Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

Hiroko Tabuchi has no clue about Endo and Japan

2017年01月04日 01時23分40秒 | Weblog
Hiroko Tabuchi ‏@HirokoTabuchi 2 時間2 時間前


Ironic that spotlight on Endo, author of "Silence," comes as he fades into obscurity in his native Japan.

Endo is still a great writer but he fades into obscurity just as much as, or as little as Graham Greene

Hiroko Tabuchi認証済みアカウント

Novel was first published in 1958 to critical acclaim. But in today's Japan, where revisionist (whitewashed) history has become the norm..

”Silence" had been used as a textbook at school. It seems it is not used any more, but the lots of Japanese know the novel because they studied it in school.

It is true that there are some deniers but Japan is better in acknowledging the war crimes, apologizing and compensating for the colonization and sex slavery than, for instance, U.S. and U.K.

Hiroko Tabuchi ‏@HirokoTabuchi

Endo, a Christian, was fervent critic of what he saw as Japan's lack of morality -- ordinary people condoning atrocities bc of groupthink.

This claim is offensive. The Japanese people are not psychopath.

Morality is about what you shouldn't do and what you should do. It is about the quality of being in accord with standards of right or good conduct. Every society has it. Samurai code is a kind of morality. Japan is known for low crime-rate country.

What Japan lacked is Christian morality. Traditionally Japanese lack the concept of Christian God, who, just like a typical father in Judeo-Christian society, is filled with anger, who is biased, brutal and jealous, and who wants to punish people, sometimes for no reason.

You have morality with or without Christian God.

But for a Christian like Hiroko Tabuchi and for that matter,Richard Spencer, if you don't believe in Christianity, you lack morality: you are psychopath or barbarians to be educated.
Tribalism and demonizing are rampant in journalism. We can't deny Christian ideology is behind them.

Notice in passing that Japanese people prefer mother goddess like St. Mary and Guanyin to father God---"Canon" , by the way, comes from Kannon, Guanyin in Japanese.
God punishes but mother goddess forgives.
What Kichijiro in "silence" was seeking for was a mother's compassion toward the sorrowful and those who tremble under life's afflictions.
We are not strong. We painfully know we sometimes commit sins.
Chritian God is biased. He punishes those who does not believe in God. America, Anglo-saxon. Christian countries while mother goddess forgives us.

Hiroko Tabuchi ‏@HirokoTabuchi 3 時間3 時間前

He based another novel, The Sea and Poison, on historic account of American POWs used for human experiments in WW2


Novel was first published in 1958 to critical acclaim. But in today's Japan, where revisionist (whitewashed) history has become the norm..

The Sea and Poison was made into a movie in 1986 and won several awards

She is a jouranlist. If she wants to claim something, she should base it on facts. There might be deniers but I don't know any.
Wikipedia doesn't mention any controversy.

Rather whitewashed history has become the norm in the U.S.A.because journalists for American mainstream media like Hiroko are forced into silence about U.S. historical crimes.







