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2014年03月27日 14時29分51秒 | Weblog


At its core, Bitcoin is nothing more than a digital file that lists every transaction that has ever happened in the network in its version of a general ledger called the “block chain.” Bitcoin is the first example of a growing category of money known as cryptocurrency in which open-source software solves complex mathematical calculations to mine more Bitcoins (Coin Desk 2013a). These “miners” make the Bitcoin network function by validating transactions and thereby creating new Bitcoins. This occurs when the Bitcoin network collects all the transactions made during a set period of time (usually every 10 minutes) into a list called a “block.” Miners confirm these blocks of transactions and write them into the block chain by competing against each other to solve mathematical calculations. Every time a miner’s system finds a solution that validates a block of transactions, that miner is awarded 25 Bitcoins (Coin Desk 2013b). Every four years, this reward is halved so that the total number of Bitcoins will never exceed 21 million.




Why Bitcoin Can No Longer Work as a Virtual Currency, in 1 Paragraph
A single bitcoin no longer functions like a $20 bill.

As a store of value, Bitcoin’s price had to be predictably stable, such that you could neglect to spend a single bitcoin and know its value would not fluctuate wildly. In late 2013, many argued that Bitcoin’s quickly rising price kept it from functioning as a dependable store of value, but there were no technical or regulatory reasons it couldn’t function as such eventually.

As a medium of exchange, Bitcoin must be commonly desired. People must want to have Bitcoin; others must want to spend it. (Thus, it avoids the ‘coincidence of wants’ problem―in order to trade, both people don’t need to want something the other person has. Instead of trading rent for food, for example, you can rent living space from a landlord with money, and your landlord can use that money to buy food.)

Finally, as a unit of account, Bitcoin had to have a standard numerical value to be used to measure profits and settle debts. It had to be divisible (which it was, since smaller units of bitcoin could be traded); it had to be verifiable (which it was―this formed the basis of its cryptosecurity), and finally, it had to be fungible, meaning that every bitcoin was the same as every other bitcoin.



The price at which a particular Bitcoin was acquired (and this is traceable) determines the capital gains on that particular Bitcoin when spent. If I spend Bitcoin A, which I bought at $10, but is now worth $400, I’ve got a very different tax treatment than if I spend Bitcoin B, which I bought at $390. […] This means Bitcoins are not fungible, and that makes it unworkable as a currency.


If I have to figure out which particular Bitcoin in my wallet I want to spend and what the tax treatment will be, Bitcoin just doesn't work as a commercial medium of exchange.





