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The Sound of Zen

2008-11-27 | shrine and temple

The Sound of Zen
What is the silence of Zen ?
・・・・・Listen to the silence.

 I went to a zen -lecture that was held at Ta-ka-ha-shi culture hall yesterday afternoon.

 Following to the opening speech, there was a lecture by a writer; Ki-yo-shi Shi-ge-ma-tsu who got 124th Na-o-ki Prize in 2001.
The name of his work is 'Vitamin F'.

In his lecture titled 'The power of words', he emphasized the meaning of life.
He said that life contains both energetic life and death and that we should learn and teach about death more especially to the children and the youth.

Next he told about the importance of priests who know more about death and said that priests should be the spiritual leader of the community and have good connection with  common people more.

Last he told about the importance of face to face-communication using the words.

 Last we had a main event of this meeting ; ZA-ZE-N on the chair for about thirty minutes.
A priest facing to us sat on the stage, and three priests and three person sat there facing to the wall with zen stile.

The silence was magnificent and so beautiful !

It was my first experience and sitting on the chair silently felt very long time.

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