Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

Implement an inclusion rider in the National Diet of Japan

2018年03月05日 19時32分52秒 | Weblog


新単語 「inclusion rider」(包摂条項)

She said a typical inclusion rider would set benchmarks for diversity in staffing. As an example, it could require the cast be 50 percent female, 40 percent underrepresented ethnic groups, 20 percent people with disabilities, and 5 percent L.G.B.T. people.

She said a typical inclusion rider would set benchmarks for diversity in staffing. As an example, it could require the cast be 50 percent female, 40 percent underrepresented ethnic groups, 20 percent people with disabilities, and 5 percent L.G.B.T. people.

The idea, she said, would be to ensure “the world onscreen looks like the world in which we live.”

It would also require that there be “a good-faith effort to ensure representation in key areas behind the camera” and that “bias is corralled in the interviewing and hiring process,” she said.



2018年03月05日 19時12分03秒 | Weblog


 記者 本人の意志だけでなく、それをきちんと判定する人が必要だと?

 橋田 もちろん、それはいると思います。本人の意志に関係なく、そういうことを決められたらかわいそうですもんね。


 記者 安楽死はあきらめたんですか。

 橋田 本当は、あきらめてはいませんけど。安楽死について発言すると、うるさく言われることが多いんですよ。「安楽死なんてとんでもない。もっとちゃんと生きる希望を持ちなさい。一生懸命生きなさい」と叱られたり、「他の人にまで死を強制することになりかねない」と言われたり。


Hypocritical S.Korea should face up to its own crimes against humanity

2018年03月05日 18時54分07秒 | Weblog

Hazama Hisatake


「thousands of young women and girls that were taken from territories under Japanese control and forced into sexual slavery by(!) the Japanese army(慰安婦とは・・日本支配下の地域から連れて行かれ、日本軍によって無理矢理性奴隷にされた数千人の若い女性と少女たちの事)Hazama Hisatakeさんが追加
Hazama Hisatake

South Korea has accused Japan of "crimes against humanity" over women forced into sexual slavery during WWII http://www.newsweek.com/japans-use-comfort-women-was-crime-against-humanity-says-south-korea-latest-825418 …

South Korea has accused Japan of "crimes against humanity" over women forced into sexual slavery during WWII

It was Korean agents who run the brothels for Japanese military during WW Ⅱ

It was Korean agents who run the brothels for US military during and after Korean War




N. Korea Not Among Countries Russia Will Protect from Nuke Attack

2018年03月05日 14時54分28秒 | Weblog



ロシアは北朝鮮と同盟条約がなく、中国と同盟条約があるので、これは当然の反応です。RT @kaikaihanno: 韓国人「プーチンにも捨てられた金正恩…ロシア”北朝鮮が核攻撃を受けても保護しない”」

I give a 70 per cent probability to a US attack

2018年03月05日 11時53分14秒 | Weblog

b : an interval of time during which certain conditions or an opportunity exists a window of vulnerability

The American lawyer and finance expert said the progress made so far by Kim Jong-un with his nuclear programme suggests Donald Trump will only have a five months window before North Korea could start World War 3.

Speaking to As Good As Gold Australia, Mr Rickards said that in a meeting he had with CIA director Mike Pompeo and National Security Advisor to the President General McMaster, it emerged that the threat of a nuclear war by the hands of North Korea was imminent.

He said: "I give a 70 per cent probability to a US attack, what we’d call a preventive war that we started but we’re doing it to prevent existential threats to us, to the United States, before the end of March.

“The reason I can put a specific date on, and I met in Washington DC a couple of weeks ago with Mike Pompeo, the Director of the CIA and with General McMaster, the National Security Advisor to the President.

“Mike Pompeo said that it would be imprudent to assume that it would take North Korea more than five months to have the ability to threaten the United States.

“We know he has atomic bombs, hydrogens bombs. We know he has immediate range missiles, ballistic missiles and ICBM, so those two things are known.

There are still a few missing points, but not many. And he’s made progress faster than anyone expected.

“So if they have five months and that’s the window and they can’t have it, but North Korea is persisting, there is no sign is either going to stand down or end his missile programme, therefore we’re heading for war.”





“As far as the risk of dealing with a madman is concerned, that’s his problem, not mine.”

2018年03月05日 11時51分11秒 | Weblog
At joke-filled dinner, Trump suggests U.S. will meet with North Korea
Makini Brice

“Now we are talking and they, by the way, called up a couple of days ago. They said that‘we would like to talk.’ And I said‘So would we, but you have to denuke, you have to denuke,’” Trump told attendees at the annual Gridiron Club dinner.

“We will be meeting and we’ll see if anything positive happens,” he added.

It was unclear if Trump was joking or if formal U.S.-North Korea talks were imminent.

On Sunday, a senior U.S. administration official said Trump did not hear directly from North Korea that the country would like to start talks. The information was relayed to the administration by South Korea, the official said.

“I won’t rule out direct talks with Kim Jong Un. I just won’t,” Trump said on Saturday, referring to North Korea’s leader.

Trump did, however, make a joke at his own expense.

“As far as the risk of dealing with a madman is concerned, that’s his problem, not mine,” Trump said.

