文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Being human is diverse men, diverse minds, that there are countless people with problems

2016年11月21日 15時42分50秒 | 日記

Being human is diverse men, diverse minds, that there are countless people with problems, although it is clearly understood when becoming an adult, in the time of a child whose house is a roost, things are not so.

Thinking about it since becoming an adult, even if it is a family problem that has nothing to do, it goes without saying that becoming a fatal suffering for children can be understood by becoming an adult again. In the face of homely misfortune, any child cannot be intact.

As I mentioned earlier, I was reading Dostoevsky's "Brothers of Karamazov" at junior high school age. In this novel, in a major speech made by the counsel of the elder brother Dmitry, "The best problem is solved by human beings if all fathers are good fathers for children" is the best in my heart as I mentioned before, it was natural that what remained deeply.

A familial misfortune that was the biggest painful thing among the sufferings given to me in exchange for the brain that God gave to me (for this, I mentioned from the beginning of Tolstoy's world's best novel "Anna Karenina"), in order to escape from, literally, as I mentioned earlier, I sent a youth like Le Credio 's book of escape.

In the process, in a merchant house in Kyoto, there was a time with earned enough to keep body and soul together. As I mentioned before, the other day I was deeply moved by knowing that the merchant house was next to three birthplaces of Ito Jakuchu.

By the way my teacher ordered me no longer "You left at Kyoto University and stood with Kyoto University on his shoulders" That is, living in the academic world, I realized that I can no longer return, I, as I mentioned already, I decided to devote myself to business without reading the books I wanted to read, without watching movies I wanted to see for ten years and worked like a horse.

It goes without saying that I was not a scholar or a writer, who walked the way of a businessman from the empty pockets with Osaka as the stage of life.

This draft continues.
