Cafe Eucharistia



2016-03-11 21:42:33 | 遥かなる銀幕の世界







Longing for peace, on the memorial day of Tokyo Air-raids

2016-03-10 14:34:20 | 豆大福/トロウ日記
-- To Those Who Long for Peace,
Especially Have Interests in the Tokyo Air-raids on March 10, 1945 --

71 years have passed since the day the most outrageous tragedy never made before for the Tokyoites, sadness for losing beloved ones has never been cured, and there are still rages in our hearts against the foolish governments which decided to participate in the foolish war called the WW2. It is the memorial day today, the indiscriminate bombings on 100 thousand citizens of Tokyo were raided by approximate 300 US bomber planes (B-29), and killed them on March 10, 1945.

Some would say that the bombings (on Tokyo and many other places in Japan, including atomic bombing on Hiroshima and Nagasaki) and attacking the citizens of Japan were right. Because Japanese people themselves supported their emperor-military combined government at that time, it was apparent justice that the Allied Forces (or the US) attacked them in order to right the insanity of the Japanese people and liberate the invaded Asian countries from Japan. I have no intension at all of justifying our mistakes done in the past, especially for the Asian people, and any other people who had suffered from inhumane ways of the Japan's militarism then, so that I myself recognize what my responsibility is on establishing our world, domestic as well, peace now and in the future.

However, on this exceptional day of March 10th, I dare say that the great air-raids on Tokyo were nothing but the criminal and historical massacre by the Unite States. No matter how "insane" the Japanese were at that time, or no matter what their belief or political views were, the people who were killed by bombing were citizens, not soldiers. Besides, we did not have democracy at that time. I strongly want you to put in your mind that 100 thousand citizens of Tokyo were burnt and killed in one night, and more than a million people became victims – their houses were burnt, and they lost their families, which were inexcusable crimes of the US, for the US violated the Convention respecting the Laws and Customs of War on Land set in Hague, providing protection of the general public.

You say, justice has to be made? Yes, I agree. But, not by means of wars. There are no good wars. War cannot be justified by any reason, and justice cannot be made by any war.


2016-03-10 14:28:08 | 豆大福/トロウ日記



