Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

S.Korean ruling party, like N.Korea, accuses a journalist of treason .

2019年03月17日 14時48分14秒 | Weblog
oreign News Journalists Express ‘Grave Concern’ over Ruling Party’s Criticism of Bloomberg Reporter
Posted on March 17, 2019 by Korea Bizwire in Culture & Society, National Politics with 0 Comment

The ruling Democratic Party issued a statement berating Na, but it also criticized the Bloomberg reporter by name, accusing her of writing a treacherous story, as a South Korean citizen, that insulted the head of state.

The Seoul Foreign Correspondents’ Club issued a statement expressing “grave concern over the ruling Democratic party’s statement singling out a Bloomberg reporter,” saying it “resulted in serious threats to her personal safety.”

“It is disturbing for any politician to accuse any journalist of treason — a criminal offence — for reporting on matters of public interest or voicing an opinion. This is a form of censorship and journalistically chilling,” the statement said


