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For summer season

2006-05-20 | animal


I went to a veterinarian to buy a medicine for my dog John.
Every summer season, I give him the medicine once a month from June to December to prevent him from getting an awful disease of filaria.
Bitten by the mosquito, dogs may get filaria.
Some people use the mosquito incense coil to prevent dogs from being bitten by the mosquito, but others use the medicine.

My friend's dog named Lucky.




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Hi (Minatsuki)
2006-05-20 22:12:54
I think medicine is better than mosquito coils to prevent him from mos. Becuase you have to keep an eye on the coil so as not to run out all the time.
Hello ! (ya421)
2006-05-21 13:50:15
I think so too .

And the mosquito coil isn\'t so effective as the medicine.

So I use the medicine every year.

