文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It is the reality of public opinion manipulation at will.

2022年08月23日 12時01分54秒 | 全般

*The following is a rough draft.
Everyone must have thought, "I knew it.
I am frequently forced to watch NHK's public opinion polls, and I have always found it strange that they call it public opinion based on a mere 2,000 or so ballots.
I have mentioned this several times in this column.
In this case, too, I hit the nail on the head.
When the late Takashi Tachibana appeared on a TBS news program and asserted that "polls are correct," I was convinced he was a dupe.
I was convinced that he was a "cheater." 
The Asahi and other media outlets revered Tachibana Takashi as a "giant of knowledge."

The following is from a tweet by Koji Hirai, which I have just discovered
The poll was a hoax.
Adams Communication was commissioned to survey approximately 1,000 randomly selected telephone numbers, but the company subcontracted half of the work to Nihon Telenet without permission.
Nihon Telenet did not call the numbers and record fictitious answers.
It is the reality of public opinion manipulation at will.
