文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Korea wanting to condemn Japan in any way, after disseminating comfort women as

2017年08月11日 20時26分23秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Next to "girl statue" is "innocent boy"

In Korea, the President changed from Park Geun-il to Moon Jae-in, but there is no sign of quitting "anti-Japanese publicity."

ChungHyunBaek appointed as minister Ministry of Gender Equality and Family by the President Moon supported the registration of UNESCO’s "World Memory Heritage" of the comfort women related data as the Korean government and the plan of the National Comfort Women Museum.

Regarding the Japan-ROK agreement at the end of 2015, "I believe we have to discuss again, she said, but the governments of Japan and South Korea should have agreed on "final and irreversible solution".

It is a promise between the countries that never bring up the comfort women problem again.

The attitude of South Korea breaks its promise and it cannot be reconciled as Japan.

The comfort woman in front of the Japanese embassy in Seoul and in front of the consular office in Busan is still not removed.

On the contrary, on June 29, the image of the comfort women set up in front of the Japanese Embassy was protected as a public model despite being illegal.

On the 30th, a Korean-based group in the United States set up a second comfort woman in the US in the park in Brookhaven City, Georgia.

In addition to the problem of comfort women, this time, "fabricated" that many Korean workers were forcibly taken and abused by Hashima Island (Warship Island) coal mine in Nagasaki City by prewar Japan will be sent to the world.

A picture book for children is published in Korea, and in late July, a movie named "The Battleship Island" will be released.

Approximately 400 Korean workers (some boys also exist) were forced into harsh labor as slaves with coals mines over 1000 meters below the sea level and as high as 40 degrees Celsius, and they could not bear this "prison island" According to the story of Challenging the Japanese like the devil to escape from the evil spirits, according to Korean movie officials attracted attention as "the biggest topic work of the year" and they are saying there is no mistake the audience mobilization number exceeds 10 million.

Before the launch, it has been touted as a "movie based on historical facts", but there is no fact that the Korean boys miners were forced to work in the coal mine in Japan at the time.

Korea wanting to condemn Japan in any way, after disseminating comfort women as "girl statues" they are meaning that there are "innocent boys" in mineral workers.

This draft continues.
