English Collection


leaf through

2010年02月28日 | 英語学習
I was leafing through one of my hunting catalogues when I found something that made me laugh. "Look," I said to my wife, "what I've always wanted: A camouflage toilet seat."
"Get it," she said. "Then you'll have an excuse for when you miss."
"leafing through" の意味は文脈から、カタログをパラパラめくって見ている様子を想像できますが辞書で確認します。
・OneLook Quick Definitions: turn over pages ("Leaf through a book"); look through a book or other written material ("She leafed through the volume")
・Dictionary.com: to turn pages, esp. quickly (usually fol. by through): to leaf through a book.
ところで最後のオチがいま一つピンとこないのですが。 トイレで用を足していたので猟の獲物を見逃した言い訳に使えると言う事?
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tuberous crop

2010年02月27日 | 英語学習

いつもは無視している表紙の裏に掲載されている「味の素」の宣伝記事が気になり読んだところ宣伝臭は余りなく結構面白い内容でした。1月号はThe Potate Evolutionと題された記事でその中に覚えておきたい単語がありました。
For many people, the potate is no more than a starchy, tuberous crop.
ジャガイモの食べるところは確か地下茎なので "tuberous crop" とはその様な植物を示しているに違いありません。 この文の一寸先に "tuberous" の名詞形も次ぎの様に出てきます。
Yet, its history is a rich one to savour Archaeologists have determined that it dates back to 500B.C., in South America after discovering remains of the tuber beneath the soil of the Andes Mountains.
ここで "tuber" を辞書で引きます。
・OneLook Quick Definitions: a) type genus of the Tuberaceae: fungi whose fruiting bodies are typically truffles b) a fleshy underground stem or root serving for reproductive and food storage
・Dictionary.com: 1.Botany. a fleshy, usually oblong or rounded thickening or outgrowth, as the potato, of a subterranean stem or shoot, bearing minutescalelike leaves with buds or eyes in their axils from which new plants may arise. 2.Anatomy. a rounded swelling or protuberance; a tuberosity; a tubercle.
要するに塊状のものは "tuber" と言えるようですね。
「味の素」の宣伝記事はいわゆる "informercial/infomercial" でこれからは毎月読むことにしようと思いました。

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ring the welkin

2010年02月26日 | 英語学習
O. Henryの短編 The Moment of Victoryに出てきた表現です。
Willie and I belonged to the same german club and athletic association and military company. He played the triangle in our serenading and quartet crowd that used to ring the welkin three nights a week somewhere in town.
"welkin" は空の意味があると記憶していますが "ring the welkin" は慣用句の様なきがしますがどうでしょう? まず "welkin" で辞書を見ます。
・Webster's New World College Dictionary: the vault of heaven, the sky, or the upper air: now chiefly in make the welkin ring, to make a very loud sound、例文: Love came down at Christmas Christ was born on Christmas Day Hark, how all the welkin rings!
The sky; heaven; the firmament.
・World Wide Words: We don’t use this much nowadays -- dictionaries usually tag it as archaic or literary -- except in the set phrase make the welkin ring, meaning to make a very loud sound. What supposedly rings in this situation is the vault of heaven, the bowl of the sky. In older cosmology this was thought to be one of a set of real crystal spheres that enclosed the Earth, to which the planets and stars were attached, so it would have been capable of ringing like a bell if you made enough noise.(以下略)
O. Henryは "make" は使わず "ring" を動詞として使っていますが "make the welkin ring" と同じ意味で使っていると思います。
次ぎの辞書には "make the welkin ring" の項がありました。
・The Wordsmyth English Dictionary: make the welkin ring: to make a very loud noise, esp. vocally
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"tittle-tattle" and "snippet"

2010年02月25日 | 英語学習
Reader's Digest リーダーズダイジェスト12月号の "Telling Tales" と題されたゴシップについての記事に覚えたい単語が二つありました。一つは記事のキャプションにありました。
Alexander McCall Smith on the two sides of tittle-tattle
最初の単語はこの "tittle-tattle" で、意味を辞書で見ます。
・OneLook Quick Definitions: light informal conversation for social occasions
・Dictionary.com: excessive and trifling talk; prattling; gossiping
もう一つの単語は次ぎの "snippet" です。
So gossip, in the sense of exchanging snippets of news about ourselves and others, can be perfectly innocuous.
・OneLook Quick Definitions: a small piece of anything (especially a piece that has been snipped off)
・Dictionary.com: a small piece snipped off; a small bit, scrap, or fragment: an anthology of snippets.
"tittle-tattle" には二つの面があると記事のキャプションにありましたが、ゴシップ、人の悪口はなるべく控えた方が良いのは当然です。
Bad gossip reveals itself in its desire to make the objects of the story look foolish. It also intrudes on their privacy.
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bury the dead

2010年02月24日 | 英語学習
O. Henryの短編 "The Rose of Dixie" にあった奇妙な台詞です。
Even Georgia stock companies sometimes rearilze that it takes live ones to bury the dead.
"it takes live ones to bury the dead" は文字通りの意味は当たり前と言えば当たりまえですが、"bury the dead" とは何事かとも思います。 何かの慣用句ではないかと推測し調べると。
・American Heritage Dictionaryに "dead bury their dead, Let the" として次ぎの説明がありました。
A reply of Jesus when a new disciple of his asked for time to bury his father. Jesus said, “Follow me, and let the dead bury their dead.”
Note: The expression often connotes an impatience to move ahead, without pausing over details or ceremonies.
・King James Bible:
Jesus said unto him, Let the dead bury their dead: but go thou and preach the kingdom of God.
・New Living Translation (c2007):
But Jesus told him, "Let the spiritually dead bury their own dead! Your duty is to go and preach about the Kingdom of God."
すると "The Rose of Dixie" の台詞は聖書の文言を念頭にし、あえて反対の事を言っているのですね。
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2010年02月23日 | 英語学習

