Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

Thus Korean sex slavery was born

2019年09月06日 13時54分15秒 | Weblog
North Korea intensifies prostitution crackdown
By Kim Yoo Jin -2019.09.05 6:00pm

Prostitution in North Korea
Image: Daily NK
Prostitution has been on the rise in tandem with increasing economic difficulties in North Korea. The government is now taking wider steps to crackdown on this under-the-table industry, a Daily NK source reported on September 3.
“Some women in financial difficulty are turning to prostitution and setting up massage parlor-like spaces in their own homes,” a North Hamgyong Province-based source told the Daily NK.
“Women without other viable means of making money are earning a living this way. Other women have seen the improvement in their lives and are increasingly turning to prostitution,” the source added.
Women are getting together in groups of at least four to build their prostitution businesses in private homes. Typically, one of the women stays at home while the rest head out to railway stations, markets, and truck stops to approach potential male customers and market their services.
They tell potential customers that they have “good food prepared at home” for them, or that they “should stay at our place, it’s nice,” the source said.
In general, these prostitution “marketers” will cap the bidding for their services at 100 Chinese yuan, but then demand an additional 200 yuan once their customers arrive at the homes.
“Bringing all of these outsiders into homes for sex can lead their neighbors or the local inminban (neighbor unit) leader to complain, but the women just hand out cigarettes or food to quiet them,” another North Hamgyong Province-based source told Daily NK. “The prostitution takes place in private homes, not motels, so there are cases where groups of people protest about what is taking place near their own homes.”

This is how sex slavery was born for the Japanese military and U.S. military--out of poverty, the Korean women were forced into prostitution. Out of fear of spreading STD, the military managed the brothels.

We are proud that Japan apologized to and compensated the victims in 2007 and in 2015

Koreans should be ashamed that S.Korea gov.has never faced up to history

Must Read: America's comfort women 1

Ex-South Korean 'comfort women' for U.S. troops sue own government

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