Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2012年08月16日 20時59分04秒 | Weblog
CSIS Hosts Discussion on Economic and Security Strategy in Asia

戦略 日米同盟

Terror in Oak Creek, another wake up call for US
Racist and vitriolic "us and them" language feeds a culture war that increasingly targets immigrants and non-whites.
Last Modified: 15 Aug 2012

アメリカ レイシスト

Neo-Nazis, gangs and criminals in the US military
Escalating militarisation of the US police force to deal with "military-trained thugs" will not bode well for civilians.
Last Modified: 16 Aug 2012

Investigative reporter Nir Rosen once aptly remarked on the tendency in mainstream Western journalism to downplay unfavourable trends occurring in the context of US military operations abroad: “The big scandals like Abu Ghraib, or the "Kill Team" in Afghanistan, eventually make their way into the media where they can be dismissed as bad apples and exceptions, and the general oppression of the occupations can be ignored”.

A similar sort of argument can perhaps be made with regard to incidents such as the August 7 Sikh temple massacre in Wisconsin, perpetrated by Wade Michael Page, a decorated former Army psychological operations specialist and a neo-Nazi. Although any Pentagon-sanctioned explanation of the event would undoubtedly rest on the bad apple assumption, it has occurred to media outlets such as the Christian Science Monitor to question whether the intersection of military training and racist extremism in Page's case is not in fact indicative of a larger pattern.


Journalist jailed for recording police
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Published: 16 August, 2012, 20:35

アメリカ 検閲 取材の自由

Pennsylvania judge upholds law that could ban almost half of Philadelphia from voting
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Published: 15 August, 2012

A Pennsylvania judge ruled in favor of upholding the state’s new voter identification law, which may cause many minorities and college students to be ineligible to vote in the presidential election – even if they registered.
Commonwealth Judge Robert Simpson ruled against granting an injunction to prevent the law from going into effect. Supporters claim the strict ID law helps prevent voter fraud and keeps non-citizens from voting, but it also keeps eligible citizens without an adequate ID from casting their ballots.
In a 70-page opinion, the judge wrote that opponents of the new law “did not establish … that disenfranchisement was immediate or inevitable.

アメリカ。 身分証 選挙権

Bullied Teen Who Got Facial Plastic Surgery Ready to Forgive Tormentors, But Won't Forget

"They said I have the biggest ears that they've ever seen, they called me Dumbo, elephant ears," Nadia said. "I act like I didn't care though I really did. It hurt a lot."

She said the was bullying was so bad that she often had to stop herself from crying in front of her tormentors.

"I tried to hold it in as much as I could," she said. "Usually, when I'm walking home from the bus stop, I usually start to cry, or I usually cry myself to sleep sometimes, too."

The teenager tried to keep the bullying a secret from her mother, Lynda Ilse, because she said she didn't want to burden her. Having recently been laid off, Lynda was already coping with mounting medical bills for her 9-year-old son, Josh. He has cerebral palsy and will have to undergo heart surgery soon.


Pregnant Polish migrant told British Muslim women wearing hijabs to 'go back to your own country' in drunken tirade
Beata Jopek had been drinking vodka and screamed abuse at victims Hana Farah and Ithil Ibrahim
Jopek and her boyfriend abused them on a train and she eventually pulled off one of their hijabs
PUBLISHED: 09:06 GMT, 16 August 2012 | UPDATED: 17:02 GMT, 16 August 2012

イギリス 外国人排外主義

Video: Cop Shoots Dog In East Village


Britain's voodoo killers: This week a minister warned of a wave of child abuse and killings linked to witchcraft. Alarmist? This investigation suggests otherwise
PUBLISHED: 23:49 GMT, 15 August 2012 | UPDATED: 01:02 GMT, 16 August 2012

They appeared to be upright and decent members of our society. She dressed smartly, and had worked for Marks & Spencer.
He drove a top-of-the-range Mercedes and spent his spare time coaching a local women’s football team.
But unbeknown to their neighbours and friends, this couple living in their suburban London flat led a terrifying secret life.
They practised African black magic or voodoo, and on Christmas Day in 2010 they murdered a teenage boy in the belief he was a witch.
To rid the 15-year-old of his ‘demons’, the couple attacked him with knives, sticks, metal bars, a hammer, pliers and a chisel until he begged to die.
After three days of torture, Kristy Bamu was put in the bath and hosed down with cold water to get rid of the blood on his body. Horribly injured, he slid under the water as the bath filled up, and drowned.


