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At memorial service

2023-09-12 | diary

seeed of lotus

On Sunday, September 10th, I attended a memorial service for the first anniversary of my aunt-in-law's death.

I couldn't attend her funeral due to the coronavirus, so it was my first reunion with my cousins in a long time (17 years).

This time, the memorial service was held at Henjho-in Temple in Kurashiki City, a very splendid temple of the Omuro sect of the Shingon sect.

And the Buddhist priest chanted a sutra with a wonderful loud voice.

That's no wonder; the priest is a vocalist (his wife plays the piano) and his son was a student at Kunitachi College of Music.

His son majored in violin.

The priest is the head priest of a musical family.

My aunt was said to have received guidance from the chief priest in the chorus group.

I was reminded of the wonder of art.


Speaking of art... I was surprised to learn that my cousin's son's wife is also a ceramic artist who graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts.

Her name is Mami Furukawa.

By the way, is my cousin's son also artistic a bit ?

He runs a thrift shop called Off Bazaar.

I would like to go there again someday.


After chanting the sutra at the temple, we visited the grave by car.

  After lunch, we said "Please be fine and see you again'' and came home.

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