Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2012年07月19日 00時35分40秒 | Weblog
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Gov't must take responsibility for Chinese workers' lives in Japan- 毎日jp(毎日新聞) http://j.mp/NCVTEh
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毎日新聞 2012年06月27日 00時19分(最終更新 06月27日 10時54分














Gov't must take responsibility for Chinese workers' lives in Japan

A volunteer teaches Japanese to Chinese junior high school students after school at Naka International Lounge in Naka Ward, Yokohama. (Mainichi)
YOKOHAMA -- Kanagawa's capital city of Yokohama, which boasts the country's largest Chinatown, has seen a surge in the number of Chinese children and students. The trend began in around 2000, when the Japanese government relaxed its restrictions on work visas for cooks and other skilled workers.

At Fujimi Junior High School, a public school about a kilometer west of Chinatown, students who are foreign nationals themselves or whose father or mother are foreign nationals now comprise 42 percent of the student population. The school is overwhelmed, unable to deal with so many students who do not speak Japanese.

Since the Japanese government grants these students, who do not come to Japan of their own volition, the permission to enter and reside in this country, shouldn't the Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Ministry provide them with comprehensive Japanese language instruction after they arrive?

According to one Yokohama city official, the typical recently-arrived Chinese student will spend much time in school speaking in Chinese with their compatriots. After school, they will return to an empty home and spend time on the Internet -- which offers constant connections to China -- until their parents return from work late at night. This state of affairs may last two to three years for many Chinese students in Japan.

At municipal elementary and junior high schools, the Yokohama Municipal Government places specialized staff, who are generally teachers and volunteers that speak Chinese or other languages, in what are called "international classrooms." One staff is allocated if there are five foreign students, and two specialized staff when the number of foreign students reaches 20 and over. In these classes, students are given individualized remedial instruction.

However, just like a Japanese junior high school student who goes to the United States will not learn to speak English right away, a Chinese student who comes to Japan will not learn to speak the Japanese language after a mere year or two.

"Barely one student out of 20 will acquire the language before graduation," one city official said.

Yokohama is an international city that in addition to many Chinese, hosts residents from South Korea, the Philippines, and South America. Of the foreign nationals in Naka and Minami wards, in central Yokohama, many are Chinese, because of their proximity to Chinatown.

In general, the Chinese first apply for visas as married couples. After they enter the country and later make the decision to live permanently in Japan, they send for their children in China. Many of these people work as cooks, dishwashers, and waiters in Chinatown, or workers at Chinese food processing factories.

The school district where Fujimi Junior High is located covers an area called Kotobukicho, which has one of the highest concentrations of day laborers in Japan. In the past, most of Fujimi Junior High's students had been the offspring of these laborers. The general aging of the local population in recent years -- and therefore the drop in the number of local students -- overlapped with the upsurge in Chinese students.

Many of these Chinese students like Japanese manga, anime, and music, and many say they want to stay in Japan. However, because a large number of them do not understand Japanese, they say they don't want to study even though they want to learn more about Japan.

"If these students were to learn to speak Japanese and became pro-Japanese, they would become highly prized figures in the realm of Japan-China relations," says Hiroyuki Kimura of the Yokohama Association for International Communications and Exchanges (YOKE).

There are two opposing forces within the Japanese government regarding immigration. One is represented by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, which calls for the aggressive recruitment of foreign nationals into the Japanese job market. The other is held by the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry, which objects to foreign recruitment to protect Japanese workers. Chinese cooks, as well as Indonesian and Filipino nurses, come to Japan backed by the former.

I was once stationed as a reporter in France, where many Africans and immigrants from former colonies have been permitted to enter its borders. Even now, there are many Africans who would immigrate in a flash as long as someone was willing to take them in. But the willingness of France and many other European nations to accept workers from foreign countries is no longer what it used to be. They are restricting immigration to those with special skills, and even then, it has become increasingly difficult.

The integration of different cultures is a beautiful ideal. However, "labor" is not the only thing that moves when immigration takes place. It entails the movement of people and their families.

Various viewpoints exist on the pros and cons of foreign labor. Knowing full well that it is an issue with no easy answer, I urge the Japanese government to establish a basic policy. Merely setting up "international classrooms" in schools or tweaking the language used in national nursing exams for foreign nurses without instituting a basic policy is putting the cart before the horse. And if the government decides to fling open Japan's borders to foreign workers, it must treat them not as "labor," but as human beings, and provide them with a framework in which they and their families are offered social security, Japanese language instruction, and other assistance.

Yokohama has been open to foreign cultures ever since its port was opened to the outside world in the mid-19th century. There are many volunteers who speak Chinese and other languages, who assist non-Japanese speakers through various activities. Such efforts, however, do not stand a chance against the rapidity with which the foreign resident population is growing.