Top Chinese politicians accused of taking part in an orgy after 100 naked photos go viral on micro-blogging site
Pictures 'show officials in sex acts in hotel'
Threesomes are criminal offence in China
One suspect claims pictures are doctored
But another admits he was in the photos
Communist party moves in to censor scandal
PUBLISHED: 02:35 GMT, 16 August 2012 | UPDATED: 15:16 GMT, 16 August 2012

中国 政治家スキャンダル

August 14, 2012 8:28 AM

Michael Mendez, NJ man, kept woman locked in bedroom for years, police say

(CBS/AP) Paterson, N.J. - Police searching an apartment for drugs found a woman they believe was kept padlocked in a bedroom for long periods of time over the last several years -- perhaps as long as a decade.

The 44-year-old woman was discovered on Thursday by members of the state police street gang unit as they searched the Paterson home of 42-year-old Michael Mendez, believed to be a member of the Latin Kings street gang.

Mendez is now in Passaic County Jail while the 44-year-old woman was received a medical evacuation Monday.

Spokesman acting Sgt. 1st Class Brian Polite said based on interviews and evidence, investigators believe the woman was kept in the bedroom for extended periods of time for the last two years and possibly up to 10 years.

Investigators said the woman was sometimes let out of the room when her boyfriend was home. Neighbors on either side of Mendez's top-floor apartment told The Associated Press they weren't aware that another person lived in the apartment.

Mendez was charged with kidnapping, false imprisonment and other counts, including some related to the drugs officials said they were looking for in the first place. State police said they found 4,200 prescription pills valued at $100,000, 190 grams of marijuana valued at nearly $2,000 and nearly $23,000 in cash inside his apartment.

女性虐待 監禁


2012年08月13日 01時07分08秒 | Weblog
スラジュさん事件 抗議アクションを行いました
2012年7月30日 月曜日






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【スラジュさん事件】7・30 一日抗議アクション
2012年7月13日 金曜日

緊急告知 スラジュ事件不起訴処分に抗議しよう!!
7.30 一日抗議アクション

2010年3月22日、ガーナ国籍のABUBAKAR AWUDU SURAJさん(以下、スラジュさん)が国費送還中に死亡しました。同行していた入国管理局職員による過剰な制圧によるものです。スラジュさんの日本人妻は同行していた入管職員を2010年6月28日に刑事告訴しました。処分はそれから2年以上経過した今年7月3日、千葉地検により不起訴とされました。これまでスラジュさんの死因は不明でしたが、今となって、スラジュさんに心臓に疾患があったとねつ造し、それが死因であるとしています。
スラジュさん妻と私たち支援者はこの不起訴処分に抗議するため、「7・30 一日抗議アクション」を行います。より多くの皆様にご参加頂き、国賠訴訟の公平な進行を求め、また、公務員同士で身内の罪を隠ぺいする千葉地検にプレッシャーをかけましょう!

Awudu Suraj


2012年08月12日 12時42分58秒 | Weblog
Hackers replace Utah road signs with homophobic messages (VIDEO)
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Published: 10 August, 2012

Hackers reprogrammed a computerized road sign in Utah and made it flash, “GOD HATES GAYS.”
The directional sign altered between the anti-gay comment and the original message, “FOLLOW DETOUR,” on August 9 after 10 pm in Provo, Utah.
“Someone went in and reprogrammed this message board. We take this extremely seriously because of its offensive nature and because these signs are meant to keep the public safe,” said Leigh Dethma, spokeswoman for the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT).
News of the hateful message spread after Annie Frewin took a video of the flashing sign and posted it on YouTube.
But although Provo officials claim the message does not represent the views of their town, Frewin expressed concern on Facebook that it took so long to take the sign down.

EU keeps close eye on French gypsy expulsion
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Published: 11 August, 2012,


2012年08月10日 22時19分21秒 | Weblog
From feet up on chairs, to the hippie swinging in his own hammock: The website that shames your VERY annoying fellow passengers

PUBLISHED: 04:46 GMT, 10 August 2012 | UPDATED: 12:19 GMT, 10 August 2012

マナー 電車、駅 げろ

'Daddy, don't do this to mummy again': Heartbreaking letter boy, seven, wrote to his father after hearing him viciously beat his mother
Stephen Carter, 36, broke his estranged wife Amanda’s arm as he kicked her around 20 times
He drank 10 pints of beers while babysitting their son, Oliver, as she worked a night shift at Tesco
He launched the attack when she returned and confronted him over his new relationship
Oliver listened from his bedroom as his mother pleaded: 'Stephen, please stop. That’s enough, stop it.'
The letter from his son reduced carter to tears
PUBLISHED: 08:19 GMT, 10 August 2012 | UPDATED: 10:55 GMT, 10 August 2012

