Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

進次郎 早くも安倍首相の任命責任が問われそう。

2019年09月12日 22時32分38秒 | Weblog

池田 信夫

39分前 ·

有本 香






2019年06月21日 01時20分28秒 | Weblog

野党5会派、行政監視院法案提出 国会の機能強化目指す



The terrorist is just a "regular" white Australian-Brit

2019年03月15日 18時07分54秒 | Weblog

LIVESTREAM TERROR New Zealand mosque shootings – White supremacist gunmen video live murder of 49 at two Christchurch mosques
Shocking GoPro footage - too graphic to publish - shows a shooter executing Muslim worshippers blank range with automatic weapons as cops arrest one man with another on the loose

By James Cox and Jenny Awford
15th March 2019, 7:00 amUpdated: 15th March 2019, 8:27 am

Double Deadly Terror Attack in New Zealand: “There is blood everywhere”
By Juergen T Steinmetz - March 15, 201914034

It was posted on a Facebook page belonging to Brenton Tarrant
It is understood the killer is an Australian-Brit who published a chilling 94-page manifesto before the rampage


If I remember correctly, a Labour MP was murdered by a right-wing fascist

2019年01月23日 22時32分44秒 | Weblog

Murder of Jo Cox

He believed individuals of liberal and left-wing political viewpoints, and the mainstream media, were the cause of the world's problems.[1] He targeted Cox, a "passionate defender" of the European Union and immigration, because he saw her as "one of 'the collaborators' [and] a traitor" to white people.[1]

Mair had links to far-right political groups including the National Front and the English Defence League; he had attended far-right gatherings and purchased far-right publications,[1][23][24][25] to some of which he had sent letters.[26][27][1] In his home were found Nazi regalia, far-right books,[20][28][28] and information on the construction of bombs.[1][25]

Witnesses testified that during the attack, Mair had cried out "This is for Britain", "keep Britain independent", and "Put Britain first".[20][39][40][41] On 23 November 2016, the jury took about 90 minutes[20] to convict Mair of Cox's murder, grievous bodily harm against Bernard Carter-Kenny, possession of a firearm with intent, and possession of a dagger.[20][42] The same day, Mair was sentenced to life imprisonment; the judge said he had no doubt Mair murdered Cox to advance a political, racial, and ideological cause—that of violent white supremacism and exclusive nationalism most associated with Nazism and its modern forms.

Cox で私のブログ検索すると、右翼によって議員が殺害されたイギリスの事件、何回か取り上げているんだけど、なぜか、記憶にのこってないね。


Thousands of women are forced into sex slavery in Holland.The government should apologize

2019年01月07日 01時40分06秒 | Weblog
HELL ON EARTH Brit nurse forced into sex slavery and saw girl get murdered after being kidnapped in Amsterdam
In one harrowing, hellish encounter she claims she saw evil pimps execute a young Thai girl who had also been trafficked

By James Cox
6th January 2019, 2:11 amUpdated: 6th January 2019, 7:41 am

A BRIT nurse was kidnapped at gun point and forced into sex slavery aged just 19, she claims.

Sarah Forsyth, now 42, says she was forced to have sex with 20 men a night in Amsterdam's Red Light District, reports the Mirror.

And in one harrowing, hellish encounter she claims she saw evil pimps execute a young Thai girl who had also been trafficked.

Sarah says “Her face just exploded. I stood and I watched as the bullet literally took half her head off her shoulders."

“And then, just as the noise ­registered in my ears, she dropped to the floor beside my feet."

She added: "Then I saw the little red lights on the cameras and heard the soft grinding of the tapes and I realised her killing was being filmed."

Sarah says the scene haunts her nightmares.

She is one of thousands of British women forced into sex slavery, and has blown the lid off the seedy vice world in her new memoir Slave Girl.

Other horrific stories from her 1990s captivity include seeing the severed head of a rival pimp and being forced to play Russian Roulette.

Sarah travelled to Amsterdam after seeing a newspaper ad for a qualified nursery nurse in the city.

But she had been duped by career criminal John Reece who met her at Schipol Airport, stole her passport and held a gun to her mouth.

Sarah adds: "“I got away. Unlike the thousands of women trapped in sexual slavery today – bought and sold like cattle by truly evil men, then abused and ­re-abused by the normal ones who love their children and caress their wives. I got away.”


