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Cat day

2005-02-22 | animal

Today 2/22 seems to be a 'cat day' as 2/22 is 'nyan nyan nyan'.

I saw this tortois-shell cat; mi-ke-ne-ko.

I don't know why, but I seldom see toitois-shell these days near here.

My white cat Yuki happened to be presented some canned cat-food from my friend today.
I told her that it was very cold and Yuki wasn't as fine as young cat.
To hear that, she brought them for Yuki.

By the way, is 1/11 'dog day' ?
One one one !!
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Amur adonis

2005-02-22 | plant

It was a mild day today.

These flowers are bloominmg in the yard of my neighborhood now.

It is a happy flower and has a 'Lucky' name of 'Fu-ku-jyu-so'.
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