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Christams ornament

2009-12-18 | others

  One of my friends went on a trip to Europe the other day.
These Christmas ornaments made of glass are souvenir from her.
She bought them at the Christmas market in Vienna.
They are small but they are very pretty shining against the light.

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2 コメント

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Unknown (okadasakura)
2009-12-19 16:31:28
You are very happy about having a good friend.
I remember an essay of Kenkou-housi(兼好法師)which I studied at high school long long ago. In 117chapter of Turezuregusa(徒然草), Kenkou-housi
wrote that the best friend is the friend who gives you something.
To okadasakura san (yaya)
2009-12-20 14:52:04
I really have a good friend as you say.
She has been my good friend for more than 40 years.
By the way, I also remembered about Turezuregusa.
It is an interesting essay.

