Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2018年01月19日 19時28分12秒 | Weblog
North Korea plans military parade on eve of the Olympics, diplomats say
By Will Ripley, Tim Schwarz and James Griffiths, CNN

Updated 0848 GMT (1648 HKT) January 19, 2018
North, South Korea to march under unified flag



2018年01月19日 18時32分54秒 | Weblog



韓流ファンが世界で7千万人突破 消費では日本が1位
2018/01/15 22:15





Increasing number of S. Koreans escape S. Korean Hell and renounce S. Korean citizenship

2018年01月19日 18時12分50秒 | Weblog

Young South Koreans call their country ‘hell’ and look for ways out
By Anna Fifield January 31, 2016

It’s a place where, according to a growing number of 20- and 30-somethings, those born with a “golden spoon” in their mouths get into the best universities and secure the plum jobs, while those born with a “dirt spoon” work long hours in low-paying jobs without benefits.

This Korea even has a special name: “Hell Joseon,” a phrase that harks back to the five-century-long Joseon dynasty in which Confucian hierarchies became entrenched in Korea and when a feudal system determined who got ahead and who didn’t.

“It’s hard to imagine myself getting married and having kids. There is no answer or future for us,” says Hwang Min-joo, a 26-year-old writer for television shows.

Hwang often goes to work on a Monday morning with her suitcase, not leaving again until Thursday night. She eats at her office, takes a shower at her office, sleeps in bunk beds at her office. “If I finish work at 9 p.m., that’s a short day,” she said.

There’s a Hell Joseon group on Facebook that boasts more than 5,000 members and a dedicated “Hell Korea” website that posts graphic after graphic to illustrate the awful state of life in South Korea: the long working hours, the high suicide rate and even the high price of snacks.

South Korea’s Brain Drain
Why so many young South Koreans think of their country as “hell.”

By Ben Forney
July 06, 2017

The 2016 IMD World Talent report ranked South Korea 46th out of 61 countries on its Brain Drain Index, placing it below less developed nations like India and the Philippines. The same report listed South Korea 47th countries on quality of life, and a pitiful 59th on worker motivation

Young South Koreans Want To Escape The "Hell" Of Their Country

Life is becoming unbearable for young people in South Korea – so much so that they want to rename their country "Hell Joseon."

When it comes to the Korean Peninsula, it’s generally the reclusive North that’s not considered a good place to live.

But many fail to realize that the South isn’t all that great as well. In fact, young Koreans dislike their country so much, they want to rename it to “Hell Joseon,” which, according to Korea Exposé, is described as “an infernal feudal kingdom stuck in the 19th century.”

The Republic of Korea's nationality renunciation numbers are so high that I had to create a separate scale for them on the right side of the graph above; if I didn't, the other countries would all be squashed at the bottom and comparing would be difficult. They are the only advanced developed country in the world with numbers this high; their loss of nationality numbers exceed their naturalization numbers.

There are two big reasons for these numbers:
Conscription. With some exceptions (such as those who naturalize), South Korea conscripts its 18 to 35 years old males for military service that can last up to two (2) years for active duty and three (3) years for non-active duty.
Japanese naturalization. Ethnic Koreans who were born and raised in Japan (colloquially called 『在日』Zainichi — which actually literally means "in Japan"), have been naturalizing in numbers approaching five digits (almost 10,000 people) per year. As South Korea did not permit dual nationality for those who voluntarily chose another nationality, a gain of a citizen for Japan meant a loss of a Korean national.

Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons?

2018年01月19日 15時55分07秒 | Weblog

North Korea’s nuclear advances and diminishing confidence in the dependability of US extended nuclear deterrence add to the sense of strategic unease.b

Who will call out the nuclear emperor for being naked? Nuclear weapons haven’t been used since 1945—Hiroshima was the first time and Nagasaki the last. Their very destructiveness makes them qualitatively different in political and moral terms, to the point of rendering them unusable. A calculated use of the bomb is less likely than one resulting from system malfunction, faulty information or rogue launch.

Consistent with the moral taint associated with the bomb, the most common justification for getting or keeping nuclear weapons isn’t that we’d want to use them against anyone else. We’d only want them either to avert nuclear blackmail or to deter an attack. Neither of those arguments holds up against the historical record or in logic.

The belief in the coercive utility of nuclear weapons is widely internalised, owing in no small measure to Japan’s surrender immediately after Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Yet the evidence is surprisingly clear that the close chronology is a coincidence. In Japanese decision-makers’ minds, the decisive factor in their unconditional surrender was the entry of the Soviet Union into the Pacific war against Japan’s essentially undefended northern approaches, and the fear that the Soviets would be the occupying power unless Japan surrendered to the US first. Hiroshima was bombed on 6 August 1945, Nagasaki on 9 August. Moscow broke its neutrality pact to attack Japan on 9 August and Tokyo announced the surrender on 15 August.

The normative taboo against the most indiscriminately inhumane weapon ever invented is so comprehensive and robust that under no conceivable circumstances will its use against a non-nuclear state compensate for the political costs. That’s why nuclear powers have accepted defeat at the hands of non-nuclear states (for example, Vietnam and Afghanistan) rather than escalate armed conflict to the nuclear level. Non-nuclear Argentina even invaded the Falkland Islands in 1982 despite Britain’s nuclear arsenal.











Hey America, this is what the future looks like!

2018年01月19日 15時16分50秒 | Weblog

ほら! 日本と韓国! これが将来の世界、一国の指導者でも、仕事と母親は両立できるんだよ





2018年01月19日 15時13分18秒 | Weblog




France to bring in total ban on pupils using mobile phones in school

2018年01月19日 15時09分20秒 | Weblog

Pupils in France are going to be banned from taking mobile phones to school, the country’s education minister has announced.