DV 家庭内暴力


2012年08月09日 22時04分43秒 | Weblog

パトリック・J・リネハン 大阪・神戸米国総領事
エマーソン・カネグスケ氏 インタビュー



Photo by Satoru Oka/Real

カネグスケ氏 「差別」ということではない。私はブラジル生まれだが、ゲイとして生きていくのは大変だった。しかも私は軍に所属していた。ブラジルの軍ではゲイであることは禁止されていた。だから、私は決して自分がゲイだとは言えず、ずっとクローゼットに閉じこもっているしかなかった。だから、「差別を受けた」という感じではなく、生きにくさを感じていた。

リネハン氏 セクシュアリティ(性的志向)については、そもそも、あまり話題にしないことだ。まあ、他にも話題にしたがらないことはたくさんあるんだけど、日本でもセクシュアリティについてはあまり話されない。ある意味、タブーな話題の一つだ。




カネグスケ氏 日本の人々は理解が早いのだと思う。ゲイカップルの存在について、すぐに飲み込んでくれたのだと思う。

リネハン氏 若い人は、特に飲み込みが早い。大学生なんかはゲイカップルだというと、「へー、いいね!」という感じ。30代から40代の方もすぐに理解してくれる。50代から60代の年配の方も、説明すれば分かってくれる。特に女性の方はすぐに分かってくれて、認めてくれる傾向がある。




リネハン氏 確かに、インターネット上には、LGBTに対して憎悪に満ちたコメント溢れている。人々は、われわれのことを知らないのだと思う。ゲイはどういう人か、どこでどう生活しているのか。LGBTに対して攻撃的な人の多くは、自分とすごく違う存在であると思っているのだろう。


Photo by Satoru Oka/REAL
 私たちは、「Hey, we are here! We are real!」と言っていかなくてはならない。LGBTが普通に生活している世界は、現実のものなんだってことを、社会に発信していく必要がある。

 その上で、平等の権利がほしいと主張していく。例えば、君の結婚生活と、我々の結婚生活を比べて、なんで君の結婚生活のほうがたくさんの権利を得られるのか? なんで君らの結婚の方が、僕らよりベターなんだって、考えていくことだ。



リネハン氏 いや、そんなことはない。私はたくさんの日本企業の経営者と話をしてきた。みんな私たち夫婦のことを普通のこととして扱ってくれる。決して遅れているとは思わない。

カネグスケ氏 私が日本に来てから、関西地区の企業経営者や政財界の有力な人たちの妻が会員となっている組織があって、そこの会長は、代々、アメリカ総領事夫人が務めることになっていた。それで、私が招かれて、会長に就任してくれって打診されたんだ(笑)。その組織は女性がほとんど。だから「いや、私は男だし、いいんですか?」って聞いたんですよ。そうしたら、まったく問題ないと(笑)。とても嬉しかったし、日本の皆さんはLGBTに対して受け入れる素地のようなものがあると思う。

リネハン氏 アメリカでは昔、アフリカンアメリカンのことを差別していた歴史があるし、言葉も蔑称が普通に使われていた。企業の採用の場面でも差別していた。今、そんなことをやったら、違法だし、クレイジーな企業だと見なされる。


カネグスケ氏 それに、ゲイはたくさんおカネを使うからね! 企業は無視できなくなると思う(笑)。

A moment of true sportsmanship, as Japan consoles a defeated France

2012年08月08日 22時11分06秒 | Weblog

A moment of true sportsmanship, as Japan consoles a defeated France

France's Camille Abilly is consoled by a player from Japan after Japan defeated France in the women's semi-final soccer match at Wembley Stadium in London at the London Olympic Games, on Aug. 6.

Christophe Simon / AFP - Getty Images
Japan's Aya Miyama chats with dejected France player Camille Abilly at the end of their women's football semi final Japan vs France event at Wembley stadium during the London 2012 Olympic Games on Aug. 6, in London.

By Natalia Jimenez, NBC News
It is not often you see players of opposing teams going out of their way to console one another after a game has ended. Their interaction is usually limited to a friendly handshake or pat on the back.
These images of Japan's Aya Miyama comforting France's Camille Abilly, after Japan defeated France 2-1 in a close semi-final match, stood out from other post-game reaction photos. While we have no way of knowing what words were exchanged between the players (and we can only assume there was a bit of a language barrier between them), their body language speaks for itself. It is clear Miyama took time to try and comfort the distraught Abilly, and Abilly seems to eventually accept her kind gesture.
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In such intense competitions, where emotions run high with adrenaline, it is reassuring to know that these Olympians are not only extraordinary athletes, but show true sportsmanship as well.


2012.08.07 1