Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

Japanese soldiers & Korean soldiers were comrades invading Asia

2019年08月23日 23時06分35秒 | Weblog


Well said. Let me add a few words...

Japan colonized Korea. It was wrong.

But let me say this; during WWⅡ, Japanese soldiers and Korean soldiers were comrades invading Asia and killing Asian people. Many Japanese soldiers fought under Korean superior officials.

Koreans were the victims of the colonization; at the same time, they were not entirely innocent. They were guilty of war crimes too.

Japan has been apologizing to Asian countries and Korea.

The three amigos 💰 Playing Boulder Theatre tonight after robbing a local town and swimming in the watering hole (Edit: this is an anti-war shirt by The Clash, from the 70’s. This represents my anti-war beliefs, love of Rock n roll, and love of history. This flag is a very historic Japanese flag from 1600 that was tragically misused by the Japanese Imperialists in WW2, but has been taken back, and is currently a symbol of good fortune and the navy fleet, used in iconic pop art like Tadanori Yokoo. Hopefully one day the Japanese government will apologize for its war crimes to Korea so they can stop this cycle of animosity. You are all brothers. THIS IS NOT A NAZI FLAG and I am not pro-Nazi.)

Let’s remember that Japanese and Koreans are much more similar than we are different. Let’s not continue the bigoted history of our predecessors. Let’s show that the new generation has evolved to see beyond labels and we don’t blame each other for the actions of past generations. Although I respect your right to be offended, I simply don’t believe I am responsible for how you feel about an image or a concept. I believe deeply in freedom of thought and expression and I hope you all realize that despite a disagreement about a flag. Sincerely and Humbly, Sean Ono Lennon 🙏❤️🙏

Similarly, when I see hinomaruken, the Japanese rising Sun, I think of the art of Tadanori Yokoo, and my childhood in Japan. That is to say: everyone must be free to have their own associations with words and symbols, we cannot dictate to others how to feel or think. Just because you might associate the Japanese flag w WWII atrocities does NOT mean I have to or that I do. Contrary to some comments here, the Swastika has not been banned nor should it be. We in America believe that ‘I may despise what you say but I would fight to the death for your right to say it!’ This is a foundational principal of our Republic. The idea of an ‘Asian Nazi’ to me is absurd, and frankly if I were Jewish, I could imagine it would be offensive, since comparing anything to the Nazis seems insensitive. However that does not mean you have no right to use that term. That is your free expression, and I respect it even if I don’t agree with it. Charlotte and I absolutely love Korean culture, your cinema, your music, and most of all your food! (I may even like it better than Japanese food but don’t tell my mom!) please understand we are not your enemy just because we have a different relationship to words and symbols.

To anyone upset about the teeshirt from the album Pearl Harbor by the British band the Clash, featuring the Japanese ‘hinomaruken,’ please hear me out. First of all, the teeshirt is not celebrating the activities of the Japanese during the war, it is celebrating an album by a British punk band, an album that speaks very intelligently about WWII. Let me be clear that as a Japanese man nothing gives me more shame than the history of Japanese atrocities against Korea during WWII. I absolutely detest war, and ultimately feel that all the participants perpetrated unspeakable acts of what was arguably unnecessary—in that it was avoidable—-violence. However there is nothing to be gained in comparing Hitler to Hiroshima—-as nations we tend to empathize most with our own suffering. But let’s be clear, the Hindu symbol known as the Swastika has never been outlawed here in the States. In fact it is still used in India in designs and textiles. Just because that symbol was hijacked by the Nazis does not mean everyone who uses it thinks of it in the same way.

Does everyone realize this teeshirt was made by the rock band the Clash? And that the the record was an anti war commentary? It would be crazy if an anti war album and teeshirt were to be interpreted as pro N*Z* wouldn’t it? Maybe not in this upside down clown world. Good bye reason and logic, hello crazytown...

You mentioned the N word to an African American? Is that a joke? When you call us Americans OR Japanese Nazis (and I am both) we do not like it. So please wake up.

Suddenly I’ve been blocked from commenting. Guess y’all will have to get on w out me...

@kimhs84 I would understand the request more if this flag was actually created for Imperialism, but it wasn’t. Therefore, it’s like banning the British flag or something with centuries of history. It’s a more complicated debate than what bloodthirsty Korean millennials make it out to be. Its a philosophical debate- are we going to censor everything in the world that is offensive, is it okay to censor art or history itself- and who ultimately gets to decide what is censored or not? That is either Imperialism itself, or the mob rule Socrates was afraid of. Also- are ancient symbols to blame for the Korean occupation, or the war criminals themselves? How much power should we give symbols? Can they be re-contextualized?

@kimhs84 Hey- your story is beautiful and bittersweet. I’m aware of the brutality of the Japanese army in the past. That is why we Americans stripped them of all military force. The Imperialists are gone. The Nazis are gone. My family helped to eliminate them, but I don’t hold that history against the new generation of Japanese or Germans. It’s easy to vilify an entire race because of a personal connection to a particular battle or war crime- but it’s also easy to forget that *every* country on the planet has committed unspeakable war crimes. America, France, Korea, Uganda, England, everywhere. We’re all the victim of someone and all the murderer of someone else. In the case of Japan, it has a particular history of bullying Korea, for which it needs to address and apologize. Their government is so proud, but from I can tell of interacting with 4,000 angry Koreans- every country is proud and ugly when it comes down to national dogma. Abe is really a jerk, and not helping with the relationship of your two countries. People assume I’m a Japan apologist, but what they don’t realize is that shirt was an anti-war shirt from the album Pearl Harbor, and I’m the first person to criticize the Japanese government. What I dont like is the double standard, or hypocrisy of people saying we should ban the Rising Sun flag, just because youre still mad it, but not ban every other flag in the world associated with war crimes. This flag was not created for the Imperialist party. It was misused by them briefly. It has a 400 year history that is important to the Japanese and pop art/political art in general. Censoring art is a verrrry slippery slope to Fascism.


3 コメント

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Unknown ()
2019-08-30 18:44:26
Korean lieutenant generals, Major generals Colonels, Majors etc. who fought with and under whom Japanese soldiers fought

Unknown ()
2019-08-30 18:37:03
What are you talking about?
Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia.
Don't whitewash history!

Unknown (wth)
2019-08-30 18:23:30
You wrong. did you intentionally make mistakes ? Or you don’t know the history? Or just you don’t have good enough English writing skills?

