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Under drying

2009-09-10 | plant

  Do you know what this is ?
A farmer is drying the plants to take out seeds.



July 29

Yes !

This plant is sesame.

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2 コメント

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I see the drying of sesame for the first time. (Cakeater)
2009-09-12 22:21:55
I never use sesame oil, I grind the fried sesame to put on the steamed brown rice. I'm proud of my brawn arms, but during the three months of summer, I stop steaming the brown rice owing to the easiness of rottenness to lessen my muscles. In the middle of September, I start cooking brown rice again to get back the muscles. The sesame is very important food for my life.

Your photos are very interesting.
To Mr. Cakeater (yaya)
2009-09-13 15:24:31
The price of sesame is not so high, but it takes much time to take out seeds from this plant.
But some farmers are enjoying to grow this plant.

I'm glad to know you had an interest in this article.