Reader's Digest リーダーズダイジェスト12月号のWord Powerクイズは "pro" と "con" の付く単語の特集だったので比較的知っている単語が多くありました。 しかし、"Pro and Con don't just mean "for" and "against".と但し書きがあるように難しい単語も幾つかありました。 その中で覚えたい単語が一つありました。 それは "propinquity" でWord Powerの解説にあったその意味と例文は:
"propinquity": nearness in place or time
"When deciding the dinner seating plan," Grandmother had warned me, "be vigilant for any unfortunate propinquities.
V2 Vocabulary Building Dictionary:
Definition: closeness in proximity, nature, relationship, time or place
Tips: Propinquity refers to any kind of closeness, whether in time or distance, relationships between people, or similarities between people or things. Use proximity to describe physical closeness, especially with land, buildings etc. Use propinquity to describe other forms of closeness.
Usage Examples:
・The geographical propinquity of the two countries made trade between them natural. (proximity, closeness)
・The couple broke up because of a lack of propinquity. (connection, emotional closeness)
・The neighbors quickly became friends, not only because of the proximity of their homes, but also the propinquity of their personalities. (closeness, similarity)
・The twins were known for their propinquity in looks and personality. (closeness, nearness)

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no one rested

2010年02月22日 | 英語学習
昨日は朝から卓球の試合があり、夜家に帰ってから溜まっていた録画を見たのでブログの投稿を忘れました。 そんな訳で日曜日用にとっておいたジョークを紹介しますが今回もアダムとイブのジョークです。
God made man and then rested.
God made woman and then no one rested.
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Cherchez la Femme

2010年02月20日 | 英語学習
O. Henryの短編 "Cherchez la Femme" には題名となっている "Cherchez la Femme" が何度も出てきます。次ぎの台詞は最初に出てきた文です。 
Ah! yes, I know most time when those men lose money you say 'Cherchez la femme' --there is somewhere the woman.
"femme" は "woman/female" を意味しているフランス語のようですが、"Cherchez" はさっぱり分かりません。'Cherchez la femme' は英語ではないのは明らかですが英米人にも常識の表現のようなので意味を調べて見ます。  
Cherchez la femmeis a French phrase which literally means "look for the woman."
In the sense that, when a man behaves out of character or in an otherwise apparently inexplicable manner, the reason may be found in his trying to cover up an illicit affair with a woman, or to impress or gain favour with a woman.
The expression comes from the 1854 novel The Mohicans of Paris by Alexandre Dumas (pere).
発音記号も載っていたのですがコピーしたら文字化けするので転載していません。 良く調べたらMerriam-Websterにも'Cherchez la femme' の項がありました。
意味は ' look for the woman' としか書いてありませんが、実際の発音がここ(http://www.merriam-webster.com/cgi-bin/audio.pl?fwcher01=cherchez%20la%20femme)で聞けます。
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"travesty" and "obfuscate"

2010年02月19日 | 英語学習
The Japan TimesのDysfunctional hairs of a vaunted democracyと題された記事には知らない(一つは初めて見るのではないが意味を忘れた単語)二つの単語があったので今回は是非覚えたいと思います。
最初の単語は次ぎの "travesty" です。
If this rule strikes you as a travesty of democracy, the Senate as a whole is just that. It is constituted to trample on the will of the people.
"travesty" を辞書で引くと、
・OneLook Quick Definitions: a comedy characterized by broad satire and improbable situations; a composition that imitates somebody's style in a humorous way
・Dictionary.com: a literary or artistic composition so inferior in quality as to be merely a grotesque imitation of its model.; any grotesque or debased likeness or imitation: a travesty of justice.
次ぎに出てくる "obfuscating" はこれまでに何度か出会った単語ですが意味がさっと出てこないので又辞書を引きました。
Sen. Max Baucus, of Montana, who played a central role in diluting and obfuscating the health care legislation, for example, represents less than a half a million people.
・OneLook Quick Definitions: obscure or unclear
・Dictionary.com: to make obscure or unclear: to obfuscate a problem with extraneous information.
なーんだ、"obscure" を思い出せばいいのですね。
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2010年02月17日 | 英語学習
これもPsychology Made SimpleのAbnormal Behaviorsの章にHistrionic Personality Disorderの説明が次ぎの様に書かれていました。
The person with this disorder tends to overexaggerate situations and emotions.
"histrionic" は辞書でどう説明されているでしょうか?
・OneLook Quick Definitions: characteristic of acting or a stage performance; often affected ("Histrionic gestures")
・Cambridge Advanced Learner's English Dictionary: very emotional and energetic, but without sincerity or real meaning; a histrionic outburst; She put on a histrionic display of grief at her ex-husband's funeral.
Dictionary.comには"Histrionic Personality Disorder" の説明もありました。
Pathology. a psychological disorder usually beginning in early adulthood, characterized by excessive emotional expression and attention-seeking behavior. Abbreviation: HPD
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