Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2016年06月23日 20時14分46秒 | Weblog

それは (月収) ですか?

いいえ、(年収) です。






Quiz show to decide the top foreign Japanophile.

2016年06月23日 19時21分59秒 | Weblog



I have a girlfriend now

My girl friend got pregnant


2016年06月23日 18時47分35秒 | Weblog


責任あるステークホルダー(responsible stakeholder)



Say Goodbye to Taiwan
Time is running out for the little island coveted by its gigantic, growing neighbor.
John J. Mearsheimer

China will try to dominate Asia the way the United States dominates the Western Hemisphere, which means it will seek to reduce, if not eliminate, the American military presence in Asia.

There are a number of problems with this form of conventional deterrence, which raise serious doubts about whether it can work for Taiwan over the long haul. For starters, the strategy depends on the United States fighting side by side with Taiwan. But it is difficult to imagine American policy makers purposely choosing to fight a war in which the U.S. military is not only going to lose, but is also going to pay a huge price in the process

So where does this leave Taiwan? The nuclear option is not feasible, as neither China nor the United States would accept a nuclear-armed Taiwan.











Boys forced to rape each other at Australian military schools

2016年06月23日 17時35分25秒 | Weblog
Australian commission: Military cadets raped as initiation
By Rebecca Wright, CNN
Updated 2231 GMT (0631 HKT) June 22, 2016

(CNN)Teenage recruits were raped by staff and forced to rape each other as part of initiation practices in the Australian military going back to 1960, a public inquiry heard on Tuesday.

Boys forced to rape each other at Australian military schools - inquiry
Published time: 21 Jun, 2016 14:13
Edited time: 23 Jun, 2016 08:37

The survivors will give evidence that they were subjected to serious forms of sexual abuse, including fondling of the genitals, masturbation, oral sex, and anal penetration by a penis or other object.


American Teen Was Sexually Assaulted in School—Then Suspended for Being 'Lewd'

2016年06月23日 17時29分33秒 | Weblog

A 14-year-old student was raped at school. Though her assault was caught on a security camera, administrators allegedly concluded that she was complicit because she didn't fight back enough. They also suggested that she could have insulted her attacker's penis.

o new complaints filed against the school district in Lansing, Michigan, highlight the appalling lack of training, sensitivity, and sensible policies on sexual assault in K-12 public schools.

The first complaint claims, in short, that officials at Eastern High School massively failed a girl who was 14 years old at the time of her alleged assault by a peer. The unnamed girl, referred to in the complaint as Jane Doe, was "violently and forcibly assaulted" by another 14-year-old, referred to as John Roe, in a stairwell of the high school on October 13, 2015, according to the complaint, Jane Doe did not immediately report the assault out of fear that she was going to get in trouble—"which is exactly what happened," Karen Truszkowski, the girl's lawyer, explained to Broadly over the phone.

The next day, however, her attacker did report the assault. He told the school's safety officer, Willie Rogers, that Jane Doe's boyfriend had begun to threaten him. When Jane Doe was subsequently called in to give her version of events, she told Officer Rogers that "John Roe had taken her into the stairwell, took his penis out of his pants, masturbated himself, forced her to rub his penis, and attempted to force his penis into her mouth," all without her consent. The alleged sexual assault was caught on the school's security cameras, and Officer Rogers informed Jane Doe that he would be checking the cameras to see if the footage matched her account.

"They said that what she said in her statement didn't match the footage," Truszkowski said. "She said that she did not consent, but they said that it did not appear that way to them." Jane Doe was then suspended for ten days for "lewd and lascivious behavior" under the school district's policy regarding sexual activity during school. Her mother, concerned that her daughter's account of the "traumatizing sexual assault" was not being taken seriously, contacted the school to dispute the suspension. The mother also filed a report to the Lansing Police Department because the school had not.

McWilliams allegedly responded, "No, you should not have hit him, but you could have said to him, 'Is that all you've got?,'" apparently advising the student that she should have made a comment about her attacker's penis size. McWilliams then turned to the principal, who was also in the meeting, and said, "Isn't that right, Mr. Stevens—wouldn't that deflate a guy if you said that to him?'"




American rape victim flees naked into store screaming for help — but workers tell her to leave

2016年06月23日 16時17分01秒 | Weblog

A woman who ran naked into the street screaming for help in Lawrence, Massachusetts said no one would come to her aid at first, MassLive.com reported.

The woman accused her boyfriend of tying her up and raping her, but she waited for him to fall asleep before escaping. She ran naked into the street with her hands still bound, screaming for help and that someone was trying to kill her. But at first, no one stepped up to help.

She ran into a store and was told to leave, MassLive reports.



Sex and death are twins

2016年06月23日 15時34分26秒 | Weblog
The Psychology of Mortality: 'Death Anxiety Makes Us Hate People Who Are Different'

Interview Conducted by Rafaela von Bredow and Johann Grolle

The fear of death is our constant companion. Psychologist Sheldon Solomon has researched how that anxiety affects our lives -- and found that being reminded of death can bring out our worst.