2018年03月05日 07時47分



Former US airman decapitated a Japanese woman

2018年03月05日 11時46分20秒 | Weblog





Sex or blowjob for rent is happening everywhere in patriarchal UK

2018年03月05日 09時50分22秒 | Weblog



Canadians should realize it's okay for boys to have long hair

2018年03月05日 09時32分50秒 | Weblog




Moon Jae-in Is pinko

2018年03月05日 08時51分10秒 | Weblog
Pinko is a slang term coined in 1925 in the United States to describe a person regarded as being sympathetic to communism, though not necessarily a Communist Party member.


フォローする @Che_SYoungをフォローします

香港のSouth China Morning Postの記事だが、韓国でこんなタイトルの記事書いたら痛い目にあうと思う。

“Is Moon Jae-in pinko?” asked the title of a Korea Times op-ed published last year. Written by a senior editor, the piece began: “Some detractors of Moon Jae-in would call him and his supporters a bunch of commies and claim that they shouldn’t be trusted to run the country.” This is the stock criticism of members of the South Korean left – that they are closet communists, with Moon often held up as a shining example.

“Critics call him a red – a communist – because his approach to North Korea is dovish,” Tae Ki-soo, Moon’s biographer, told NPR in May. But Tae said he didn’t see that as a bad thing. “Moon treats North Koreans as human beings – because of his parents.”

Moon’s parents were North Koreans who defected in 1950 aboard the SS Meredith Victory, the ship that evacuated more than 14,000 refugees in a single trip during the Korean War. “They despised the North Korean Communist regime,” Moon told CNN in September. “They fled to seek freedom.”

Some critics have even gone so far as to argue that one of Moon’s favourite snacks, pig’s feet, which is also popular in the North, is further evidence of his communist ways.

But what has really incensed opponents has been his decision to invite the regime to this week’s Olympics. Michael Breen, author of The New Koreans: The Story of a Nation, told This Week in Asia that Moon’s supporters “tend to be unification romantics

The conservative South Korean Chosun newspaper observed: “Seoul voluntarily postponed holding joint military exercises with the United States during the Games. But now it says North Korea’s massive military parade is no big deal. Just whose side is the government on?”

森友文書改竄関係者 厳重処分すべき

2018年03月05日 02時46分15秒 | Weblog






2018年03月05日 02時43分37秒 | Weblog
Masayoshi Nakamura

フォローする @masayangをフォローします
その他 Masayoshi Nakamuraさんが 🇺🇸 SKY45 /̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿ ̿̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ 🇺🇸をリツイートしました
パデュー大学が「manという言葉は差別的だからpersonを使うように」という文書作成指針を作ったらしく、それを真に受けた出版社の人がFox Newsにて「じゃあGoldman SachsはGoldperson Sachsになるんですか?」と聞かれて「そうですよ」と答える事案。 #ポリコレ砲

I believe other men and women should write Purdue’s guide
Kyle Mooty Feb 27, 2018 (…

Cathy Areu, founder and publisher of Catalina magazine, went as far as to say such “man” words such as “Manhattan” and “Goldman Sachs” need to be renamed, saying “The Big Apple” would be much more appropriate for the New York island. That, she said, would be far less offensive than Manhattan.

Oranges everywhere should protest.

Also, Areu suggested that until the store changes its name, “Goldman Sachs” should be boycotted. “Goldperson Sachs” would be less offensive, she said.

According to Purdue, there should be no more mailman. You are now to be called a mailcarrier.

この手の議論は、むかしからあって、じゃあ、manhole じゃなくて、personhole って言うべきですね、

Manhole or a personhole? A study of political correctness
By Rebecca Huntley - posted Tuesday, 30 August 2005


The language of gender

Here are some general guidelines to be aware of when you are thinking about which word to use.

When there is a choice between a word which specifies a person's gender and a word which doesn't, you should choose the neutral one unless their gender is relevant to the context. For example, in general situations it's best to choose chair or chairperson instead of chairman, or head teacher instead of headmaster/headmistress. On the other hand, it would sound rather forced to say, for example, ‘he was a shrewd businessperson’ instead of ‘he was a shrewd businessman’.

In some cases, the term which previously applied exclusively to men is now used to refer to both men and women. This is because the female form has developed negative associations which the male form does not have. For example, the words authoress or poetess are no longer very commonly used to describe female authors and poets, and it's becoming increasingly common to use actor to refer to both men and women.

If you want to refer to humanity in general, use phrases such as the human race or humankind rather than mankind.


Chair man→ chairperson
businessman→ businessperson
headmaster→ headteacher
mankind→ human kind


上記の記事で、person に、son (息子)が使われているけど、いいのけ?という議論があるけど、

early 13c., from Old French persone "human being, anyone, person" (12c., Modern French personne) and directly from Latin persona "human being, person, personage; a part in a drama, assumed character," originally "a mask, a false face," such as those of wood or clay worn by the actors in later Roman theater. OED offers the general 19c. explanation of persona as "related to" Latin personare "to sound through" (i.e. the mask as something spoken through and perhaps amplifying the voice), "but the long o makes a difficulty ...." Klein and Barnhart say it is possibly borrowed from Etruscan phersu "mask." Klein goes on to say this is ultimately of Greek origin and compares Persephone.

語源的にはペルソナで、仮面+声 で息子とは関係ないんだろうね。