Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2009年04月10日 10時11分29秒 | Weblog
Friend requests advice on how to approach JHS PTA, regarding repainting rundown school

Posted by debito on April 8th, 2009



Dingy buildings hinder pupils, says author

Published Date: 22 February 2009

Jcek さんのbe scientific。




But if you can make the kind of invidious comparisons that get people feeling a little inferior, that usually sets off the spark here


ハーケンクロイツの落書き 他3

2009年04月10日 08時13分27秒 | Weblog
Police Investigate Possible Hate Crime
By Heather Shannon
Story Created: Apr 8, 2009
Story Updated: Apr 8, 2009

Waukesha Police are investigating a swastika that was painted on a woman's car. Police say usually when people graffiti, they spray paint an entire neighborhood, to get their point across to everyone. But what's worrying police, is that in this case, they received only one complaint.

"The swastika. In a sense it is a hate crime. If it is being targeted for me, or for my family because of the color of our skin, then it's just kind of pathetic on the person's part," she said.


OC Family Targeted in
Hate Crime
Someone sprayed racist graffiti on
family minivan.

Last Edited: Wednesday, 08 Apr 2009, 11:20 PM PDT
Created On: Wednesday, 08 Apr 2009, 8:23 PM PDT

The woman is white, and her three children, the oldest is 18, are African American, McAlpine said.


Los Alamitos (myFOXla.com) - A Los Alamitos woman Wednesday found racial epithets and symbols spray-painted on her minivan, as well as the initials of a white supremacist group on the driver-side door, police said


Brown University Kills 'Columbus Day' for 'Fall Weekend'
Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Apr 9, 2009 8:23 am US/Eastern
Brown Changes Columbus Day To 'Fall Weekend'


Editorial: 'Columbus sails in 1492,' but in 2009, do we bid him adieu?
Issue date: 4/9/09 Section: Editorial/Opinion

This issue not only deals with a long-celebrated national holiday, but also a large discrepancy in ideology among elementary, secondary and higher education in the United States.

"The facts" of Columbus' arrival in the Americas, or at least historians' various interpretations of the facts, are never fully dispensed to elementary school children learning history. This isn't necessarily done to trump different views of Columbus' excursions, but more to simplify the history so young children can understand.

So instead, the young students are taught the basics, including the famous "In 1492" rhymes - "In 1492 / Columbus sailed the ocean blue / He had three ships and left from Spain / He sailed through sunshine, wind and rain."

The rhyme just happens to be missing some of those interpretations after "The Arakawa natives were very nice / They gave the sailors food and spice."

But as students progress through their education, they explore the event more in-depth. In higher education classes, including at URI, students learn of the bounds of evidence supporting the image of a distasteful Columbus. One University of California, Los Angeles history professor edited detailed accounts of Columbus' ventures in 13 volumes of journals and historical documents.

"The fact that Columbus brought slavery, enormous exploitation or devastating diseases to the Americas used to be seen as a minor detail - if it was recognized at all - in light of his role as the great bringer of white man's civilization to the benighted idolatrous American continent. But to historians today this information is very important. It changes our whole view of the enterprise," the professor said

Brown University: Columbus Day Renamed, Happy Fall Weekend at Brown U.
By Ignatius Reilly
In fact, the history of the world is filled with people who did horrible things to each other, so perhaps we can’t celebrate any culture, nation or the founding of anything. After all, life sucks.


Austrian authorities ignore racism within-Amnesty
Thu Apr 9, 2009 9:13am EDT

VIENNA, April 9 (Reuters) - Austria's police and criminal justice system turn a blind eye to the institutional racism which plagues them and its politicians are no better, human rights body Amnesty International said on Thursday.

Austrian authorities are guilty of racial profiling, in particular assuming people from ethnic minorities are the perpetrators rather than the victims of crime, Amnesty said.

Barbers Allege Racism, Illegal Searches in ACLU Lawsuit
Thursday, 09 April 2009


No retrial in racist attack case

A police officer will not face a retrial and has been cleared over an alleged racial attack on a passenger on a Tube train in London in May 2008.


ハーケンクロイツの落書き 他2

2009年04月10日 08時12分03秒 | Weblog
McGuinty Defends New Education Ministry Website

Kate Yule
Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Critics of Ontario’s new Education Ministry website are throwing the book at Premier Dalton McGuinty.

The School Information Finder site includes data on the province’s public schools, and is designed to help parents shop around for the best schools. The website includes demographic information such as community income and immigration levels.

The opposition says information on the number of immigrants in a school and how many children at the school are from poor families is unfair.

McGuinty is defending the site, saying the province has a duty to provide information that parents have indicated they want to know.


Loyalists get funds to oppose the racists
By Deborah McAleese
Thursday, 9 April 2009

"The Polish Association has said that following violent clashes between Northern Ireland and Polish football fans before a World Cup qualifier earlier this month, 46 people fled the Village area of south Belfast and Albertbridge Road area in the east of the city because of physical abuse and attacks on property."

Former loyalist paramilitaries have made an unprecedented public pledge to stand against Northern Ireland’s growing racism problem, the Belfast Telegraph can reveal.

The news comes amid claims that more than 40 foreign nationals have been intimidated out of loyalist parts of Belfast over the past two weeks.
The Polish Association has said that following violent clashes between Northern Ireland and Polish football fans before a World Cup qualifier earlier this month, 46 people fled the Village area of south Belfast and Albertbridge Road area in the east of the city because of physical abuse and attacks on property.

