Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2008年12月01日 19時39分51秒 | Weblog
 'BBC to blame for our Kate's death' say family of murdered TV producer The family of the television producer murdered by Islamist terrorists has blamed her death on what it claims is a culture of bullying and paranoia at the BBC.(telegraph 30 Nov 2008

He said: 'It is clear Kate didn't want to go to Mogadishu. She only took the assignment because she felt that if she didn't, the chances of getting that contract renewed would be damaged.'
Kate's sister Rebecca, 36, said: "'I am appalled by the BBC. It encourages low-level fear and paranoia among its employees. Kate had been bullied and felt she may not have her contract renewed if she refused the assignment.'
Kate's family say their grief is compounded by the BBC's unsuccessful attempt to limit the coverage of her inquest in order to minimise its involvement in her death.
Rebecca said: "They were denying us the right to discover why she died. They let her down badly.'
In 2001 Kate was posted to Johannesburg, South Africa. But her brother Charles, 40, a freelance book editor, said that during her time there 'she felt belittled and isolated. She would call us crying. She was normally so strong that it was harrowing to hear her vulnerable.'
Because Kate was employed on contracts, she didn't dare complain, he added.


guardian.co.uk, Sunday November 30 2008
Paul Kelbie
The number of racist incidents reported to Highlands police is on the increase, according to a report by the Northern Constabulary, which shows the majority of cases were directed against English and Polish immigrants. Figures reveal that, since the Highland Council launched a Race Equality Scheme in 2000, the reporting of racist abuse had doubled, with 142 incidents in the past 12 months. The rise has been partly blamed on the credit crunch and increasing competition for jobs.

Yesterday, hundreds of people took part in a St Andrew's Day rally against racism in Glasgow. 'In these challenging economic times we have to guard against prejudice or marginalisation,' said Grahame Smith, general secretary of the STUC.

Northern Constabulary

Race Equality Scheme 2008 to 2011 final.doc 24/11/2008

30 Nov 2008
Sir Gulam Noon, known as the "curry king" because of his ready-meals firm, said a ban was required to prevent extremists such as the British National Party exploiting tensions.
"I strongly feel that whoever are the immigrants here, we better give them jobs and give them dignity to live here before we import some more," he told BBC1's Andrew Marr Show.
"I do not want a situation whereby a party like the BNP say that 'listen, all your jobs are being taken away by immigrants'. We have to be extremely careful.
"Some sort of a ban should be there."
The suggestion that the ban could last up to a decade comes from a forthcoming autobiography.
Mr Noon is said to write in the book: "We should wait for five or ten years, until all the newcomers have been properly integrated and assimilated into the country. Until then we should just shut the door.
"We can only accommodate so many. If the room will only hold 10 people, hold a meeting for ten people and not 20. It is simple logic.
"There is always a danger that for the sake of political correctness, or a party's political advantage, we find ourselves filling up the country with too many immigrants who will disturb the balance and upset the people, particularly the young people, of the host community."




 で、狡猾かどうかは別にして、、そのイングランド人、西洋の主要工業国ではもっとも、promiscuous らしい。
November 30, 2008
In an international index measuring one-night stands, total numbers of partners and attitudes to casual sex, Britain comes out ahead of Australia, the US, France, the Netherlands, Italy and Germany.

The country with the highest rating was Finland, with an average of 51. Taiwan came lowest, with 19.

Britain scored 40, placing it 11th overall, behind countries such as Latvia, Croatia and Slovenia - but it was highest among the major western industrial nations. The first tranche of research was published in 2005 but analyses have continued and Schmitt described the latest in this week's edition of New Scientist.

1 United Kingdom
2 Germany
3 Netherlands
4 Czech Republic
5 Australia
7 France
8 Turkey
9 Mexico
10 Canada
11 Italy
12 Poland
13 Spain
14 Greece
15 Portugal
*OECD countries with populations over 10m Source: David Schmitt, Bradley University

・・・・promiscuous ? なにそれ?



1 〈人が〉相手の見さかいなく性交する, 淫乱(いんらん)な;〈性交が〉相手を選ばない.

2 ((古))ごたまぜの, 無差別な. ⇒MISCELLANEOUS

3 ((略式))でたらめの, 行き当たりばったりの.


Schmitt’s findings are reinforced by earlier research showing that the British are more likely than other nationalities to have “stolen” other people’s lovers. A third of British men are in relationships with women they have poached from other long-term relationships, he found.
3 …を(不正手段で)盗む;〈人の権利・領分などを〉侵害する.

4 〈パートナーの球を〉打つ, 横取りする;〈有利・リードを〉(スポーツ競技で)不正に得る.


【国際】性的“ふしだら度”国別ランキング、1位はフィンランド 先進国では英国11位がトップ、日本43位、台湾最下位
1 :どろろ丸φ ★:2008/12/01(月) 05:36:15 ID:???0


■性的“ふしだら度”国別ランキング(48ヶ国対象。11位以下は抜粋 ロシアと中国は対象外れ)
(1)フィンランド 50.50 (2)ニュージーランド 47.69 (3)スロベニア 46.36 (4)リトアニア 46.10
(5)オーストリア 45.73 (6)ラトビア 43.93 (7)クロアチア 42.98 (8)イスラエル 40.95
(9)ボリビア 40.90 (10)アルゼンチン 40.74 (11)英国 40.17 (12)ドイツ 39.68 
(14)オランダ 39.34 (19)ブラジル 37.93 (21)オーストラリア 37.29 (22)米国 37.05 
(23)フランス 36.67 (28)カナダ 34.52 (29)イタリア 34.37 (31)スペイン 33.72 
(43)日本 24.10 (44)香港 22.98 (46)韓国 22.31 (48)台湾 19.22  ※全データは下記参照

※全データ:http://newsplus.jp/~mcqueen/uploader/src/up0349.jpg 魚拓