St. John of the Crossの生き方に憧れて



2013-12-24 14:37:07 | Weblog
1 矢張り、宗教曲2枚。

2 「バッハ/マタイ受難曲」は、メンゲルベルグ(指揮)/コンセルヘボウ管弦楽団。

3 「パレストリーナ/教皇マルチェルスのミサ曲、他パレストリーナ4曲」は、ブルーノ・ターナー(指揮)/プロ・カンティオーネ・アンティクヮ。

4 何回も公言しているが、マタイ受難曲を知らない人と音楽の話はしたくない。

6 From ”Catechism of the Catholic Church”(Ignatius Press:p.470)前回と同じ箇所。

7 (1936)
”On coming into the world,man is not equipped with everything he needs for developing his bodily and spiritual life.He needs others.Differences appear tied to age,physical abilities,intellectual or moral aptitudes,the benefits derived from social commerce,and the distribution of wealth.The ”talents” are not distributed equally.”

8  From ”The companion to the Catechism of the Catholic Church”(Ignatius Press:p.696-698)今回は(2)前半。

9 (Matthew 25:14-30)
”For it will be as when a man going on a journey called his servants and entrusted to them his property;to one he gave five talents,to another two,to another one,to each according to his ability.Then he went away.He who had received the five talents went at once and traded with them;and he made five talents more.So also,he who had the two talents made two talents more.But he who had received the one talent went and dug in the ground and hid his master’s money.Now after a long time the master of those servants came and settled accounts with them.”

10  「現代英語文法」の”大学編””コミュニケーション編”(紀伊国屋書店)の2冊。加えて、例文を「英文法汎論」(細江逸記:篠崎書林)に求める。忙しいので、小さく下線の”総数あるいは量”について。”コミュニケーション編/第三部 実用の場の文法”が縦糸。

11 ”コミュニケーション編/第三部 実用の場の文法”
・Some of the stars were invisible.
・Not all of the stars were visible.

・Anyone will tell you the way.
・He will eat anything.

12 ”コミュニケーション編/第四部 文法事項のまとめ”
★765-776(数量詞)(GCE 4.18-26,4.122-128参照)
・All the world mourned his death.
・I’ve lost all my books/money.

・Has anybody/anyone got anything to say?
・There was nobody/no one at the office.

13 ”大学編”
・The room was full of youngsters and everything/everybody was listening intently to the speeches.
・I appealed to the whole crowd,but no one/nobody was willing to get up and speak.

・The wine was inferior and I didn’t drink any.
・The wine was inferior and I didn’t drink much.

★Ⅲ副詞相当語句 41.その種類ならびに詳説 B.代名詞(d)-(g)
・I get something too deep into his secret.-Scott.
・He drew a sketch something like this.-Edmund Blunden.

・And now henceforward it shall be treason for any that calls me other than Lord Mortimer.-Shakespear.
・You who love me,and who have seldom,I hope,had reason to do other than respect me.-Doyle

15 ”島影にウミネコ遥か飛び立たん”

16 降誕節12月24日福音朗読より。ルカによる第1章から。

17 ”そのとき、ヨハネの父ザカリアは聖霊に満たされ、こう預言した。「ほめたたえよ、イスラエルの神である主を。主はその民を訪れて解放し、我らのために救いの角を、僕ダビデの家から起こされた。昔から聖なる預言者たちの口を通して語られたとおりに。”

