Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2010年09月18日 00時58分45秒 | Weblog
China blocks nationalist groups' websites in apparent bid to forestall anti-Japanese protests
By Christopher Bodeen (CP) –


"There are rumours that our federation is organizing a protest. Actually we are not. And we issued a statement denying it," Li said.

While China's ruling Communist Party partly encourages anti-Japanese sentiment to burnish its nationalist credentials, it remains obsessed with social stability and suspicious of any independent movement that could spin out of control and challenge its authority.



The streets of Neukölln: Has integration failed?
Published: 16 Sep 10

 ドイツの移民問題 ノイケルン区から見る。

Neukölln, the heavily Turkish and Arabic district in southern Berlin, is the area that Sarrazin and other integration critics most often point to when the subject of Germany’s immigration problems arise. Roughly one in five Neukölln residents is unemployed and that figure rises to 30 percent when restricted to the immigrant population.

Social problems are reportedly twice as high as in Berlin on whole, and some 40 percent of youths there have no post-high school education, even vocational training.


Hopes dashed

Moussa El-Ghazi, a 20-year-old of Palestinian background who works at a fast-food chicken restaurant on Neukölln’s Sonnenallee, is one of those who feels rejected and disenfranchised. El-Ghazi says he sent out 80 applications to get a vocational training place after he finished school and was either turned down or heard no answer at all.

“I feel like shit about it,” he says. “You don’t want to write any more (applications) after that. You don’t have any confidence and motivation after 80 people turn you down. I had the qualifications, so I have to think it was prejudice.”

There are figures to back up his suspicions. In February, researchers at the Bonn-based Institute for the Study of Labour (IZA) found that Turkish job applicants were clearly discriminated against. Job applications bearing German-sounding names were 14 percent more likely to receive a phone call response from an employer, and 24 percent more likely in the case of smaller firms – evidence of “statistical discrimination,” the researchers said.


A fearsome reputation

El-Ghazi went to Neukölln’s infamous Rütli School, which made headlines in 2006 when teachers wrote a letter to the city government saying the school should be closed because they could no longer control the violent students.

There was, no doubt, a serious problem. But a security guard – a native German – outside the school this week said he talks to the students every day and they are, for most part, good kids. He subscribes to the widely-held view that some tabloid newspaper reporters paid students to behave violently during the media frenzy over conditions at the school.


Integration from the grass roots up

Tatlici from Deukische Generation says the single most important thing that can be done to overcome the problems in Neukölln is German language education from a young age. She also shares the view of Mayor Buschkowsky that day care should be firmly enforced from a young age.

That way, immigrant children are speaking German and mixing with German children even as toddlers – a crucial step to improving their language skills and thereby their education prospects. It’s a view shared by a majority of education experts.




反攻作戦ストロングハート ―ヨム・キプール戦争の決着(リアリズムと防衛を学ぶ







2010年09月18日 00時58分06秒 | Weblog

米、7人に1人が貧困 昨年、過去最悪の4356万人



US poverty rate 'hits 15-year high'
US Census Bureau says rise is highest since 1994 and indicates one in seven Americans now live in economic hardship.
Last Modified: 16 Sep 2010


16 September 2010 Last updated at 18:46 GMT Share this pageFacebookTwitterShareEmailPrint
Number of Americans living in poverty 'increases by 4m'


Waiting lines at charity kitchens grow longer in US
permalinke-mail story to a friendprint version
Published 17 September, 2010

 America's poor and impoverished turn to the forest
permalinke-mail story to a friendprint version
Published 17 September, 2010

Those who are able to find work, make less than the minimum wage. Igor Borsh said he works all day long and all he makes is five dollars.



When the music fades: US musicians' healthcare crisis
Woe betide the career musician who falls ill without US health insurance, facing huge medical bills – or no care at all

Rob Fitzpatrick
guardian.co.uk, Thursday 16 September 2010

Josh Homme has a pertinent piece of advice for any musician hoping for help from the American medical system. "If you want to live," says the leader of Queens of the Stone Age, "you better be rich."

ガーディアン これはアメリカの健康保険の欠陥についての記事



 Obama edges to the dark side
As consensus grows regarding the futility of US national security policy, concerns arise over Barack Obama's strategy.
Mark LeVine Last Modified: 16 Sep 2010

Possibly the most dramatic mea culpa in Presidential history, Bill Clinton, newly appointed as UN Special Envoy for Haiti, admitted to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that the US policy of compelling poor developing countries to buy US agricultural products at subsidised prices, which destroyed local agricultural sectors, was a disaster.

“I did that. I have to live every day with the consequences of the lost capacity to produce a rice crop in Haiti to feed those people, because of what I did. Nobody else."

President Obama has essentially continued almost every major Bush security policy, either by default or design. State secrets, targeted killings, renditions and indefinite detention, opposing the right of habeas corpus, preventing victims of admitted torture from seeking judicial redress, expanding the Afghan war while moving - however gingerly - to secure a long-term presence in Iraq; all these must surely be making Bush, and especially Cheney, happy and wealthier men.

As Michael Hayden, Bush's last CIA Director, put it in a recent interview, "Obama has been as aggressive as Bush" in defending executive prerogatives and powers that have enabled and sustained the ‘war on terror.’

 オバマ政権も、暗殺やら、無期限拘留やら、拷問を受けた人の司法的救済の阻止やら、の機密保護政策に関して本質的にはブッシュ政権と同様ですよ、と。 クリントンが発展途上国に米国の生産物を買わせて現地の農家を壊滅させてしまったことは大失敗であったと認めたが、オバマもクリントンのように、自分が託された権力の傲慢な行使について後日証言する日がくるんじゃないか、と。

Fraud threatens Afghan election
Opposition leader says polls should go ahead despite the wide circulation of fake voter registration cards.
Last Modified: 17 Sep 2010


先日 解放されたジャーナリストも、アフガンの軍閥集団の腐敗ぶりを報告していたが、アルジャも注目し始めているから、やっぱかなり重症なのか?

Roma, on Move, Test Europe’s ‘Open Borders’
Published: September 16, 2010

 via mozu

“There is not much for us in Romania,” she said recently, watching her husband sleep. “And now that we are in the European Union, we have the right to go to other countries. It is better there.”

“What you see here these days is terrible conditions,” said Nicolae Stoica, who runs Roma Access, an advocacy group. “They have no hope of getting jobs. If they get 20 euros a month from collecting scrap metal, that’s a lot. How can we tell them not to go to France and beg on the streets?”

Flortina Ghita, 21, said her family once lived in a building in the center of Constanta, Romania’s second largest city. But city officials evicted them, saying the buildings had structural damage. The family now lives in shacks made of carpets, scraps of corrugated tin and plastic sheeting set up not far from railroad tracks. The only source of water is a train station more than a mile away.

 EU 移動の自由有り、
 ∴ この循環は止まらないんじゃないか、と。