


2011-04-01 10:39:00 | 日本語言語文化

ニーハオ春庭>翻訳練習(1)マイケル・ジャクソンHeal the World

世界を癒そう 日本語訳 春庭 │ Heal the World

君の心の中にある │There's a place in your heart
僕は知っている、それは愛 │And I know that it is love
愛ある所では、今このときを、│And this place could be much
明日という未来より輝く時にできる │Brighter than tomorrow
君が本気でやろうとすれば、 │And if you really try
泣く必要なんてないって、わかるだろ │You'll find there's no need to cry
愛を感じる場所で │In this place you'll feel
傷つくことも悲しみもない │There's no hurt or sorrow

そこにたどり着く道がある │There are ways to get there
もし君がもし生きぬこうとするならば │If you care enough for the living
君の小さなスペースを │Make a little space
よりよい場所にしていける │Make a better place

世界を癒そう │Heal the world
よりよい世界にしていこう │Make it a better place
君のために、僕のために │For you and for me
そして人類全てのために │And the entire human race
死んでいく人たちもいる │There are people dying
もし君が生きぬこうとするのなら │If you care enough for the living
もっとすてきな所にしようよ │Make a better place
君と僕のために │For you and for me

訳を知りたいと望むなら │If you want to know why
嘘をつかない愛がある │There's a love that cannot lie
愛は強い │Love is strong
愛は喜びを与えようとするだけじゃない │It only cares of joyful giving
もし僕らがわかろうとするなら │If we try we shall see
恐怖も脅えも感じることのない幸福の中に │In this bliss we cannot feel, fear or dread
ただ存在しているだけなのをやめ、生き生きとし始める│We stop existing and start living

いつも思っている │Then it feels that always
愛は僕らを成長させ │Love's enough for us growing
よりよい世界を作っていける │Make a better world
素敵な世界を作らせる │Make a better world

世界を癒そう │Heal the world
素晴らしい場所にしよう │Make it a better place

君にために僕のために │For you and for me
そして人類全てのために │And the entire human race
死を迎える人もいる │There are people dying
もし君が生きぬこうとするのなら │If you care enough for the living
もっとすてきな所にしようよ │Make a better place
君と僕のために │For you and for me

心に抱いている夢は │And the dream we were conceived in
僕らを笑顔にさせてくれる │Will reveal a joyful face
かつては信じていた世界が │And the world we once believed in
ふたたび優しく輝き出す │Will shine again in grace
地球を傷つけ心を苦しめ、│Then why do we keep strangling life
締め付けられて生きていくなんて │Wound this earth, crucify its soul
そんなことだめだってわかっている │Though it's plain to see
この世界は天のように │This world is heavenly
神の光に満ちあふれますよう │Be God's glow

どこまでも高く飛んで行ける │We could fly so high
魂は決してなくなりはしない │Let our spirits never die
僕は感じているんだ! │In my heart
君らみんなは僕の兄弟だ! │I feel you are all my brothers
恐れず世界を創り上げよう │Create a world with no fear
ともに幸せの涙を流そう │Together we'll cry happy tears
世界の国々が │See the nations
剣を鍬に持ちかえるのを見よう │Turn their swords into plowshares

僕らはたどり着けるだろう │We could really get there
もし君が生きぬこうとするのなら │If you cared enough for the living
もっとすてきな所にしようよ │Make a little space
君と僕のために │To make a better place

世界を癒そう │Heal the world
よりよい世界にしていこう │Make it a better place
君のために僕のために │For you and for me
そして人類全てのために │And the entire human race
死を迎える人たちもいる │There are people dying
もし君が十分に生きぬいたなら │If you care enough for the living
世界をよりよい所にしていける │Make a better place
君のために僕のために │For you and for me

世界を癒そう │Heal the world
よりよい場所にしていこう │Make it a better place
(私の友よ) │(Oh, my friends)
君のために僕のために │For you and for me
そして人類全てのために │And the entire human race
死を迎える人たちもいる │There are people dying
もし君が十分に生きぬいたなら │If you care enough for the living
世界をよりよい所にしていける │Make a better place
君のために僕のために │For you and for me

君のために僕のために │You and for me
君のために僕のために │You and for me

僕らが今生きているこの世界を癒していこう │Heal the world we live in
子どもたちを救うために │Save it for our children

01:13 コメント(3) ページのトップへ

ぽかぽか春庭「マドンナによるマイケルジャクソン トリビュートスピーチ」
ニーハオ春庭>翻訳練習(2)マドンナによるマイケルジャクソン トリビュートスピーチ













Michael Jackson was born in August, 1958. so was I. Michael Jackson grew up in the suburbs of the Midwest. So did I. Michael Jackson had eight brothers and sisters. So do I. When Michael Jackson was 6 he became a superstar and was perhaps the world's most beloved child. When I was 6 my mother died. I think he got the shorter end of the stick.

