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To the hill

2014-01-19 | diary

mountain named Banyu (186m)


Yesterday I went to 'Hall of the Medicine Buddha : Yakushi Dou' which stands on the middle of the hill with four neighbors who goes to our temple once a month to copy sutra. 

And we also climbed the top of the hill called Banyu.


to Yakushi Dou


There are big rocks beside the hall


Yakushi Nyorai

We began to down the hill from the hall, but we lost our way and we found that we were climbing mount Banyu.

So we kept climbing.

From the top of Mount Banyu

There used to be a fort more than 500 years ago.

It was three hours picnic, so we were all very tired.

But it was a nice time.

I went there three years ago for the first time and this was the second time.


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