広報ポスターのモデル、デーブさんに感謝状 警察庁
2011.11.18 22:15 [芸能人]
チェルノブイリ、内部被曝なお ロシアの小児科医報告
(2011年11月19日00時31分 読売新聞)
福島空港に外国人観光客再び 震災後初、台湾からツアー
2011.11.19 10:24
BBC】日本政府、フクシマ産の米を輸出禁止とする。bbc.co.uk/news/business-… /という記事にこんな地図がついてたら、もう日本のコメ輸出はしばらく不可能では? TPPどころではないのでは? 原発事故はその国の輸出にも一大惨事。「風評が悪い」と嘆いてもムダ。
Mobius: ‘Next financial crisis is imminent’
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Published: 19 November, 2011
Roubini warns of catastrophe for Goldman Sachs
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Published: 08 November, 2011
Yuan to replace dollar in 10 years
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Published: 18 November, 2011
Modernising liberalism
To retain relevance in the 21st century, liberals in the US will need to revitalise their ideology.
Michael Shellenberger and Ted Nordhaus Last Modified: 17 Nov 2011
Today, to our cosmopolitan ears, the American Dream seems unreal. "It's called the American dream," George Carlin quipped, "because you have to be asleep to believe it"
And yet to be born an American is still an unalloyed stroke of good fortune in a world of seven billion people, most of whom are poorer than even the poorest Americans. Homeownership, the signature achievement of the American Dream, even after the Great Recession, is nearly 70 per cent. Half of us are invested in the stock market. We suffer not from hunger, but from obesity. The vast majority of us enjoy air conditioning, cable television, internet, cellular telephones and cars. And despite the oft-made claim that the United States is stagnating, nearly every social class remains upwardly mobile.
If the last decade has made one thing clear, it is that the US is unlikely to maintain its status as "first among equals" in the international order of things over the coming century.
Born of America's mid-20th century economic hegemony, the remedies served up by both Left and Right hold little promise for renewing our future. Liberals offer warmed-over New Deal Keynesianism as the tonic to our present economic malaise, suggesting that the economic policies that saved us during the Great Depression and ushered in two decades of historically unprecedented economic growth in the decades that followed, can once again put the US' economic house in order. But it was the war, not the New Deal, that ended the Great Depression and it was our enormous manufacturing capacity (together with a huge domestic market and two decades worth of pent-up demand), more than high marginal tax rates and generous social spending, that assured the US' remarkable record of growth and prosperity in the decades after World War II. Conservatives, meanwhile, fantasise about undoing the New Deal and our modern regulatory state, imagining that we might return to an earlier era of laissez-faire capitalism that never actually existed. The story of American capitalism has always been Hamiltonian, not Jeffersonian.
戦前の不況をケインズ主義のニューディールで克服したのではなく、戦争によって世界恐慌に終止符が打たれた、としているところにも注目 結果は実は目的が実現したことに他ならない、と推定した陰謀論の根拠となっている部分である。
With the exception of finance, which has grown vigorously thanks to the Federal Reserve's continuing largesse, there is little reason to think that any of the sectors responsible for driving growth over the last two decades will return to their former inflated values or growth rates. Productive sectors, including manufacturing, have languished as the US' long-standing comparative advantage in science, technology, innovation and productivity has been eroded by competitors who have invested heavily in supporting and expanding their own high-value production capacity and skilled workforce. The postindustrial conceit that the US could sustain growth through services alone, without producing goods, has proven empty
Moribund liberalism and moribund conservatism leave us with the worst of both worlds. Conservatives offer knee-jerk opposition to new government spending of all kinds while maintaining a religious faith in the efficiency of the market, even in the face of a financial crisis that originated with the deregulation of the financial sector and accelerated the collapse of much of the US' productive economy. Liberals attempt to redistribute a shrinking economic pie down the income distribution, stimulate consumer demand with government spending, and replace unionised manufacturing jobs, once the means to economic mobility for America's working class, with unionised public-sector jobs.
Taken together, the decline of manufacturing and other productive sectors of the US economy, the rising-skill premium for knowledge work, the increasing barriers to entry into the knowledge economy for poor and working-class Americans, and the growing public suspicion of redistributive policies all profoundly challenge the old, redistributive liberalism. A social contract born of America's mid-century economic hegemony can't deal with the social, political and economic contradictions of our 21st-century world.
A new progressive politics must take liberalism's commitment to broadly-shared prosperity forward while leaving the old, redistributive agenda behind. The poor become middle-class and the middle-class becomes affluent largely through economic growth, not wealth redistribution. Effective strategies to grow the economic pie may require asking those who have reaped the most from the fruits of modernity to pay more of the costs associated with its extension. But these strategies must be in service of greater opportunity, modernisation and growth for all, not economic redistribution. In the end, we are more likely to address poverty and inequality through expanding social, economic and technological possibilities than through large-scale redistributive strategies
In reality, the entire history of American industrialisation and technological innovation was driven by epic government investments in the development and commercialisation of new technologies. Think of a transformative technology - computers, the internet, pharmaceutical drugs, jet turbines, cellular telephones, nuclear power - and what you will find is a history of government investment in those technologies at a scale that private firms simply cannot replicate.
Revitalising liberalism will require that we help the public discern between the real choices it must make and the false ones. Where today Americans are offered the choice between the privatisation of entitlements or their maintenance, a new liberalism would limit entitlement programmes to the provision of services that are demonstrably public goods. Where Americans are offered the choice between stimulating the present day casino economy or redistributing it, a new liberalism would offer a credible strategy to grow the productive sectors of the American economy. And where Americans are currently offered a choice between unfettered, laissez-faire capitalism or neoliberal market-making, a new liberalism would offer credible, public institutions that can provide public goods directly and efficiently
Modernising conservatism
US Conservatives must reform their internal ideology in order to create a coherent effort to revitalise the party.
Steven F. Hayward Last Modified: 17 Nov 2011
Finally, conservatives must rethink their sweeping rejection of public investments in public goods such as science research and useful infrastructure.
Consent does not require surrender. Liberals and conservatives do not agree about the principle of equality in American life and probably never will. Conservatives emphasise equal opportunity while accepting or even celebrating unequal outcomes. Conservatives see nothing inherently unjust about large disparities in the distribution of income or wealth, and also offer practical reasons why unequal rewards make for a more dynamic, creative, and ultimately wealthier society. Liberals strongly prefer more equal results, with many viewing disparities in income or wealth as random (Richard Gephardt once referred to the structure of US' wealth and income distribution as a "lottery"), and, as a result, favour egalitarian policies and entitlement programmes.
小熊英二「震災後の思想地図~『新自由民主主義』の台頭」(pdf) bitly.com/tRoETh 論壇の震災言説を整理している。個人的にはとり上げられる言説にも地図の描き方にもだいぶ違和感あるかな。
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ついでに、過去のウーマンリブ(Women's Liberation)や戦争責任議論にも触れている。