British People Are So Lonely That They Now Have a Minister

2018年07月22日 12時43分15秒 | Weblog
イギリス人は孤独なの? 成人の2割実感、政府が担当相

Lonely Britain
Lonely Britain

People under 30 (23 per cent) most likely to feel on their own despite being inundated with social media and ‘Facebook friends’
One in seven (15 per cent) Brits feel lonely
One in ten (10 per cent) people spend three quarters or more of their leisure time alone
Inner city people are more likely to be lonely than those in any other area
One in five (18 per cent) lonely people are embarrassed to admit feeling lonely
One in five (19 per cent) Brits don’t think anybody knows how lonely they feel

The report also reveals that the most lonely people in Britain are those aged under 30 (23 per cent compared to national average of 15 per cent), or those living in areas with a dense population such as inner cities (24 per cent) compared to villages (13 per cent) – this is particularly true in London where 18 per cent described themselves as lonely.

One In Five Of Us Are Lonely, And One In Eight Have No Close Friends

Nearly one in eight people (13%) report having no close friends. Putting that in terms of the UK population over 16, that's potentially 6,870,782 people. And, in our sample, two out of five of those with no friends were more likely to say they never or rarely feel good about themselves.

It's not all about the numbers though. The quality of the friendships and connections we have is equally important to us. In our research, those that reported having very good friendships were almost twice as likely to never feel down, depressed or hopeless as those that reported having average quality of friendships.

The impact of loneliness is strikingly significant. Worryingly, nearly one in five of us (18%) report feeling lonely often or all of the time, and a similar number (17%) report never or rarely feeling loved.


8 Dec 2016
Nine million people in the UK are lonely

British People Are So Lonely That They Now Have a Minister ... - Time

Britain appoints minister for loneliness amid growing isolation
Lee Mannion






Cox was murdered by a right-wing extremist in 2016, after being in parliament for little more than a year.


British neo-Nazi organisation supports the man who killed Labour MP Jo Cox.



Transport the documents & equipments related to N.K's nuclear & ballistic missile programs to ORNL

2018年03月12日 20時34分34秒 | Weblog
turn sth on its head

to cause something to be the opposite of what it was before:

jive verb (TALK)

[ T ] us slang to try to make someone believe something that is untrue

On 22 January 2004, U.S. military transport planes carried around 55,000 pounds (25,000 kg) of documents and equipments related to Libya's nuclear and ballistic missile programs to the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) in Tennessee. On March 2004, over 1,000 additional centrifuge and missile parts were shipped out of Libya. At the time of Libya's nuclear disarmament, its nuclear program was in the very initial stages of development.








Herbivore men are increasing in the U.S.

2018年02月10日 15時08分30秒 | Weblog
川奈まり子 👻怪談 👻奇譚 👻‏


Too Much Netflix, Not Enough Chill: Why Young Americans Are Having Less Sex

Happy Valentine’s Day! Fifty years after the sexual revolution, sex in America is in decline. Americans are having less sex, the share of Americans who say they never once had sex in the past year is rising, and—perhaps most surprising—this revolution in sexual behavior is being led by the young.

UK Government worried about British anal

2017年11月07日 13時52分03秒 | Weblog
Forget missionary, it's time to master PEGGING! Tracey Cox reveals the surprising sex moves that are all the rage in modern bedrooms (so how many have YOU tried?)
Tracey Cox reveals the surprising sex moves on the rise among couples
Previously 'taboo' moves such as 'pegging' are proving popular in the bedroom
The sex expert says it's important to be aware of any health risks involved

I remember writing about pegging about 20 years ago and everyone's reaction was 'What! My boyfriend/husband's not gay, why the hell would he want me to do that to him?'

Pegging was the hottest sex trend in 2016 and far from being a fad, is fast becoming something most couples try at least once.

For those not in the know, pegging is when a woman penetrates her male partner with a strap-on dildo.


The Government is concerned that increasing numbers of young people are trying anal sex, according to an official consultation.

Officials at the Department for Culture, Media and Sport are baffled at the increased popularity of the act despite apparent “research” suggesting it is not pleasurable for women.

The warning is included in a consultation document issued by the Department about plans to further restrict access to online pornography. It argues that young people are trying anal sex as a result of having viewed pornography, and that this is an unwelcome development.



2017年10月31日 18時04分54秒 | Weblog
.S. Kim‏

アベノミクスを称えるワシントンポストMatt O'Brienの記事 https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2017/10/30/japan-is-showing-world-leaders-how-to-save-their-economies/?utm_term=.06037f4cab20 … 安倍首相の経済政策は海外では評価が高いのだが日本では相変わらず財政緊縮派が多い。河野太郎は国際感覚豊かなんだからシムズの論文でも読んで理解すれば良い首相になれるよ。

One of the most successful politicians in the world just won one of his most important elections, but nobody seems to have noticed. Maybe he should try tweeting more.

I'm talking about Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. His Liberal Democratic Party just managed to hold on to its two-thirds majority in Japan's lower house of Parliament, which it needs to be able to amend the country's constitution, even though a series of scandals had recently pushed Abe's personal popularity to new lows. It helps when your opposition is weak — and also when your policies have made the economy strong.