The teenage years can be vulnerable ones, making it particularly important to provide teenagers with personal assistance in their studies and other areas of their lives. There is a desperate need for native Chinese speakers that the Chinese junior high students, who spend their evenings on the Internet, can reach out to for advice. It's absurd that immigration laws were relaxed without Japan fully preparing for the influx of foreign nationals that has followed.

These words, spoken by a Chinese volunteer I met, have left a lasting impression on me: "Coming to Japan is one's own responsibility among adults, but when it comes to children, they absolutely need support." ("As I see it" by Satoshi Fukui, Yokohama Bureau)

July 14, 2012(Mainichi Japan)

12 July 2012 Last updated at 15:28 GMT Share this pageEmailPrint
Penn State blamed over Jerry Sandusky sex abuse

Unemployment rises among black Americans, figures show
June's figures show unemployment rose from 13.6% to 14.4% – higher than the rate for Latinos and double that for white people
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Ewen MacAskill in Washington
guardian.co.uk, Friday 6 July 2012 21.54 BST

One factor important factor behind the African American unemployment rate, according to Austin, is race. "There is still strong evidence of bias in the labour market," Austin said, noting research in which black and white job candidates had been sent after the same jobs and the white candidate been more likely to be called for an interview or offered a job.

Bias can even determine the response to resumés, he said, with an Emily or a Greg more likely to get a response than a Jamal or Lakesha.

Three Florida cops charged in string of immigrant beatings
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Published: 07 July, 2012, 01:18

Elderly ex-nun files excessive force lawsuit against cop over nursing home assault
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Published: 10 July, 2012, 23:02





Black Girl Married Japanese Man

Help Us Win a Honeymoon!


http://CNN.co.jp :日韓の軍事情報保護協定、署名延期 http://www.cnn.co.jp/world/30007172 … 記事のクォリティの低さに唖然。
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「日本は1910年から1945年までの韓国統治時代に多数の韓国人を強制的に軍隊に入隊させたり、数十万人の韓国人女性を「従軍慰安婦」と呼ばれる性的奴隷として酷使したりしたとして韓国人から非難を浴びてきた」 軍隊は志願制だし、慰安婦は数十万人もいなかった。



それって日本人女子の特徴なんですか??RT @myk_f 日本人女子のFBって「私はこんなに幸せなのよ」「こんなに素敵なプレゼントをもらえちゃう女なのよ」「人気のカフェでお茶する私って素敵でしょ」「私の休日ってこんなにセレブなのよ」という自己満と自慢だらけで気持ち悪い

suzuky ‏@suzuky


suzuky ‏@suzuky


Latinos Still “Alien Citizens”
By Maria Chavez

Asian Americans: An Uncritical Pew Center Report
By Joe

'The Myth of the Model Minority'
July 18, 2008 - 4:00am
Scott Jaschik

Read more: http://www.insidehighered.com/news/2008/07/18/asian#ixzz1zKBOp1NL
Inside Higher Ed

A new book -- The Myth of the Model Minority: Asian Americans Facing Racism (Paradigm Publishers) -- challenges the idea that most Asian Americans are relatively untouched by racism or focused on issues related to equity. Based on field interviews nationwide, the book describes the Asian American experience in schools, colleges, the workplace and public discourse. In the section on college, examples include students who have been the victim of ethnic profiling (as Muslims) and the barrage of allegedly harmless jokes (such as UCLA as the acronym for "University of Caucasians Lost among Asians") that students experience. The authors of the book are Rosalind S. Chou, a doctoral student in sociology at Texas A&M University, and Joe R. Feagin, a professor of sociology at Texas A&M. Chou recently responded to e-mail questions about the book's findings about college students.
Q: Why do you think some college students, many of them self-professed liberals who might not tolerate racist jokes about some groups, not only tolerate but engage in jokes about Asian Americans?
A: There are a number of reasons for this. Firstly, as we note in the book, there is a pervasive stereotype that Asian Americans are docile. The history of Asian American resistance to racism is largely left out of the history books and the news media. There is activism, especially concentrated on the West Coast and Northeast, but it’s forgotten or ignored. Secondly, many of our respondents talked how they received either explicit or implicit messages to “let things go” or to “not rock the boat,” further reinforcing that Asian Americans will tolerate racist teasing, whereas other minority groups have been unfairly stereotyped as violent or dangerous. The more visible activism of these other racial minority groups may deter a person from poking fun so publicly. Thirdly, Asian Americans appear to have “made it.” This illusion of being “model minorities” can make it seem “less offensive” to poke fun at a group that is seemingly free of racial oppression.
Q: The book's section on college opens with examples related to California universities with large Asian populations. Does the treatment of Asian students differ significantly at institutions where they make up smaller shares of the student body?
A: Our respondents shared that they faced racial discrimination regardless of their geographic location. However, those students who attended schools with large Asian/ Asian American populations found that they had access to support. The Asian American students groups were very active on campus; this did not save them from mistreatment but they had a community to surround them. The students attending schools with a smaller population of Asian American students did not have those resources so readily available. They still dealt with “model minority” stereotyping and, at times, very violent hate crimes, but the experiences were very similar.
Q: What do you see as key similarities and differences in the treatment of Asian American students with black and Latino students?
A: The similarities start with the shared history of racial oppression and labor exploitation. Early Asian immigrants were brought to this country for their cheap labor, just as African slaves and Mexican Braceros were. They were also lynched just as the African American and Latino American. Today, these students still live in a society that is racially stratified. Unfortunately, many students do not know about this shared history and then do not apply this knowledge to our current racial hierarchy.
The major differences in the treatment of these students are how they are stereotyped. Asian Americans are associated with academic excellence and overachievement. Whereas black and Latino students are negatively stereotyped in academia. Either way, these stereotypes are externally imposed and can have a great affect on individual students internally, but also may impact other students, their teachers, professors, and administrators. Stereotyping, whether positive or negative, can be damaging.

