Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

音声から声紋分析 → 発言者特定 → 自民党信頼失墜

2014年06月20日 17時50分51秒 | Weblog
女性都議へヤジ、抗議1千件 自民、発言者特定せぬ意向






”Exporting a presumed superior culture and imposing it on presumed inferior peoples”

2014年06月20日 01時08分28秒 | Weblog
What are Cameron's 'British values'?
The discourse on British values smacks of neo-imperialism in a post-colonial world.
Last updated: 18 Jun 2014 13:31
Myriam Francois-Cerrah
Myriam Francois-Cerrah


UK Prime Minister David Cameron's recent speech on "British values", published as an op-ed in The Daily Mail, had all the hallmarks of a colonialist eulogy. If the colonial project was about land and power, it was also a cultural project which involved exporting a presumed superior culture and imposing it on presumed inferior peoples.

We in Europe have a long history of defining ourselves in opposition to the great "other". The Greeks often contrasted themselves with the Asians who were deemed to be servile, ruled by tyrants and corrupt, whereas Greeks were virtuous and freedom loving. Viewing Islam as the great threat also dates back to the days of competing empires, in which Islam came to be the measure against which European Christians forged their identity.

[F]reedom, tolerance of others, accepting personal and social responsibility, respecting and upholding the rule of law" are values all human beings aspire to and the British have no monopoly over. In fact, a recognition of the multiplicity of routes through which humanity has arrived at these ideals, acts as a form of global solidarity, of mutual respect and ultimately, of equality. Although many societies lack these ideals in their formal structures, this shouldn't be taken as a reflection of their rejection, but of the tumultuous conditions which impede their full realisation.

Cameron's op-ed is a clear means of expressing the dominance of white, secular liberal Britons, and articulating the commensurate respect of that supremacy from those deemed subordinate, in this case, minorities and specifically Muslims from some of the most impoverished areas in the country.

The discourse concerning the "otherness" and danger posed by Muslims is reasserted through manufactured hysteria about otherwise mundane aspects of Muslim life.

From halal meat to circumcision, the construction of a mega-mosque or the amplification of abhorrent, but thankfully limited social injustices: forced marriage, honour killing, female genital mutilation - all these are portrayed as inherently Islamic issues, despite evidence of their presence across ethnic and religious groupings

Such laws actually serve a distinct purpose: They are about defining ourselves against an imagined bogeyman, rather than recognising shared ideals.

Every empire has claimed it has a mission to enlighten, bring order and democracy. Although the empire may be long gone, the mentality which views the descendants of the former colonies as subjects remains. The motivation for imposing "superior" British values on others was bound up in a doctrine of European superiority and racism. Back in the 19th century, it was a British mission to lead the backward non-European nations to civilisation. Today, it's all about leading the backward non-European subjects to civilisation, a notion of British greatness constructed off the back of its own minorities.








 間違った思想、間違った習慣、奇抜な言動をとる人というのは、どこにもなんらかの形であるにもかかわらず、それは、例えば、Only Islam Only in Japan などと宣伝する。


One-dimensional and bigoted ideas about Islam, Asians, Japanese....

2014年06月20日 00時52分23秒 | Weblog
The Right Wing's Relentless Muslim-Bashing: 5 Recent Cases
The conservative establishment is steeped in ugly, rank Islamophobia.
June 17, 2014 |

The Washington Post’s Dana Milbank reported on how the event, organized in part by the influential Heritage Foundation, devolved into ugly Islamophobia after a Muslim woman questioned the panelists’ one-dimensional and bigoted ideas about Islam.


one-dimensional and bigoted ideas about Islam.





2014年06月20日 00時29分16秒 | Weblog
元防衛官僚 集団的自衛権行使容認に懸念
6月18日 22時43分



右翼の人が この人は、
『我、自衛隊を愛す 故に、憲法9条を守る 防衛省元幹部3人の志』(2007年、かもがわ出版)共著:竹岡勝美、箕輪登
『君、殺したまうことなかれ 憲法行脚の思想2』(2007年、七つ森書館)共著:澤地久枝、香山リカ、姜尚中、斎藤貴男、佐高信、高橋哲哉ほか




 アメリカからの要請をどうやって断るのか? ベトナム戦争にかり出されたばっかりにで、韓国軍のしてしまった残虐行為のように取り返しがつかないこともある。

