St. John of the Crossの生き方に憧れて



2009-12-30 12:02:08 | Weblog

”Finally,in the afternoon,under a lovely autumn sky,one of those skies out of which such a multitude of memories and regrets rain down,she sat on a bench some distance from the crowd,to listen to one of those concerts offered the Parisian public by military bands.  This is probably the littele debauch of the innocent old lady (or purified old lady),the well-earned consolation for one of those dull days without a friend,without conversation,without joy,without a soul to confide in,which God,perhaps for many years now,has allowed to descend upon her three hundred and sixty-five time a year.  And another:  ・・・ my attention was caught by a figure of such noblity that it stood out in shocking contrast to the environing vulgarity.  ・・・ She,too,like the plebeians around her,of whom she took no notice,gazed at that other glittering world with a thoughtful eye,gently nodding her head as she listened to the music.  Strange sight!”Surely”,I said to myself,”that is a poverty -if poverty it be-which is incapable of sordid economy;her noble countenance is proof of that.  ・・・ And now she will return home on foot,meditating and dreaming,alone,always alone;”(form ”Paris Spleen”;C.Baudelaire;A New Directors Book) 

「”碧名剣(Crouching Tiger,Hidden Dragon)”サウンド・トラック」-「Works of Toru Takemitu」-呉祖強「草原の小姉妹」-武満徹「雅楽 秋庭歌 一具」-「雅楽名曲集」-「津軽三味線・高橋竹山決定版」。


晦日に見れるかな?Spleen、次は、”The Old Clown”だぞ。