Asian And All-American: A Political Star Rises In N.Y.

July 1, 2012 from WNYC
Earlier this week, Taiwanese-American attorney Grace Meng won the Democratic primary for New York's newly-redrawn 6th Congressional District. She thinks of herself as an all-American kid, even if others didn't always see her that way.

Nuclear Power Plants and Earthquakes

(updated January 2012)

Japanese, and most other, nuclear plants are designed to withstand earthquakes, and in the event of major earth movement, to shut down safely.
In 1995, the closest nuclear power plants, some 110 km north of Kobe, were unaffected by the severe Kobe-Osaka earthquake, but in 2004, 2005, 2007, 2009 and 2011 Japanese reactors shut down automatically due to ground acceleration exceeding their trip settings.
In 1999, three nuclear reactors shut down automatically during the devastating Taiwan earthquake, and were restarted two days later.
In March 2011 eleven operating nuclear power plants shut down automatically during the major earthquake. Three of these subsequently caused an INES Level 7 Accident due to loss of power leading to loss of cooling and subsequent radioactive releases.

Half of German teens 'unsure Hitler a dictator'
Published: 27 Jun 12 12:56 CET

About half of young Germans are unsure whether the Nazi state was a dictatorship – and even more are not sure whether the socialist East German regime was one, a new study shows.

Twitter boss pledges to tackle abuse on its site
28 June 2012




mozu ‏@mozumozumozu
What’s a Socialist? - http://NYTimes.com http://j.mp/MKGyP9 米人向けにソーシャリズムがどういうものか説く記事。で、なんでBHL氏が出てくるんじゃ。

What’s a Socialist?
Published: June 30, 2012


Even in the United States, Mr. Fischer says, “you have a sort of welfare state, even if you don’t want to admit it ― you don’t allow people to die on the street.”

So why the prospect of “European socialism” is so frightening to some Americans puzzles Europeans, a mystery as deep as the American obsession with abortion or affection for the death penalty.

Book describes Germany without foreigners
Published: 20 Jun 12 08:30 CET


The survey found that more than half of Germans supported Sarrazin’s ideas – that immigrants were guilty of a widespread refusal to integrate (people estimated that "70 percent of the Turkish and 90 percent of the Arab population in Berlin" were not trying); that they presented an increasingly intolerable burden on the state, relying more on social services than their own productivity; and that a highly restrictive immigration policy was the solution.

As many as 18 percent of Germans told the paper they would vote for Sarrazin if he started a political party. But what if that figure doubled, prompted, say, by the increasingly tight grip of austerity, which in other European nations has seen a pronounced shift towards the right? Chancellor Angela Merkel won the 2009 election with just 33.8 percent of the vote.

Certain extreme sections of public opinion might be placated, argued Thieme and von Bebenburg, but the disastrous effects of such an exodus would quickly become apparent. Overall tax revenue would be shorn of €50 billion, and the federal budget would be denuded of €25 billion – which equates to the current allocations for the ministries of family, education, economy and research put together, say the authors.

Moreover, the idea that German residents of foreign heritage are a drain on state finances is wide of the mark, according to the book. True enough, people of non-German descent pay less tax than their "native" counterparts (€7,400 per year per head to €10,800), but they also receive less in pensions and benefits. What’s more, the authors say, "As a proportion, more migrants are productive than native Germans."



Ethnic minorities in UK feel most British, research finds
Muslims were most likely to say being British was important
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Press Association
guardian.co.uk, Saturday 30 June 2012 07.57 BST


Ethnic minorities living in the UK feel more British than their white counterparts, research has revealed.

