文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Japan's best brilliance goes in three directions.

2020年05月10日 16時42分31秒 | 全般

'China lures in aid to seize WHO' is an authentic report in today's Sankei Shimbun.
I only have one order for them, which is really useful for Japan and the world.
Do not omit the month and date unless there is a limit on the number of characters.
In other words, always write with an awareness that your book will be translated into English and read by people all over the world.
I think it is because of the way of writing the year Heisei (Heisei), but for example, I would like the year to be 2017 instead of 17.
In the article at the beginning of this article, the WHO decided not to declare a state of emergency at the emergency committee meeting on the 23rd as 'premature.' I think it's January, but I'll have to check it out.
However, this time, with LUCKY BREAK, I was able to discover the Ministry of Health Ordinance of January 23.
As readers know, I have informed Japan and the world for the first time that those who make their living at the Asahi Shimbun and other newspapers are not Japan's best players.
Japan's best brilliance goes in three directions.
1. Work in Kasumigaseki and be responsible for the management of Japan.
2. Become an executive in a large company that Japan is proud of in the world
Three, become a doctor and save other people's lives.
I should add an item here that says, as a 4, become a real scholar and win a Nobel Prize.

A prodigy, or genius, is in every field. In the world of sports, for example, no one would disagree with Ichiro as a representative of many abilities.
Now, let's get down to business.
A look at the Ministry of Health and Welfare ordinance of January 23 makes it clear.
They are Japan's best players.
Not a single person who makes a living from newspapers such as the Asahi Shimbun and TV media such as NHK is able to make a countermeasure for the situation in Japan and the world at that time on January 23 with all the relevant items.
The TV media, in particular, continues to report on the Ministry of Health in its news programs, and foolish talk shows as if it were a bunch of incompetent people.
There is no more outrageous story.
The people who work in the media are, except for a very few, second- or third-rate people, to put it harshly.
In other words, they are poorly made, ill-advised people.
Japan's most urgent task now is to become aware of the vast difference between them and the true first-class.
Genuine first-rate people live in a spirit of selflessness and service to country, truth, and others, but they live in selfishness and distorted ideas.
Therein lies the difference between heaven and earth.

The Ministerial Ordinance of the Ministry of Health and Welfare on January 23 was a clear indication of this.
In contrast, what the TV media is doing is
It's a talk show with second- and third-rate talents and whatnot.
The root of it is a lowly spirit that wants to get ratings and raise production costs cheaply.
Stupidly making a living for themselves was all they had.

The real elites are willing to work until after midnight to cover all the tests and measures that need to be done for the country. 
They are the exact opposite of the attitude of such elites.

He is handed a copy of the Asahi Shimbun in the waiting room. Because it is a second- or third-rate newspaper, he speaks what the programmers, who are obsessed with self-deprecation and anti-Japanese ideology, intend.
It goes without saying that this will lead to a defunct country.
It knows the impact that this television will have on Japan's living room.
There is no way that China and South Korea, totalitarian states that continue to use anti-Japanese propaganda as their national policy to educate people against Japan, would not do something against them.
The Korean Peninsula took advantage of the policy of the permanent weakening of Japan by GHQ immediately after the end of the war. It infiltrated NHK and other Japanese news organizations.
They and their descendants occupied critical positions in the press, especially in the editorial department of the press, without regard to other departments.
It is why today's Japanese TV stations are surprisingly well connected to Korea.

China has taken full advantage of the Asahi Shimbun, which had dominated the news world until August six years ago.
The Asahi, NHK, etc. have been gutted to their souls by the Japan-China Press Agreement, a mere civilian agreement created during the sham friendship between Japan and China that is unilaterally biased towards China's wishes.

China is taking advantage of this state of affairs.
Where newspapers such as Asahi and TV media such as NHK are completely psychologically subservient to China, to continually communicate China's intentions from the Chinese embassy in Motoazabu to the press except Sankei Shimbun (because Sankei Shimbun is not subservient to China)...NHK has CCTV Japan branch in its headquarters in Shibuya, so there is no need to worry about it. This article continues.








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