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MUST-READ ' Kenneth Pyle: ‘Japan seeks sovereignty’'

2014年07月10日 01時50分58秒 | Weblog

Kenneth Pyle: ‘Japan seeks sovereignty’ - Dispatch Japan http://j.mp/1rSENYr
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8:45 - 2014年7月9日

Kenneth Pyle: ‘Japan seeks sovereignty’

PYLE: People are approaching the collective self-defense issue from different directions, but it is unquestionably being driven by the rapidly changing international environment. This has been a historical pattern in Japan since the Meiji Restoration: to adapt pragmatically to the international environment, and to organize domestic institutions to fit the new global structure.

PYLE: Sure. Within the LDP there are people who think Abe has moved too fast, and have doubts about his right-wing ties. There is no question about that.

The LDP is not a monolith

But I think much of this debate goes back to the international environment, especially in East Asia.

The changing environment around Japan puts Abe’s doubters in a difficult position.

PYLE: For conservatives in Japan, the entire postwar order has been a bitter pill. The US-Japan alliance was signed while we Americans still had over 200,000 troops in Japan. It was a price that Yoshida and other Japanese leaders at the time had to pay to end the US Occupation. It is easy to forget those circumstances, but they remain a factor in debates in Japan these days.

Remember: John Foster Dulles said to one of his aides: The 1952 security treaty amounted to Japan voluntarily accepting continuation of the Occupation.

The US has subordinated Japan. This is unique within the American-led, postwar order.

The alliance has been a tool to manage and control Japan, as much as anything else.

The unequal nature of the alliance has bothered conservatives in Japan, and now Abe, for a long time.

DISPATCH JAPAN: Would you have recommended criticism of Abe’s visit to Yasukuni?

PYLE: I would have recommended a much more quiet approach. Let’s remember: the Showa Emperor – Emperor Hirohito – was very upset when the so-called war criminals were returned to Yasukuni. This fact cannot simply be ignored by conservatives in Japan. I would have preferred that our disagreements and protests be expressed quietly.

DISPATCH JAPAN: The US-Japan alliance is very unusual.

PYLE: Very much so. It goes back to FDR’s demand for unconditional surrender. This was the only war in American history that we demanded end that way. We have fought a lot of wars. In no other did we insist on unconditional surrender.

That set the foundation for the postwar US-Japan relationship, down to today.

PYLE: I have thought a lot about this. If we want to help mediate, perhaps we should start rethinking some of our own decisions. For example: the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. As a nation, we have been reluctant to reconsider.

I would like to see our president make a visit to Hiroshima.

We have never talked much about the fire-bombing of about 60 Japanese cities, which involved deliberate targeting of civilians in the last year of the war.





