is from August 13 to August 16.
It is a chain of events to which ancestral spirits are enshrined. 
Many people come back home and visits a grave. 
I also visited graves where my parents are sleeping today.
Of course I visited graves of my house the other day and cleaned it.
Priests are also busy in visiting houses to recite sutras in front of the Buddhist altar.  
And Bon dance is held here and there at this time of the year.
It is one of the big events for Japanese people. 


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3 コメント

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Unknown (okadasakura)
2010-08-15 21:30:01
Do you know a plant called Misohagi(ミソハギ) ?
The origin of the word, Misohagi,is 禊萩(Misogihagi).
Another names of Misohagi are 盆花,盆箸(Bonibasi).
The stems of Misohagi are used as chopsticks of offerings on 盆棚.
To okadasakura san (yaya)
2010-08-16 22:31:04
Thank you for telling me an interesting story about Misohagi.
I've heard the name of the plant, but I've never seen it yet.
So I will look for the plant while I take a walk.
Unknown (okadasakura)
2010-08-17 08:40:14
According to 広辞苑, Another names of Misohagi are 溝萩( Mizohagi), 精霊花, ミズカケグサ.

