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A trip to Eiheiji and so on

2016-11-08 | shrine and temple

gate for visitors




vegetarian food


from Haku-san village observatory


Shirakawa-go  House of an A-frame


  Cormorant used for fishing


 Konpon Chudo


I went to a travel hosted by Soto Zen Buddhism Okayama religious affairs from November 3 to November 5. 

On November 3

We visited Eiheiji at Fukui prefecture by bus.  

It was my first time to go there and I was worrying about the event we would experience there.  

After relaxing for a short while, we took a bath.

After that, supper for vegetarian food was served.

Next we saw a DVD that showed the way of living of priests there after sitting in ZEN meditation for about twenty minutes. 

And a sermon was also told by a priest.

He talked about the importance and value of ZAZEN.

We would be peace in mind if we sit without thinking anything. 

We went to bed at nine at a big tatami room with visitors of this tour.


On  November 4

We got up about 4:30 and  listened to a sermon by a priest again, which was also a nice one.

Next we went up a long corridor to Hatto where 60 or 70 priests morning raised some kinds of sutra together.

That was very solemn and I was deeply impressed.

And our ancestor's memorial service was also held. 

We took breakfast of  vegetarian food after a young priest guided inside of Eiheiji.

I felt something valuable by staying  a night there.

We left Eiheiji at 8:30 and went to Shirakawa-go by bus.

After that we visited Nagaragawa hot spring and enjoyed a party and relaxed in the hot spring.


 On  November 5

We went 'cormorant museum' in the morning and learned about cormorant fishing.

After that we went to Knpontyudo at Enryakuji in Hieizan.

I had been there for about 55 years before as a school trip.

This trip was meaningful for me because it was not only sightseeing but also visiting Eiheiji.

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Unknown (オカリナ)
2016-11-10 06:06:01

オカリナさんへ (yaya)
2016-11-10 11:15:54




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