St. John of the Crossの生き方に憧れて


「聖アンセルモ教会」日曜正午インターナショナル・ミサ,First Advent

2009-12-28 02:14:46 | Weblog

真夜中、YouTubeで絢香の”Why”を聞いていたら、急にカトリック目黒教会の”First Sunday of Advent”について書きたくなる。感情とは不思議なものだと思いつつ・・・
毎週日曜正午から、international massがあることを渋谷で知った。
手元に、その時のliturgyがある。クリスマス・コンサートの案内も”General Announcements”にある。
今更どうかと思う。が、”Announcements”から、”Reflection on Today Gospel”を少し引く。
”Today,we begin a new liturgical year.The God of the covenant revealed himself in history and in history the Church celebrates the mystery of salvation:the Incarnation,Passion,Death and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.In this way,the journey of believers is continually renewed.God is the future of the human person and of the world.If humanity loses the meaning of God,it will close itself to the future and inevitably lose the perspective of its pilgrim journey in time.
Why birth,why death.Why sacrifice,why suffering?
To these questions,Christianity offers a satisfying answer.For this reason,Christ is the hope of humanity.He is the true meaning of our present,because he is our sure future.”
後半は、29日のfirst adventの内容について。キリストの降誕を思い。”The final meaning of history and of creation and exhorts us to make our lives an unceasing quest for Christ.From our being with him and from the contemlation of his coutenance comes the misstionary vigor that will help us to leave our grey daily routine in order to be Christ’s courageous witnesses.Mary accompanies us in a special way by inviting us to contemplete the joyful mysteries of the Rosery.We look to her with confidence while she prepares us to celebrate next Sunday-second advent.”