English Collection


at loggerheads

2011年06月22日 | 英語学習
寝る前にたまに読むだけなので、遅々として進まない "A History of Western Society" ですが、ようやく冷戦の時代に入りました。 今日覚えたいフレーズはその節の冒頭にありました。
In 1945 triumphant American and Russian soldiers came together and embraced on the banks of the Elbe River in the heart of vanquished Germany. At home, in the United States and in the Soviet Union, their loved ones erupted in joyous celebration. Yet victory was flawed. The Allies could not cooperate politically when it came to peacemaking. Motivated by different goals and hounded by misunderstandings, the United States and Soviet Russia soon found themselves at loggerheads. By the end of 1947, Europe was rigidly divided. It was West versus East in the cold war.
"at loggerheads" の意味は文脈から、「仲違いして」、「対立して」の様な意味と推測できます。 "loggerhead" もギリシャ神話にでもでていそうな単語です。 辞書で確認します。
・American Heritage Dictionary: Engaged in a dispute: The question of car privileges put Sam and his parents at loggerheads.
・Wiktionary: (figuratively) unable to agree; opposing: We were really at loggerheads about what to do with the money we found on the side of the road; she said we should turn it in, I said we should set it free.
・Cambridge Idiom Dictionary: if two people or groups are at loggerheads, they disagree strongly about something (often + with ) They're constantly at loggerheads with the farmers' union. (sometimes + over ) The Senate and the House are still at loggerheads over the most crucial parts of the bill.
"loggerhead" 自体はギリシャ神話にはでてこないようで、亀の一種の意味があります。
・Merriam-Webster for kids: any of several very large turtles; especially : a flesh-eating sea turtle of the warmer parts of the western Atlantic
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