

Lost in Translation?

2008-07-08 13:02:00 | 日記
Lost in Translation?

The work of translation is often dismissed within literary production as a second-order representation , with the translator accordingly invisible as an extension-faithful or unfaithful-of the original work attribute to the author.

Only when a translation reads clumsily in the target language do the figurative eye, ear, and hand of the translator lose their invisibility.
Recasting the work of translation instead as rereading and rewriting engaged with the production of meaning counters received understanding in the form of a prejudice that stigmatizes translation as always already derivative.

The efforts of translators whose work I use and admire-Richard Howard, Barbara Wright, and Ralph Manheim are among the names that first come to mind-fully warrant parity with that accorded to authors because they succeed in conveying the linguistic specificity of the source text... in another language.

What is distinctive about such translations is the extent to which they succeed in conveying a sense of a French text in English beyond conventions of prose meaning in the latter language.

The fact that these translations in English read (feel )close to the French results less from their transparency in the target language than in a quality of abusive fidelity located first in the agency of the translator and only secondarily in the attentive reader.

While it may be tempting for the sake of argument to assert the primacy of language over the reseptive agencies attributed to the figures of author, translator, and reader, a focus on these figures posits the irreducible nature of translation as an act of communication among individuals and/or groups.
Such communication obtains even in instances where etymological and historical links between transposition, transfer, and translation conveyed by the Spanish noun traslado prompt a convergence of unpaired domains seldom on a par with each other.

Recognition alone does not suffice to rectify this lack of parity.

But it illustrates the extent to which the work of translation falls all too easily into aspects of contrast rather than comparison.

As in the case of the translator's invisibility, interaction between the two domains is often unequal.翻訳者の不可視性のケースの場合のように、2つの領域の間の相互作用は、しばしば等しくありません。

The work of translation is most evident in detail and thus in a sensitivity to language and style grounded in poesis and poetics; that is, in the making and critical understanding of how that making occurs.

At the same time, translation enters fully into areas of force, influence, and power that set poetics by necessity alongside politics of varying kinds and degrees.

To the extent that current usage of the term "globalization" can be understood as including an increase in the circulation of capital--symbolic and cultural as well as material-- the import of translation cannot determined simply by the accuracy, grace, or faithfulness of the product.

Instead, it centers, as Gayatri Spivak argues, on choices made by the translator: "In the translation from French to English lies the disappeared history of distinctions in another space - made by the French and withdrawn by the English -- full of the movement of languages and peoples still in historical sedimentation at the bottom, waiting for the real virtuality of our imagination."

「フランス語からの英語への翻訳では、もう一つのスペースの区別の消された歴史があります 。フランス人によって作られて、イギリス人によって取り上げられて-言語の変化全体と民族は、底辺の歴史的体積にあり、我々の想像力の本当の潜在性を待っている。

Spivak's position is, in fact, among the strongest that I have seen in support of what she refers to several pages earlier in the same book as "the irreducible work of translation, not from language to language but from body to ethical semiosis, that incessant shuttle that is a "life."


Exactly what do we mean when we refer to the politics of translation?

Jacques Derrida describes translation as a political-institutional problem of the university linked to the values of traditional teaching.

Lawrence Venuti characterized it as a cultural political practice that opens onto ethical dimensions involving greater respect for linguistic and cultural difference.

For Sherry Simon, translation is a feminist practice and "a mode of engagement with literature necessarily involved in a politics of transmission, in perpetuating or contesting the values which sustain our literary culture.


Spivak, Derrida, Venuti, and Simon all seem to agree on the potential of translation to contest received practices and values related to language as communication.

Where Derrida emphasizes teaching and the institution of the university, Venuti analyzes power relations at work in the commerce of literary translation whose academic variant he describes as "a deep unwillingness among foreign-language specialists to think about the differences introduced by moving between languages and cultures."
Venuti argues forcefully for moving beyond linguistic-based approaches that block the ethical and political agenda of a minoritizing practice of translation.

