異教の地「日本」 ~二つの愛する”J”のために!


【動画】 SEALDs 「種を蒔こうと思う。 いつだって。 たった一人で。」

2015-12-30 16:01:36 | 平和 戦争 自衛隊


Peace for 70 years and infinity; MESSAGE FROM JAPAN to ASIAN COUNTRIES AND THE WORLD, 2015.

<!-- Peace for 70 years and infinity; MESSAGE FROM JAPAN to ASIAN COUNTRIES AND THE WORLD, 2015.  -->


「種を蒔こうと思う。 いつだって。 たった一人で。」

あの日。 飛び立つはずだった空を見上げた。 戦争をした。 たくさんの人を、傷つけた。 なにもかも失い、 ただ、命だけがあった。 焼け野原に、ひとりぼっちで。 種を蒔こうと思った。

That day I looked up the sky I was supposed to fly. There was a war. It hurt many people. We lost everything, and only a life was left. Alone in the burnt land, I thought I would plant a seed.

あたらしい憲法。 生まれ変わったしるし。 自由とか、民主主義。それはただの小さな種で、私はそれを握りしめていた。 未来の私のために。

New constitution. The sign of rebirth. Liberty and Democracy. They were just little seeds. And I was holding them tight in my hand. For myself someday in the future.

高度成長。 がむしゃらに働いた。 小さな豊かさを棚に並べた。 でも、海の向こうで戦争は続いていて。 二度と繰り返したくないと声を上げた。 何度でも、何度でも。 僕は種を撒いた。

Rapid growth. They worked hard. And we were delighted with little pieces of wealth. But war was going on overseas. We raised the voice of refusal. Again and again I planted the seeds.

気付いたら豊かさがそこにあって。 自分で自分の未来を選べると思った。 自由。幸福。平和。平和。 「何も変わらない」ってあの子は言った。 でもそうじゃないって、私はどこかでわかってた。

Before we know it, wealth was in our everyday life. I thought I could choose my own future. Freedom. Happiness. Peace... Peace? "Nothing will change,” a friend said. But somewhere inside I knew that's not true.

そして、大地が揺れた。 3月11日。 ガレキの海に立ち尽くす少女がいて、 それを見ている俺がいた。 「関係ない」「大丈夫」「何も変わらない」。 握った拳の中に、種があった。 忘れていた、小さな種。

And the land trembled. March 11th. There was a girl standing in the ocean of debris. And I was watching that. “It doesn’t matter.” “It’s gonna be alright.”“ Nothing will change." There were seeds in my fist gripped. The little seeds I had forgotten.

人を傷つける言葉が街に溢れた。 路上に撒いた種はいつか芽吹くだろうか。

Harmful words flooded the cities. Will the seeds I planted in the streets sprout someday?

「関係ない」「大丈夫」「何も変わらない」。 その言葉が、いつか誰かの命を奪うかもしれない。

“It doesn’t matter.” “It’s gonna be alright.” “Nothing will change.” Those words may take someone's life someday.

種を蒔いた。 顔のない視線を、名前のない罵声を浴びながら。 ありったけの種を。

I planted the seeds. There was gaze without a face, and blame without a name. I scattered handful of seeds.


The seeds were born from despair. The despair grew the seeds.


That day, I was surely listening to the sound (The battle starts here again).The sound of the seeds changing into a life. “Let’s think, decide, and take action solitarily. That’s all we need to do.”

種を蒔こうと思う。 いつだって。 たった一人で。

I will plant the seeds. Anytime. Alone.


Seventy years have passed since the end of war. The peace and prospect of post-war Japan were led by profound sacrifice of the war. We support the pacifist constitution of this country and use it for peacebuilding in north-east Asia and the world. Liberty, democracy, and universal human rights; these values are not just imagination. They are the important seeds that we were given by the past for defending liberty of people and constructing sustainable peace. The ideal of Japanese Constitution never loses its power unless we give it up. With intelligence and reason, we continue to claim for peace and respect for liberty and democracy in Asian Countries.




