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Visiting an art museum

2009-11-16 | diary

  I visited Nariwa Museum in Takahashi city yesterday.
It was a special exhibition because Takahashi city has five- year anniversary of the city.
This museum was opened in 1953 to honor a famous artist Kojima Torajiro who was born there.
This building was designed by a world famous architect Ando Tadao and newly built as the third building in 1994.  
This time they exhibit many works by very famous artists ; Yokoyama Taikan, Kawai Gyokudo, Kawabata Ryushi , Kuroda seiki, Hisida Syunso, Takeuchi Seiho ,Uemura Shouien and so on.
Tokyo Fuji art museum cooperates this exhibition and many works were brought from the museum now. 
By the way, I can't understand the art so much, but I enjoyed the nice works a little.
And I bought some post cards and shikishi (a square piece of  paper drawn a picture on)
  as souvenirs.

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2 コメント

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Unknown (okadasakura)
2009-11-18 10:35:20
In your second photo,We can see an old stone wall(石垣). The stone wall ia a part of ruins of a small castle(陣屋).
Edo period, Yamasaki clan, the lord of Nariwa district,lived in the small castle.
To okadasakura san (yaya)
2009-11-18 21:50:26
I didn't notice the stone wall of the second photo.
You can enjoy your trip to historical place very much, because you know its history so much.
It'll make your life so rich.

