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The Olympic games

2004-08-12 | diary
This flower is 'rose mallow'.
In Japanese we call it 'fu-yo'.

At last, the Olympic games began before the opening ceremony.

I watched a soccer game by 'Nadeshiko Japan' yesterday at midnight. I became sleepy so I only watched half of it.
I knew they had won the game against strong Sweeden team this morning.

I have seen a soccer game by them once on T.V. It was a wonderful one and I was looking forward to watching them in Olympic games too.

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hi, (koko)
2004-08-12 17:31:48
I really like watching soccer game on tv!

anyway I saw the same flower's picture another blog today!

Is this the matter of chance?

Isn't it beautiful?

I did'nt know the flower called Fuyo.

I've learned lots of things since I began this blog.

This is wonderful!Don't you think so?

take care.
Oh! (ya421)
2004-08-12 21:15:58
Yes, it's beautiful.

It began to bloom these days.

I have the same feeling as you. The blog is really interesting.

By the way, are you all rigt?

My daughter also has had a sore throat and a fever since yesterday.

Take care, koko san!