Spivak and Simon follow Venuti while they focus on cultural aspects of identity related to the long history of subjugation(Spivak) and gender as a distinctive construction emerging enunciated at multiple sites(Simon)

What Simon describes as the cultural turn linking translation studeies to a feminist practice promotes a change in critical perspective and the foundational question: "Instead of asking the traditional question which has preoccupied translation theorists-- 'How should we translate, what is a correct translation?--the emphasis is placed on a descriptive approach: 'what do translations do, how do they circulate in the world and elicit response?"

Referring to the writings of Spivak, Salman Rushdie, and Homi Vhabha, Simon argues for an altered understanding of translation as an activity"which destabilized cultural identities, and becomes the basis for new modes of cultural creation"(135)

The model that she proposes is that of Third World literature, whose translation into English discloses imbalances inherent in a willful monolingualism and its corollary of a "flat international translatese" wholly inadequate to the transmission of literary and cultural specificity(142)

(Spivak makes a similar point when she writes of what happens when "all the literature of the Third World gets translated into a sort of with-it translatese,: so that the literature by a woman in Palestine begins to resemble, in the feel of its prose, something by a man in Taiwan.")

The questions that Simon raises for translation as a feminist practice and the case studies on which she draws illustrate not just what translations do, but also (and more to the point) what they fail to do.


Simon also follows Spivak by extending the politics of translation toward a revised pedagogy affecting the recognition of difference within the postcolonial nation as well as the institutional site of this pedagogy in college and/or university curricula.

The logic that links writing, translation, and pedagogy is one of transmission.

Accordingly, the prospect of making translation integral to the new comparative literature is most evident in cases that illustrate the limits of current models and practices: that is when they disclose what translation does as well as what it does not do.

Simon invokes Christine Brooke-Rose's 1968 novel Between and Eva Hoffman's 1989 essay Lost in translation: A Life in a New Language as recording an economy of difference and loss growing out of new forms of postwar internationalism.

Without understanding the pertinernce of Simon's examples, I want to explore how a similar economy of difference and logic of transmission bear on translation faced by Moroccan, Algerian, and Tunisian writers following the formal end of colonization under France in 1962.


I take my cue here especially from Abdelkebir Khativi, Assia Djebar, Abdelwahab Meddev, and otheres whose writings disclose a cultural layering that casts their authors as occupying an "in-between" space between Arabic, French, and other languages.

私は、アブデルケビルKhativi、A・ジェバール、アブドゥル 、ワッハーブMeddevらの著作がアラビア語、フランス語と他の言語の間で「中間的な」スペースを占有しながら、彼らの著者を投げ入れている文化的な階層化を明らかにするキューを出したい。

To bring this layering back to the level of language, I want to explore how the specificity of enunciation and inscription bears on translation in the context of globalization and difference.

It is helpful to start by distinguishing between the phenomenon of the bilingual (which Khaativi often equates with the pluri-lingual) and conventional usage that posits the former therm as fluency in more than one language.

Differences between the two usages emerge exactly when the assumptions grounding translation as a finite process no longer obtain in a reading practice that recognizes a core of language that resists translation,

Accordingly, the phenomenon of the bi-or pluri-linual discloses an "infraliminal level of writing and thinking that renders the dualistic opposition that has dominated Maghrebi literary production obsolete.

It recasts translation less as a process leading to transparency in the target language than as a confrontation in which multiple languages and cultures square off against each other and "meet without meaning...without a reconciling osmosis or synthesis."

Curiously, a secondary meaning of the french verb traduire, designation the legal phenomenon of bringing someone before a court ("traduire en cours de justice")conveys the adversarial nature of this interaction.


It heightens the strategic force that Khatibi grants to the bi-langue and phri-langue as a means of disclosing the play of power that always bears on a diglossic condition whose inequality conventional translation all too often glosses over.

Retaining the italicized term bi-langue in English likewise contends with the corporeal sense of "bi-tongue" or "forked tongue" apart, at a distinct remove, form standard usage of the English word bilingual.


For more than thirty years, Khatibi has written decidedly between languages in order to destabilize hierarchies of the colonial period that fixed Arabic language and cultures as inferior to their French equivalents.

