Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

The rich will still be rich, the poor will still be poor, and we'll still blame foreigners

2016年06月26日 00時38分36秒 | Weblog




What does this vote mean if one feels utterly powerless in every other way?
Suzanne Moore
Suzanne Moore

Indeed, they may be blaming the wrong group (immigrants), but this feeling is how inequality voices itself. You can condemn it or you can try to understand it.



The outpouring of respect shown for Cox was special but, in general, many leavers voice little faith in politicians. Both the mainstream media and social media seem not to see how profoundly alienated so many are.


Here's How We Fight Racism Now That Brexit Has Won
By Wail Qasim

June 24, 2016

it seems clear that hatred directed at foreigners drove a huge number of Leave voters. Stealing jobs, leeching benefits, crowding hospital waiting rooms and causing traffic jams are just some of the crimes I've heard immigration charged with in the last few weeks. To many, the problems they experience in Britain are the fault of people not born here, with over a third of Leave voters citing the issue of immigration as their deciding factor in a YouGov poll for the Times on the eve of the vote.



Brexit, a sign of anti-elite revolt: analysts
It was Britain’s poorer and less-educated citizens who pushed it out of the European Union. Photo: AFP
Brexit, a sign of anti-elite revolt: analysts
Published: 25 Jun 2016 09:48 GMT+02:00

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Rural areas with high numbers of migrant workers, former industrial hubs and poor areas around cities, those without a university education and older voters were all among the 52 percent who voted Brexit.


They are those who suffered the worst hangover from the economic crisis, and whose precarious economic position makes them most fearful of rising immigration — to the benefit of far right groups in the E.U. and Donald Trump in the United States.

“They mistrust political elites because up until now they haven’t seen any political parties who appear to recognise their discontent and respond to it.”

At the root of this surge in anti-establishment sentiment is a feeling of fear, loss of control, and traditions and identity lost among those who are struggling economically, analysts say.

“You have a lot of people who took a big hit. These are people who feel economically vulnerable, and when you put demographic fears on top of economic vulnerability this is what you get,” said Mr. Galston.




une 24, 2016 7:55 pm
How a cautious nation came to tear down the political temple
Philip Stephens






