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Canadian genocide

2019年06月04日 11時14分51秒 | Weblog
カナダ先住民女性は「ジェノサイド」の犠牲者 最終報告書

Inquiry into missing and murdered Indigenous women issues final report with sweeping calls for change

The report, released today in Ottawa, calls on government and police to address endemic violence

This report is about deliberate race, identity and gender-based genocide," she said.

Beyond defining the level of violence against these women as a "Canadian genocide," recommending official language status for Indigenous languages and calling for "a guaranteed annual livable income for all Canadians," the commissioners are also recommending sweeping reforms to the justice system and policing in this country, including stiffer penalties for men who carry out spousal or partner abuse.

"We call upon the federal government to include cases where there is a pattern of intimate partner violence and abuse as murder in the first degree under Section 222 of the Criminal Code," the report reads.


