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Visit to a zen temple

2009-11-23 | diary

It was a warm day today, so I went sightseeing to a zen temple whose Japanese style garden is so wonderful.
The name of the temple is 'Daituu zen ji' that was built in 1760.
Beauty of red leaves and yellow leaves moved me very much as well as its garden.
Besides the temple itself was so splendid.

After that I went to Yakage.
I went to old inn ; 'Honjin where Atsuhime also seemed to have stayed during the trip to Edo.

These are the pictures.

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2 コメント

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Unknown (okadasakura)
2009-11-24 18:48:45
Feaw years ago,I also visited Daituuji temple(大通寺).
Do you know a place name,fishing with cormorants,in Japanease Ukai(鵜飼). Near the temple,The name of Ukai(鵜飼) survives
even now.
In the district of Ukai(鵜 飼),ancient times ,Nara era or more old era, Peoples fished with cormorants.

To okadasakura san (yaya)
2009-11-25 14:51:13
Thank you very much for telling me about the name of Ukai.
I didn't know that.

