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2010-02-13 | diary
Mouse on !


More than forty years have passed since my house was built and the corridor of toilet began to break.
So we had been walking there very carefully.
The other day, we had the floor renewed at last.
Now I can walk on the floor without paying attention.
Besides I feel smell of Japanese cypress.
I thank for the good job !
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2 コメント

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Unknown (okadasakura)
2010-02-15 10:50:08
When I repaired floor timbers of my old house few years ago, Many wood supporters under the floor(つか、束、束柱) were eaten by white ants.
Why was the corridor of your house damged ?
By white ants ?
To okadasakura san (yaya)
2010-02-15 18:28:21
I was wondering if white ants had eaten the wood under the floor.
But the carpenter said that it wasn't white ants.
So I don't know what kind of insect ate the wood.