"I never had a mother, but he never had a childhood. And when you never get to have something, you become obsessed by it. I spent my childhood searching for my mother figures; sometimes I was successful. But how do you recreate your childhood when you are under the magnifying glass of the world for your entire life?

"There is no question that Michael Jackson was one of the greatest talents the world has ever known. ... That when he sang a song at the ripe old age of 8, he could make you feel like an experienced adult was squeezing your heart with his words. ... That the way he moved had the elegance of Fred Astaire and packed the punch of Muhammad Ali. ... That his music had an extra layer of inexplicable magic that didn't just make you want to dance but actually made you believe that you could fly, dare to dream, be anything that you wanted to be. Because that is what heroes do. And Michael Jackson was a hero.

"He performed in soccer stadiums around the world, he sold hundreds of millions of records, he dined with prime ministers and presidents. Girls fell in love with him, boys fell in love with him, everyone wanted to dance like him, he seemed otherworldly, but he was also a human being. Like most performers, he was shy and plagued with insecurities.

"I can't say we were great friends, but in 1991 I decided I wanted to get to know him better. I asked him out to dinner: I said, 'My treat, I'll drive, just you and me.' He agreed and showed up to my house without any bodyguards. We drove to the restaurant in my car. It was dark out, but he was still wearing sunglasses. I said, 'Michael, I feel like I'm talking to a limousine, do you think you could take off those glasses so I could see your eyes?' He paused for a moment, then he tossed the glasses out the window, looked at me with a wink and a smile and said, 'Can you see me now, is that better?'

"In that moment, I could see both his vulnerability and his charm. The rest of the dinner, I was hell-bent on getting him to eat French fries, drink wine, have dessert and say bad words, things he never seemed to allow himself to do. Later, we went back to my house to watch a movie and we sat on the couch like two kids, and somewhere in the middle of the film, his hand snuck over and held mine. It felt like he was looking for a friend more than a romance and I was happy to oblige him. And in that moment he didn't feel like a superstar, he felt like a human being. We went out a few more times together and then for one reason or another we fell out of touch. Then, the witch hunt began and it seemed like one negative story after the other was coming out about Michael. I felt his pain. I know what it's like to walk down the street and feel like the whole world has turned against you. I know what it's like to feel helpless and unable to defend yourself because the roar of the lynch mob is so loud that you are convinced your voice can never be heard.

"But I had a childhood, and I was allowed to make mistakes and find my own way in the world without the glare of the spotlight. When I first heard that Michael had died I was in London, days away from the opening of my tour. Michael was going to perform in the same venue as me a week later. All I could think about in that moment was that I had abandoned him. That we had abandoned him. That we had allowed this magnificent creature that once set the world on fire to somehow slip through the cracks. While he was trying to build a family and rebuild his career, we were all busy passing judgment. Most of us had turned our backs on him.

"In a desperate attempt to hold onto his memory, I went on the Internet to watch old clips of him dancing and singing on TV and onstage and I thought, 'My God, he was so unique, so original, so rare. And there will never be anyone like him again.' He was a king. But he was also a human being and alas, we are all human beings and sometimes we have to lose things before we can truly appreciate them. I want to end this on a positive note and say that my sons, age 9 and 4, are obsessed with Michael Jackson. There's a whole lot of crotch-grabbing and moonwalking going on in my house, and it seems like a whole new generation of kids has discovered his genius and are bringing him to life again. I hope that wherever Michael is now, he is smiling about this.

"Yes, yes Michael Jackson was a human being, but dammit, he was a king. Long live the king."

04:54 コメント(2) ページのトップへ


 徐志摩は、20世紀近代中国を代表する詩人です。波希民(ボヘミアン)詩人 として、英米、日本などを放浪し、北京文壇の寵児として数々作品を発表しました。中国現代文学として、中国では「子供でも暗記している詩」のひとつが「再別康橋」なのだと、教え子のひとりに紹介してもらいました。



再別康橋   徐志摩
•軽軽的我走了 正如我軽軽的来
 我軽軽的招手 作別西天的雲彩
•那河畔的金柳 是夕陽裏的新娘
 波光裏的艶影 在我的心頭蕩漾
•軟泥上的青 油油的在水底招揺
 在康河的柔波裏 我甘心做一条水草!


•但我不能放歌 悄悄是別離的笙粛
 夏虫也為我沈黙 沈黙是今晩的康橋!
•悄悄的我走了 正如我悄悄的来
 我揮一揮衣袖 不帯去一片雲彩

さよならケンブリッジ 日本語訳:春庭

 優しい川波の中 私は一本の水草になる
  舟にはいっぱいの星の輝き きらめく星のなかで歌おうか
•いいや、私は歌うまい  密かに別れの笛を吹き
 私のために夏の虫も沈黙する この沈黙が今夜のこの橋
•密やかに、私は去ろう 来たときのようにそっと静かに 
 私は袖を振って立ち上がり 一片の茜雲さえ持たずに去っていく




05:21 コメント(0) ページのトップへ