Muslims are the most likely of all groups to identify with the concept of "Britishness", the Institute for Social and Economic Research found.

The report's authors say the results rubbish suggestions that ethnic groups are unwilling or unable to integrate into British society and show that fears over the negative impacts of immigration on cultural identity are overstated.

Half of German teens 'unsure Hitler a dictator'
Published: 27 Jun 12 1


We had that Mr Hitler in history again, Mum…
Something has to explain why we are so Nazi-literate, while many Germans seem to be fast forgetting them
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Barbara Ellen
The Observer, Sunday 1 July 2012
So how did this socio-historical blind spot occur? And why now? Especially when most British 15 to16-year-olds are, if anything, hyper-aware about Hitler and the Nazis.

From royal princes in dodgy fancy dress to satellite channels bulging with Nazi documentaries, it would seem that Britons, in a range of ages, make a fetish of that period, in a way that Germans, and indeed other Europeans, don't. To the point where it might be the only historical period some British people know anything about. Is this because Britain won the war, or is it because it is passed down in our collective DNA that fighting fascism was the last time we were truly "great"?

mozu ‏@mozumozumozu
We had that Mr Hitler in history again, Mum… | Barbara Ellen http://j.mp/MALuda @guardianさんから なぜ独の若者はヒトラーのことを忘れ、英の若者は過剰に意識するのか
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コメ欄のほうがまっとうな記事。RT @mozumozumozu We had that Mr Hitler in history again  http://j.mp/MALuda @guardianさんから なぜ独の若者はヒトラーのことを忘れ、英の若者は過剰に意識するのか
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1 July 2012 12:26AM
British children have simular levels of understandings of the Empire

1 July 2012 12:28AM
Fighting Hitler and helping to beat him was the last noble time in Brit history - pop music aside - so it's no mystery we are so proud of it. The Germans are understandably ashamed of what they euphemistically call 'The Hitler Era' so don't bang on about it terribly. They have also turned grim old East Germany - in some ways a successor to the Nazi regime - into cold war nostalgia.

Still, Germany is a far more open, prosperous, ecologically literate, and less militaristic society than the UK, so try to get over it.


イギリス人のナチ語り好きは異常に思える。最後の唯一の「正義の、しかも勝った戦争」だからなのはわかるけど。これもそのひとつ。BBC News - A Point of View: Don’t mention the war? http://bbc.in/QB2QG3

Foreign workers take nearly half of Olympic Park jobs: So much for promises to employ British staff!
Four in ten of the jobs created went to foreign workers
Around 18,400 jobs out of 46,000 went to people abroad

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2167471/London-2012-Foreign-workers-nearly-half-Olympic-Park-jobs.html#ixzz1zS4WT2jl

Organ Donation Has Consequences Some Donors Aren't Prepared For

British teenage girls are biggest binge drinkers in Europe
Teenage girls in Britain are more likely to binge drink than anywhere else in Europe, a report by the Department of Health has revealed.



Sex for freedom: Veteran cop accused of trading services for clemency
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Published: 04 July, 2012, 03:02

A veteran Missouri police officer is being charged with corruption over allegations that he forced two women to have sex with him in exchange for not arresting them for prostitution and drug possession.
Officer Jeffrey Holmes, a 13-year veteran of the Kansas City Police Department, was hired by a motel as an off-duty police officer to combat drugs, prostitution and violence. In March, he called a woman who said she was working as a prostitute, a probable cause statement filed by the prosecution states. He agreed to meet the woman at a motel, and turned up wearing a police uniform and a gun.
He then said she was “busted for prostitution” and ordered her to put her hands behind her back. The woman refused and called the front desk, asking the clerk to up to the room. After the clerk left, Holmes told the woman that he wanted her to act as a “snitch” and proceeded to “rub and hug” her, the statement says.
Holmes then had sex with the woman, who says she went along in order to get the officer to leave. Police say she later reported the incident as rape and identified her attacker as Holmes.


The police officer was placed on administrative leave following the alleged April incident, and was suspended with pay in May. Prosecutors say Holmes turned himself in on Monday and will soon be suspended without pay.
He is now charged with acceding to corruption. Holmes has pleaded not guilty, and has been released on a $75,000 bail.
Authorities have applauded the way police responded to the allegations.
“Police obviously are not in any way intimidated or afraid to follow up on these kinds of charges and pursue them,” said Lisa Pelofsky, the president of the Kansas City Board of Police Commissioners.

police brutality 警官腐敗 

Marine veteran's family files $21m lawsuit in fatal police shooting
Family says Kenneth Chamberlain was killed by racially biased police after officers refused to leave the 68-year-old's home