Jean-Michel Blanquer said the ban, which the government had been considering for some time, would come into effect at the start of the new school year next September.

Mobiles are already banned from classrooms, but the new rule will bar schoolchildren from using them between lessons and during breaks.

"These days the children don't play at break time anymore, they are just all in front of their smartphones and from an educational point of view that's a problem," Mr Blanquer told Le Grand Jury TV programme on Sunday.



Seoul defends joint training at N.K. ski resort which children as young as 11 were forced to build

2018年01月19日 11時09分31秒 | Weblog
Hyangsu Park (朴香樹)‏


(LEAD) Seoul defends joint training at N.K. ski resort as part of efforts for 'Peace Olympics'
2018/01/18 16:03

report has found that thousands of men, women and children are working in blizzard conditions using sticks, pickaxes and makeshift shovels to keep North Korea’s Masikryong ski resort open.

Video footage released by NBC shows workers crouched at the side of the road hammering at the frozen surface in an attempt to keep the access road open for the resort’s elite visitors – in contrast to the modern snowploughs and other machinery used in the vast majority of ski resorts around the world.

The report has claimed that some of the children carrying out this backbreaking work could be as young as 11 or 12.

A Korea Ski Association official told local media that the resort meets the International Ski Federation’s requirements as a training facility.

But the quality of slopes, hotels and accompanying facilities are not so much a problem as the suspicion of the use of child labor in building and maintaining the resort.

Last year, footage revealed by NBC showed workers laboring in the freezing cold to keep roads open, some of whom clearly appeared to be children. The revelation sparked furor and condemnation from around the world, with groups like US-based Human Rights calling on the UN to pressure the North to stop child labor.

There have been criticisms within South Korea about the North taking advantage of this opportunity to promote its facility and its dictatorial leadership.

“Masikryong resort opened in 2013, and North Korea is busy promoting it because not enough foreigners are visiting. For our players to train there is preposterous,” said Rep. Na Kyung-won of the Liberty Korea Party on TBS radio. “I think (the Olympics) are being used for North Korean propaganda.

So what are these men really after? Sex or dominance?

2018年01月19日 08時22分17秒 | Weblog

So what are these men really after? Sex or dominance?

“The hackneyed phrase everyone always says about sexual harassment is that it’s not really about sex, it’s about power,” said Illinois researcher Pryor. “But that’s not really true. It’s about both.”

In recent years, psychologists trying to understand the relationship between power and sex have found that, for many men who score high on the harassment scale, the two ideas are often intertwined.

“They are two sides of the same coin and so strongly fused that it's impossible to cleave them apart,” Pryor said. “If these men have power over someone, they find it difficult not to have those sexual ideas come to mind. And more they think about it, the more that association is reinforced.”

2018年 01月 12日





Strong ethic nationalism & Hatred, especially against Japan, unifies Korean peninsula

2018年01月19日 06時15分31秒 | Weblog
Olympic Détente Upends U.S. Strategy on North Korea

In the interview, Mr. Trump was uncharacteristically critical of Russia, saying it had weakened the global sanctions against North Korea, even as China was doing more.

“What China is helping us with, Russia is denting,” he said. “In other words, Russia is making up for some of what China is doing.”

Analysts said the agreement would be enormously popular in South Korea. Strong ethic nationalism compels people in both Koreas to cheer for each other’s athletes when they compete against non-Korean teams, especially Japan.

A previous such moment came in 1991, when a unified and underdog Korean team won the gold medal in the women’s team competition over China in the World Table Tennis Championships in Chiba, Japan. The unified women’s ice hockey team will face Japan on Feb. 14 in Pyeongchang.

The two Koreas negotiated to share some of the 1988 Seoul Olympics after South Korea won the right to play host to the games. But the talks collapsed, and the North bombed a South Korean passenger jet in 1987 in an attempt to disrupt them.





2018年01月19日 05時49分56秒 | Weblog





BBC double standard?

2018年01月19日 04時04分58秒 | Weblog


I feel Japanese'
Ms Yoshikawa's win did not trigger the backlash that Ms Miyamoto received on social media.

There were however, several on Twitter that expressed unhappiness.

"It's like we're saying a pure Japanese face can't be a winner," said one user.

"What's the point of holding a pageant like this now? Zero national characteristics," another complained.

Ms Yoshikawa however, was not letting the doubters get to her.

"There was a time as a kid when I was confused about my identity," she said. "But I've lived in Japan so long now I feel Japanese."


8 か月前
Sounds similar to the experience of African Americans in the U.S. In the 50's and 60's blacks could only get jobs as maids, janitors, etc. It has gotten better but there is still discrimination. The experiences you mentioned are definitely similar to the black experience.

Moon Jae-in forces players to offer sacrifices for Korean nationalism

2018年01月19日 03時25分49秒 | Weblog

The agreement for a unified team, which is being hailed by the liberal Moon Jae-in administration, has met with angry responses here, with those opposed to the decision claiming it is unfair to “sacrifice” players for political reasons.

An ice hockey team fan filed a petition Wednesday against Culture and Sports Minister Do Jong-hwan with the state’s human rights committee, to complain that forming a joint inter-Korean team would infringe the rights of South Korea’s 23 national players.

“If the team is formed, South Korean players will either lose their opportunities to play in the field or have to reduce their playing time,” the petition to the National Human Rights Commission reads. “It is totalitarian thinking to sacrifice the rights of a few for a greater cause.”

On Cheong Wa Dae’s online petition site, more than 100 posts expressed opposition to the joint team, with thousands of votes supporting them, as of Thursday.

The Swiss Ice Hockey Federation, while mentioning the importance of the resolve in diplomatic relations with the North, showed its disapproval toward the possible increase of entrants.
