Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2012年09月09日 14時02分17秒 | Weblog

Castration Drug To Gay Teenager
Comments (3)
While California ponders banning so-called reparative therapy, a doctor in Sydney, Australia, has been barred from practicing medicine after prescribing a “gay cure” of his own to a teenage patient―namely chemical castration.
Dr. Mark Craddock, a member of the reactionary Exclusive Brethren Christian Fellowship, prescribed the drug Cyprosta, used to treat prostate cancer by blocking the production of testosterone, to an 18-year-old member of his sect, reports the Sydney Morning Herald.

Full story here: http://www.queerty.com/australian-doctor-prescribed-chemical-castration-drug-to-gay-teenager-20120905/#ixzz262wHqdoV


09-06-2012 16:20
Korea-Japan: enough is enough!

By Ralph A. Cossa

via mozu さん

There is plenty of blame to go around but it’s clear that South Korean President Lee Myung-bak’s call for a public apology by the Japanese king and his unprecedented trip last month to the Dokdo islets unnecessarily upped the ante between Seoul and Tokyo, which also claims the ROK-occupied islets (which it calls Takeshima). Lee called the isolated rocks “a place worth sacrificing our lives to defend.”

Defend against what? While Tokyo periodically restates its claim, it has never threatened to use force to recover Takeshima/Dokdo and has not sent warships into nearby waters or turned a blind eye to (if not encouraged) activists to land there, as China does periodically in the Senkaku/Daioyu islands

Koreans complain that Japan has never acknowledged or apologized for this “crime against humanity.” In truth, it has, many times. Most importantly, the Statement on the Result of the Study on the Issue of “Comfort Women” issued by Chief Cabinet Secretary Kono in 1993 acknowledged the involvement of the Japanese military in the “establishment and management of the comfort stations and the transfer of comfort women,” who were “recruited against their own will” and “lived . . . under a coercive atmosphere.”

The statement included both an acknowledgment of guilt and an apology: “Undeniably, this was an act, with the involvement of the military authorities of the day, that severely injured the honor and dignity of many women. The government of Japan would like to take this opportunity once again to extend its sincere apologies and remorse to all those, irrespective of place of origin, who suffered immeasurable pain and incurable physical and psychological wounds as comfort women.”

Meanwhile, the mainstream media is now joining conservatives in calling for a reassessment or renunciation of the Kono statement. While Prime Minister Noda Yoshihiko has reaffirmed the statement, he has been accused (perhaps incorrectly) of feeding the argument that there is no hard evidence of direct Imperial Army or government involvement in the procurement. Let me be very blunt here: walking away from the Kono statement will not only do irreparable harm to Japan-Korea relations, it will severely damage Japan’s international reputation and dwindling soft power. Message to Tokyo: stop digging.


I have argued previously that the United States is well situated to play the mediator role, but I understand Washington’s hesitation to jump into the middle of this mess. But other countries or individuals could credibly step forward if assistance is requested by both sides.







Diplomat's family enslaved and regularly raped houseworker
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Published: 07 September, 2012, 21:48


Island Dispute Puts China-Japan Economic Ties in Crossfire

he comment, made at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit being held in the Russian Far East city of Vladivostok, is the most aggressive the Chinese have made since the meetings began this week. Nonetheless, it is unlikely China will take any direct actions to thwart crucial economic ties between East Asia's two largest economies, as the remarks are typical of Chinese rhetoric designed to sate domestic nationalism and defend territorial interests.


Despite the territorial spat and frequent eruptions of anti-Japanese sentiment in China, Japan has tried to keep tensions under control, as the country depends on China for much of its economic growth. In November, China, South Korea and Japan will begin formal talks on a trilateral free-trade agreement, according to Chinese officials.


The river that DID run red: Residents of Chinese city left baffled after Yangtze turns scarlet
PUBLISHED: 13:38 GMT, 7 September 2012

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2199800/The-river-DID-run-red-Residents-Chinese-city-left-baffled-Yangtze-turns-scarlet.html#ixzz262pEkB97


The silver-collar economy
More companies are hiring people 65 and older because they believe they are reliable and productive, while the seniors themselves need – and want – to work. But is the trend squeezing out young people?

By Mark Trumbull, Staff writer / September 2, 2012


Holdout juror in Drew Peterson trial says hearsay evidence swayed him

冤罪 伝聞証拠 伝聞例外 物証

With no physical evidence tying Peterson to the death of his third wife, Kathleen Savio, prosecutors had to rely on hearsay and circumstantial evidence. Such testimony isn't usually admissible in court, but Illinois legislators in 2008 passed a law -- dubbed "Drew's Law" -- which allows it in rare circumstances.
Supalo said the jurors took three votes on Wednesday. Seven believed Peterson was guilty on the first vote; eight in the second vote; and 11 in the third.
Ultimately, he said, it was the hearsay testimonies by Rev. Neil Schori and attorney Harry Smith that cleared the picture for him.

Oldest U.S. Mom of Twins Is 65 and 'More Excited' Than Ever

65歳 高齢出産。高齢出産する人は若がえるのかね?





(2012年8月31日14時02分 読売新聞)

Police brutality

LAPD Officers Body Slam Nurse During Tujunga Traffic Stop
Two Los Angeles Police Department officers are under investigation following the alleged brutal arrest of a mom during a routine traffic stop at Del Taco in Tujunga.
By Nicole Charky Email the author August 30, 2012
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CAUGHT ON TAPE: Woman Repeatedly Slammed To Ground By LAPD




Attack on Rabbi in Berlin Draws Outrage

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