Solomon: Each of us must live with this terror. Becker's claim is that in order to be able to get up in the morning, we embed ourselves in carefully constructed symbolic belief systems that the anthropologists call "culture." Culture gives us each a sense that life has meaning and that we have value -- by offering us assurances of immortality. Either literally, through the heavens, the soul's afterlives or reincarnation, or by the prospect that some vestige of ourselves will persist over time -- from having kids, amassing great fortunes or producing great works of art or science. Yet no culturally constructed symbolic belief system is ever powerful enough to completely eradicate the anxiety that is engendered by the awareness of death.

Solomon: The very first study that we did was with court judges in Arizona, where we had half of the judges think about their own deaths, and then we asked them to set bond for an alleged prostitute, which was the most common crime in Arizona at the time. The average bond for that crime was $50, but when the judges were reminded of their mortality before setting a bond, they set bonds that were nine times higher, at $455.

Regarding Hitler: There was the defeat in World War I. There were the incredibly humiliating terms imposed upon the Germans. There was the economic instability engendered by the Depression. The combination of those factors made this a ripe substrate for the emergence of a charismatic leader.

SPIEGEL: Economic distress and aggrieved national feelings are different than the fear of death.

Solomon: You need not know that death is on your mind for these concerns to be lurking perpetually. Let's take another example that we examined closely: Prior to September 11th, President George W. Bush's approval rating was as low as that of few presidents in the history of presidential polling. Soon after, he had the highest approval rating. We thought: Maybe September 11th was like a giant death reminder. The message was: Terrorists are diabolical, but they're also smart. What did they target? They targeted the Pentagon. They targeted the Twin Towers and possibly the White House. They targeted the ultimate symbols of American military, economic and political might. And there's good evidence that people in Montana were just as traumatized as people who lived in Manhattan. So it was both a symbolic as well as a literal death reminder.

SPIEGEL: You're probably going to tell us next that Donald Trump is playing on these same fears.

Solomon: That's true.

SPIEGEL: You seem to believe that only the dark elements of our cultural identity are intensified by our fear of death. It makes us nationalist, xenophobic and intolerant. But why? There are many positive elements to culture as well.

Solomon: Perhaps we're just interested in the capacity for tremendous evil that lurks within all of us (laughs). But death reminders magnify any pre-existing beliefs. Conservatives who are reminded of their mortality like liberal people a lot less. Liberals reminded of their mortality actually like conservative people a little bit more, because they become more tolerant and open minded. We also know that, when people are reminded of their mortality, they become more generous and if you ask them to give to charity, they will do so. But it's really important that we get a handle on the malignant manifestations of death denial. Death anxiety makes us hate people who are different. It makes us uncomfortable with our bodies and bodily functions. It turns us into mindless conspicuous consumers of stuff. It makes us go shopping, makes us eat and drink and smoke more. It undermines our physical as well as our psychological well-being.

SPIEGEL: You also argue that the fear of mortality influences our sexual behavior as well. How so?

Solomon: Ernest Becker said sex and death are twins. When I first read that, I was like: Oh man. I was already miserable, but at least there are a few things left that I enjoyed. And then: Sex and death are twins. But Becker was right: Sex as a physical activity reminds us that we're animals. Animals have sex. They die. We have sex. Therefore, we're animals, and we die. The other problem is that, after we reproduce, we've carried our baton around the relay race of life for one lap, and then it's off to the next generation. That too makes us aware of our own mortality.

PIEGEL: Art was just a way to deny death?

Solomon: Yes. "Without art, the crudeness of reality would make the world unbearable," Bernhard Shaw said. And Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote: "We fly to Beauty from the terrors of finite existence."

SPIEGEL: Religion offers hope of immortality even more explicitly than does art.

Solomon: Yes, and that is likely the most important function of all religions. I like the idea that religion is an unbelievably creative way for large groups of unrelated people to get along and to foster social cohesion and social coordination. In the beginning was the beat. We were dancing and drumming and singing long before we engaged in discursive language. And yet, the conquistador Juan Ponce de León did not go looking for the Fountain of Social Glue. He went looking for the Fountain of Youth. And the people building the pyramids did not have images of lots of folks yoked arm in arm. No, they're like: I want to live forever.










There is more freedom of press in America

2016年06月23日 09時13分20秒 | Weblog

Police just arrested WBRZ reporter Chris Nakamoto for nothing more than asking why the local mayor of White Castle, Louisiana, receives such a high salary.

Nakamoto was investigating a story on this issue Wednesday. But he was promptly put in handcuffs, then escorted to the police department.

Once at the police department, officers wrote him a misdemeanor court summons for his “crime.”

The summons claims the journalist violated statute 14:63, which suggests that he remained at the city property after being forbidden.

But this is public space, and forbidding him from it for investigating a news story is not a legal application of the law.


米軍慰安婦問題は報道できない、記者は逮捕される、それでも 世界報道自由ランキングでは、日本より自由だ、と。