In La Memoire tatouee, he write that "at school, with a secular education imposed on my religion, I become a triglot: I read French without being able to speak it, I played wit some fragments of written Arabic, and I spoke the dialect as my everyday language.
La Memoire tatoueeに、彼はそれを書いている。

Where in the midst of this confusion is coherence and continuity?

A decade later Khatibe transforms this condition bewteen languages and cultures into a critical wedge when he writes.

As long as the theory of translation, the hi-langue, and the pluri-langue does not advance, certain North African texts will remain impregnable via formal and functional approaches.

The mother tongue is at work in the foreign language.

Between the one and the other occur a permanent translation and an interchange of infinite recession that is extremely difficult to elucidate...

Where does the violence of the text take shape if not in this cross-over, this intersection that is truly irreconcilable.

As described above, pluri-langue and bi-langue promote a literary production in which the marks and traces of multiple languages resist traditional translation grounded on binary distinctions between source and target languages.

For Samia Mehrez, the pluri-langue asserts the untranslatable as a mark of resistance and subversion:

"With this literature, we can no longer merely concern ourselves with conventional notions of linguistic equivalence, or ideas of loss and gain which have long been a consideration in translation theory.

For these texts written by postcolonial bilingual subjects create a language 'in between' and therefore come to occupy a space 'in between.
ポストコロニアルな二カ国語によって書かれるこれらのテキストに、'in between'
を創作し、'in between' な空間をしめるだろう。

The evocation of pluri-langue and bi-langue entails interaction among calligraphies of French and arabic whose incommensurability Khativi transforms from deficiency to advantage--he refers to luck, energy, and his third ear--as a performance of writing equated with the force of enunciation.

多重ラングと二重ラングの喚起は、カーティビーが有効に、不相応を不足から変えるフランス語とarabicのcalligraphiesの間でインタラクションを伴います-彼は運、エネルギーと彼の第3の耳に言及します ― enounciationの力と同等視される文書のパフォーマンスとして。

多ラングと双ラングの喚起はKhativiが有効に不相応を不足から変えるフランス語とアラビア語書道の間で、インタラクションを伴います。-彼は運、エネルギーと彼の第3の耳に言及します ― 発音の力と同等視される文書のパフォーマンスとして。

Of Abdelwahhab Meddeb's Talismano, he writes
アブデルワハド メデブのタリスマノで、彼は書いている。

Here the book is torn, sometimes bursting into pieces.

Something that belongs to the madness of speaking in tongues in a unified writing, inhabits the imagination of those who suffer the inversion of the ordinary relations from one language to another: relations that specify to each language its distinct property, its separete territory, and its resistance to all translation.


The extraordinary thing worlld be to write so to speak in multiple hands a text that is noting but a perpetual translation.

Both passages cited above convey the essential differences of language and culture bearing on North African texts whose impregnability also embodies an otherness that ’Love in Two Languages’ extends to sex and affect.

Once again, translation remains a key element of Khatibi's deployment of bi-langue:

What was translated by this lover?

Reply slowly, it's still going toward an encounter without actually reaching it, and recovering from it in reality.

Nether expectation not return:

maintain the constraint of the undetermined.

In thinking of you in other terms, I'll add that a dissymmentric rapture took place:

I transcribed you in your native tongue as I abducted you from my own, which you didn't recognize.

The indispensability of Khatibi's bi-langue for the interpretation of Mahrebi texts is heightened by the affective charge of sexual difference and an otherness that Love in Two Longuuages conveys in its full complexity.


This otherness does not, however, lend itself to deployment on the part of the presumably male narrator, a deployment to which an anonymous female referred to throughout the text as "she" seemingly has no access.

Jacques Derrida provides an additional take on the phenomenon of bi-langue when he asserts, just before noting that he and Khatibi share a certain "state" as for as language and culture are concerned, that the double postulation.

We only ever speak on language...(yes,but)

We never only speak only one language....

is not only the law of what is called translation but also the law itself as translation.

Derrida is referring to the linguistic hierarchy imposed on him in his youth by the educational system in colonial Algeria, and this in the context of a cultural complex-distance and persistent proximity


