Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

英大衆紙コメ欄では、そうだ難民しよう の支持多し。

2015年10月09日 16時50分59秒 | Weblog


やー、デイリーメールはコメ見ればわかるけど応援記事ですよね。難民問題の左右議論は先進国ならどこも同じなんで。>シリア難民子どもイラスト http://dailym.ai/1FYX4vz

The Truth, Manchester, about 17 hours ago
This is just a Japanese artists view of what is happening in another part of the World, and is probably the view shared by a large majority in the West with regards to some refugees

Gopole, Wroclaw, Poland, about 17 hours ago
10,000 signatories out of how many facebook members. Hardly significant I would say. I just wish figures could be put in to perspective and not used to deceive readers. It is true most "refugees" want to get to Europe for a better life, nothing to do with life being threatened.

Liz, Devon, about 18 hours ago
He was wrong using a kid. It's not the children who think this. It's those young angry men that are trying to push their way into Europe [if only they wanted to better their lives but I fear that's not their actual agenda]. The kids are only there to make us feel guilty, they are just pawns. Still kudos to the artist.
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Bobbi., madrid, Spain, about 18 hours ago
To all the serial handwringers and bedwetters of the lib / left .......Prove he was wrong !!

Nooms, St Albans, United Kingdom, 18 hours ago
It's not racist, it is insensitive however. The cartoonist could have made her point with a picture of a young Afghani man, rather than a little Syrian girl.

Amusingusername, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 18 hours ago
Once again, the 'r' word has been misused. She was making a valid point about how genuine claimants are outweighed by the number of fraudulent ones in the name of political correctnes

I was not aware that Syrians are a separate r a c e. The artist did really well and spoke the truth. I am glad that Japanese are not worried about PC and are still free to express their opinion.

Hunter Bush, LC, United States, 18 hours ago
Some people can't stand the truth.
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HouseIsNotAHome, Country, United Kingdom, 18 hours ago
Though in Asia, clearly they see the same side that a great deal of Westerners are facing with on an hourly basis. While I agree that there are genuine people fleeing their country and wanting a better life- I do hope that once their country is back to a normal state- that they leave and go back to where they come from. I am up for hospitality, but there's a cut-off point. Not only are we being taken the mick out of by letting the people flee their country- because we are forcing them to leave by bombing their country- but they've had ample countries to get into the stay before deciding they want to come here. Moving to a country for your life and your safety- fine. But moving to a country for a luxurious lifestyle and having our benefits. Not fine. If the latter is the case- CLOSE THE BORDERS!

Mrjoshua, New York, 18 hours ago
I fail to see how this is racist, It is highlighting an actual issue.

branstonpickle, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom, 18 hours ago
Great artist, straight to the point. Totally not racist. The truth hurts these lefty fools, when it does, they cry racism.
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George Kirkman, Sullivan Indiana USA, United States, 18 hours ago
"accusing refugees of 'faking' plight." No one is accusing her of faking her plight. It is real. What the artist and others are saying is her parents are taking advantage of the situation to better themselves. Face it no would leave a bad situation and head for a worse one.

onlytruth1, south Vienna, United States, 18 hours ago
He's right!
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three60, Lincoln, United Kingdom, 18 hours ago
So that`s 10,000 disingenuous liberals that refuse to see the truth, and the truth hurts.

Tigerbob, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 18 hours ago
A lot of the immigrants are just that, the genuine Syrian refugees are the ones that need help.
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Ziva8, England, United Kingdom, 18 hours ago
It's realist - I wish they'd try not to muddle up the words.
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MacMac01, Fetcham, United Kingdom, 18 hours ago
The truth hurts!

HarvestMoonPerson, Sick of the EU Want Out Now, United Kingdom, 19 hours ago
The drawing hit the nail on the head.

Kriss Day, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 19 hours ago
it's not racist, it's a fair comment on what is happening at the expense of real Syrian refugees.

wordsdark, Düsseldorf, Germany, 19 hours ago
Having been to GB, Germany and Finland this last few weeks I can say all I see were young men who act aggressively and have no respect for anything, and seem to have no interest in getting work, but all seem to be planing to attack women and children.
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David27, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 19 hours ago
Should have changed the cartoon to a pic of a young guy, iphone in hand, then it would be most definately true, they seem to have left the women and children behind.
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gregg, Wichita, United States, 19 hours ago
The problem is not young girls. It's military age men.

Steven Rogers, Binbrook, Canada, 19 hours ago
It's the truth and everyone in the west see's it that way.

NikkN, Nashville, United States, 19 hours ago
I thought it was provocative and to the point. Hardly racist. Truth hurts.
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bosworth1485, Accrington, United Kingdom, 19 hours ago
The truth is hurting many people which illustrates the fact that Facebook encourages many dimwits.
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Scrumpy, Cinderford, United Kingdom, 19 hours ago
Why do you think that a lot of so called refugees want to come to the UK? That's right, free everything, plus they cannot be deported!

shirleyrose, York, United Kingdom, 20 hours ago
what is racist about the truth.
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MaxTrader, Newcastle, United Kingdom, 20 hours ago
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Dave, East Sussex, United Kingdom, 20 hours ago
Not far wrong in my opinion!
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DocDaneeka, Leeds, United Kingdom, 20 hours ago
Well it's true isn't it?

Gungaglyn, Brantford, Canada, 20 hours ago
There's an element of truth to it!

warriors_fan, Wigan, United Kingdom, 20 hours ago
Many may not like it, but it could be the nearest we get to the truth.

someone, somewhere, United States, 20 hours ago
Racist maybe.... but true... absolutely!!!

Dorset Redneck, Poole, United Kingdom, 21 hours ago
A bit nasty, but true.

Mybackyard, Somerset, 22 hours ago
No, it isn't racist . It just reflects the views that many people have about a great many false refugees who take advantage of the generosity of the west to obtain just those things.





