Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2015年08月09日 20時39分35秒 | Weblog

The mother of a 13-year-old in attendance at the week-long program spoke about her son’s assault, saying “They had him by the neck with their forearm and they just beat in his head, stomach, everywhere.”

Araceli Pulido, the mother of two young girls who participated in the program also spoke out about the brutality inflicted on one of her daughters, reporting that her little girl was “slapped in the face…kicked in the ribs if she didn’t do her pushups right.” She goes on to say, “One of my oldest daughters said she wanted to become a cop. She’s traumatized. They told her they got paid for her to get hit.”

Mother Veronica Bernal is also upset, stating “They never told me that they were going to beat them, or they were going to put them in a dark room or they were going to fracture him or break his arm.”

Attorney for some of the children involved, Greg Owen, elaborated, saying “…before they came out [of the dark room], they would throw em a towel and say, ‘wipe the blood off.'”