Instead, it got stuck in a low inflation, low interest rate trap where debts got harder to pay off because prices weren't rising, and negative shocks got harder to deal with because the central bank couldn't cushion the blow with rate cuts. The result of this good-but-not-good-enough economy was that a lot of young people ended up in dead-end jobs that didn't give them the financial security they needed to start a family, with the worsening demographic crunch putting even more pressure on interest rates to stay at zero.

This is the problem that Abe wanted to fix. And he came up with a novel solution: try everything.

That, he said, meant spending more money, printing more money, and tackling the inefficiencies that have long plagued Japan's economy. Well, at least in theory. In practice, he hasn't really done all of these things. Tokyo, after all, has carried out more austerity than stimulus the last few years. And while it has made some definite progress reforming the country's corporate culture, governance and competitiveness, there's still a long ways to go.

It hasn't mattered, though. Or at least not that much. Abenomics, as it was inevitably called, has still been a big success. In particular, the central bank's aggressive money-printing has not only increased the country's exports by pushing down the value of the yen, but also, as The Economist's Simon Cox points out, been an even bigger boost to domestic demand. That, together with the government's continuing efforts to get more women in the workforce, has led to Japan's strongest labor market in a generation.

The unemployment rate is a mere 2.8 percent, and the share of 25- to 54-year-olds who should be in the prime of their working years and are in fact doing so has reached a new high of 84.1 percent. It was 80.5 percent when Abenomics began. (By point of comparison, this increased from 76 to 78.9 percent in the U.S. during this time).

Of course, there's still a lot left to do. First and foremost, Tokyo needs to get wages rising. That would get the economy back into a virtuous circle where companies would invest more because people were buying more, and people could buy more because companies were investing more. But, in a bit of a surprise, that's not happening so far despite the fact that unemployment is so low. Abe, for his part, has been reduced to exhorting unions to demand a bigger piece of the pay pie.


In Britain, women are paying for sex

2017年06月04日 01時39分07秒 | Weblog

How many Japanese women are using this "therapy"? ってところやな?

Last week, however, researchers at Manchester Metropolitan University and Lancaster University in the United Kingdom gave us some insight into the phenomenon with the release of a study on women who pay for sex in the U.K.

A new study shows the market for male sex services has tripled in the last five years.

But it’s not because there are rising numbers of desperate, unattractive women forced to buy affection.

Researchers found quite the opposite - a high proportion of the British women paying for sex were busy career professionals in their 30s and 40s.


British neo-Nazi organisation supports the man who killed Labour MP Jo Cox.

2016年12月13日 12時35分15秒 | Weblog


それはいいんだけど、このnational action という団体、初めて知った。


白人基教徒田舎もん vs. 有色人、多様性、都会人

2016年11月13日 03時30分32秒 | Weblog



トランプ vs ロムニー

都市 対 田舎の分裂・対立は以前からあったんでしょうけど、今回の選挙で、その分裂・対立が強化された、と言われていますね。

Voters in the Rust Belt and rural regions of country who felt left out of Obama's vision of economic prosperity and progress celebrated, in part, because they felt they once again had a champion.

Meanwhile, across the country, thousands of minorities, millennials and women in urban enclaves went into a period of mourning and took to the streets in protests fueled by frustration, fear and disillusionment in a country they feel that, by electing Trump, is now entering a dark and divisive era.

"The biggest difference between the two parties is the urban-rural divide. That gap widened. Politically, that translates into race and identity as the main political dividing line. Rural and exurban America is very white, and generally inward-looking. Urban America is very diverse and cosmopolitan," said Lee Drutman, a political scientist at New America, a Washington-based non-partisan think

What has shifted—and became more apparent during 2016 and was cemented on Tuesday—is the nature of that divide.

Many of the defining arguments of elections from 1980-2012 were about national security and the size and role of the federal government. Republicans tended to be more skeptical about expanding programs while more assertive about deploying U.S. military power abroad, while Democrats were more pro-government and anti-war.

Now, the political divide is much more about culture, identity and race.

"In 1992, a majority of the voters in both parties were white Christian. Today, the GOP has essentially become a party of white Christians, while Democrats rely on a coalition of religiously, racially and ethnically diverse voters," said Daniel Cox, research director at the non-partisan Public Religion Research Institute.

都会は、多様な人種、民族、宗教を受け入れる民主党、田舎は白人キリスト教の共和党という図式で、以前は選挙といえば、民主党=大きな政府、反戦 対 共和党=小さな政府、軍事介入 の争いだったが、今回の選挙では、文化や人種、所属の問題になってしまった、と。