Loyalist paramilitaries have in the past been associated with racist attacks,


ハーケンクロイツの落書き 他

2009年04月10日 08時10分48秒 | Weblog

April 7, 2009
Immigration and Jobs: Where the Workers Come From(NYT)

1.Mexico 5,286,400 +/- 1%
2.Philippines 848,800 +/- 2%
3.India 746,200 +/- 2%
4.China 653,000 +/- 2%
5.El Salvador 580,100 +/- 2%
6.Vietnam 526,000 +/- 2%
7.Germany 476,100 +/- 2%
8.South Korea 408,400 +/- 2%
9.Cuba 399,300 +/- 2%
10.Canada 364,900


07 April 2009
New Zealand work permit programme centre of immigration debate

Migrant advocates have raised concerns that racist sentiments are being fostered and ask why migrant workers shouldn't have their rights protected. New Zealanders ask why they should be sacked when temporary visa holders keep their jobs," wrote organiser Mike Treen, in an email invitation to the public meeting.
Union leader Dennis Maga said the revoking of New Zealand work permits is unfair for temporary migrants who should be considered to have the same rights in the workplace as all other New Zealand employees.


April 8, 2009, 6:45 AM
Do We Need Foreign Technology Workers?


Drop house found in Douglas
By Derek Jordan

Published/Last Modified on Wednesday, Apr 08, 2009 - 02:15:59 am MS
Around 10 a.m., “DPS officers noticed two vehicles behaving in an odd manner,” said Officer Joy Craig of the Department of Public Safety. The DPS officers informed GIITEM members, who saw a green Pontiac Grand Am and Ford pickup truck leave the house on Thompkins Avenue. When they attempted to stop the vehicles, they fled.

Not wanting to risk a pursuit through a neighborhood, officers backed off and notified the Douglas Police Department, who came into contact with the vehicles shortly after. The driver of the Ford pickup abandoned his vehicle at International Avenue and A Avenue and managed to avoid officers by jumping the border fence into Mexico, said Marcus Gonzalez, public information officer for the Douglas Police Department.


The driver of the Pontiac, Juan Pedro Lopez-Varela, 26, of Nacozari, Mexico, was apprehended by U.S. Border Patrol agents when he attempted to jump the border fence


Immigration centre gunman sent letter to TV station revealing motive
Jiverly Wong claimed police and his 'poor life' drove him to open fire at centre in Binghamton, New York, killing 13 people

Immigration Raid at Customs Officer’s Home Leads to Suit

Published: April 8, 2009

James and Sheila Slaughter said that when they answered the door of their home in San Luis, Ariz., on a July afternoon last year, they were surprised to find five armed Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers strapped into bulky bulletproof vests accusing them of harboring an illegal immigrant.

“Is this ‘Candid Camera’?” Mrs. Slaughter recalled asking.

That irritated the lead officer, her husband said Tuesday. “He said: ‘No, it isn’t “Candid Camera.” You need to step back into the middle of the room.’ ”

The couple said they complied, and the officers prepared to search their home. Mr. Slaughter, a six-foot, 285-pound former Marine, said he then told them, “Look fellas, do you guys realize that I’m a U.S. Customs K-9 officer at the San Luis land port?”

“The lead officer’s eyes got about as big and round as silver dollars, and the three guys who were standing just inside the door went straight outside,” said Mr. Slaughter, 51, who with a Labrador retriever, Whitey, searches cars at the Mexican border for narcotics. “They left without saying a word. They knew they messed up.”


April 07, 2009
Florida Student Arrested by Immigration Three Days After Acquittal on Bomb Charges

Immigration officials have arrested a twenty-three-year-old Florida student just three days after a jury acquitted him on federal explosives charges. Youssef Megahed was arrested in the parking lot of a Wal-Mart store Monday, where he had gone shopping with his father. He had just begun a fast to celebrate his acquittal. Megahed’s attorneys say he now faces deportation proceedings, apparently on the same charges for which he was found not guilty


U.S. citizens caught up in immigration sweeps
By Andrew Becker and Patrick J. McDonnell
April 9, 2009(LATimes)

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Immigration raids of factories and other work sites often result in at least a short-term detention of lawful residents and even citizens, as agents seal targeted businesses and grill workers about their status.

He declined to comment on Castillo's case or others, citing privacy concerns or pending lawsuits

Mike Graves, a two-decade veteran of the Swift & Co. meatpacking plant in Marshalltown, Iowa, said he was handcuffed and held for eight hours in December 2006 when ICE agents raided Swift plants throughout the heartland.

"My government treated me like a criminal, and I didn't do anything wrong," said Graves, a native of Iowa.

Americans seldom carry proof of their legal status, which can be a factor in the confusion about detainees' citizenship. There is no comprehensive database or list of all citizens for agents to check.

Official investigations may miss crucial documents such as birth certificates and naturalization papers. In some cases, names have been jumbled or misfiled and records lost. Confused detainees have signed their own removal orders. Some in custody may even be unaware of their citizenship or unable to prove it without a lawyer's help.

Unlike suspects in criminal matters, however, immigration detainees have no right to government-appointed counsel -- and, in some cases, have no access to paid lawyers. Fast-track deportation procedures enacted by Congress in recent years also limit court review once the expulsion process is underway.

On occasion, the uncertainty can lead to mistaken deportation, as was the case with Pedro Guzman,

Out of more than 1 million detentions, ICE officials say, Guzman was the only citizen known to have been shipped out of the country. But others dispute that claim.

Rachel E. Rosenbloom, supervising attorney at Boston College's Post-Deportation Human Rights Project, cited at least eight cases of wrongly deported citizens and said she expected the number was substantially higher.
